Bret Cahill
There's nothing like Moore's law in energy, or rather, we have theChump change these days. But that's not the issue; it is the profit
model that relies on proprietary design. Anyone can make wheelmotors
that will fit on any platform. Anyone can write control software.
Really? Then show us the ones you sell, and the source code for the
control software you wrote.
Not up on the concept of metaphor? By 'anyone', I mean that people
who make electric motors can make electric motors to meet generic
specifications/standards, just like 'anyone' can make graphic cards
for computers even if they don't make motherboards or assembled
Think about the price of computers and their capabilities over the
last couple of decades, and apply the same model to autos. The problem
of battery cost goes away pretty quickly eh.
inverse of Moore's Law.
Economics is the happy science.
Thermo is the dismal science.
Bret Cahill