Fritz is a Nazi

"Phil Allison"

I can never remember being taught about Stalin's murder rampage which
far exceeds anything Hitler did.

** Really?

A quick check of the relevant Wikis gives the following numbers.


Executed: about 680 thousand Soviet citizens considered to be opponents.

Died of disease, starvation in camps: about 300 to 400 thousand more.

The Nazis:

Executed, starved etc: about 6 million (out of 9 million) Jews living in

Add in Russian POWs, the disabled, gays, JWs and political opponents and
figure rises to possibly 17 million.

.... Phil

What I was trying to say was that we were never taught any of this in
school History.

** Course not -when you and I were at school, history lessons stopped prior
to WW1.

In any case Stalin's purges were not generally known about in the West until
the late 1950s or even 60s.

I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself.

** Oh, come on.

The Germans killed some 20 million Russians in WW2 - so that is Herr
Hitler again.

There was also the mass starvations of Ukrainians,

** A serious food shortage lasting a couple of years hardly qualifies as a "
murder rampage ".

...... Phil
"kreed" <> wrote
What I was trying to say was that we were never taught any of this in
school History. It was just a blanket "soviet = evil", "US/UK - Good"

I will correct that.
I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself. It is very possible that there are many more.
This does not include Lenin's death toll. The number of Jews murdered
by Hitler (from High School History, and in your quote) was 6 million.

There was also the mass starvations of Ukrainians, but don't know the
figures or if they are included in the above.
remarkable observation...very true...Staljin's victmis are in total; aprox
27 millions....possiblly even more then that but this is some good ratio you
mention; 20 by war and 7 by his regime coz of polictical "unsuitableness",
and this is mainly coz his ideology was based on moto; "No man=no problem" school it is really hard to hear about such details while Gemans
are stretched all over the book when is about poor Jews....and yes, some
exact numbers were around 6.4 millions of Jews victims in WW2, but to not
offend any Jew by minorizing the number i always say 7 millions...

its pity that kids dont learn or at least to be introduced a bit detailed
about Jews how ironic is that they give the same treatment to Palestinias
like they were receiving in WW2 by Germans...if anyone would do such thing
in school i am strongly convicted how it would end up in huge scandal,
possiblly even as international one...

censorship is widely speaded...."internet" did initiate the age of braking
through of infromations so world wide eactions are much faster then that
were 50 or more years is harder to manipulate with informations
today but "they" are stil doing a great job regarding that...especially
USA....personally i believe how USA is one of last positioned countries on
the scale of "freedom of speach"...finally, what to think about those who
did raise a monumental statue of Billy The Kid and celebrating his existance
while it is world wide known fact covered by evidences how he was nothing
but the murderer....well, by this logic it would be like if Germans make a
monumental statue of Hitler and celebrating his historical
existance...pathetic....but i am pretty sure how entire wolrd would judge
the Germans if they do anything like that....while Americans are doing
things exactly like that and noone got even a clue what they
do....amazing...its a collective amnesia of history...brainwashing...or
something else as well...

there is one more nice example of American's PATRIOT glory; Bad Axe
battle....where some peeps are celebrating VICTORY....(massacre over
dozens/hundreds of Indian womans, children and oldies)...well, if that is
something what is making them being proud of or glorify themselves and
calling themseves patriots....then Thank You Lord for making me being born
in country faaaaaaaar away from USA...

anyway, i thnk we should drop this subject since first of all this should be
a ELECTRONICS domain group so we are offtopic in complete...finally, this is
very tricky subject to discuss coz people easily flame up and get in verbal

personally i dont mind any subject as long as it is in frames of good
manners....even if we dont agree with each others statements...and sometiems
, well, actually in most cases, if you say somethign what sounds bad about
some nation or country people presume right away how you must be a hater of
them..which is absolutely wrong....speaking objectively does not mean anyone
is hated....and i am really trying to be objective anytime i participate in
some tricky discussions like ths one is....afterall i welcome objectivism in
both ways so if anyone is making a observation regarding anything that
matters my country, even if it is a bad observation, i accept it and
welcome it as long as it is explained/commented....but if we take the way of
"you retard..." like in previous posts what yuo could see, then i dnot care
for objectivism anymore :)))

cheers....Amers, Jews, Germans, Japs, Aussies...etc..etc... :)
On Mar 12, 1:50 pm, "Phil Allison" <> wrote:

I can never remember being taught about Stalin's murder rampage which
far exceeds anything Hitler did.

** Really?

A quick check of the relevant Wikis gives the following numbers.


Executed: about 680 thousand Soviet citizens considered to be opponents.

Died of disease, starvation in camps: about 300 to 400 thousand more.

The Nazis:

Executed, starved etc: about 6 million (out of 9 million) Jews living in

Add in Russian POWs, the disabled, gays, JWs and political opponents and the
figure rises to possibly 17 million.

.... Phil

What I was trying to say was that we were never taught any of this in
school History. It was just a blanket "soviet = evil", "US/UK - Good"

I will correct that.
I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself. It is very possible that there are many more.
This does not include Lenin's death toll. The number of Jews murdered
by Hitler (from High School History, and in your quote) was 6 million.

There was also the mass starvations of Ukrainians, but don't know the
figures or if they are included in the above.
hey , just prove to me that the jews killed millions of people.

you cant answer that can you ?

"Gagi-9a6aag" <> wrote in message
"no one" <> wrote in message



make up your mind...first you did try to deny Jews as violent, then you
tried to deny camps of you are trying to deny millions of
Palestinian victims...and finally trying to get a proof of Jews that did
get killed...

geez...mate, what do you want?!?
try to be more specific...

and first of all, why caps lock?!?!...are you upset or what?!?! finally,
that is the matter of "internet manners" and communication skills..upper
or lower case, i still understand you very well...

and tell me just 1 thing, are you Jewish? coz if you are then this
discussion has no sense since anything i say of provide as proof you will
deny and find some excuse and make me cheer with "retard", if
you are, then i can immediately tell you how you won this debate :))

finally, since you just made such comments like you did regarding makes a perfect sense how you never felt on your own
skin the rage and cruelty of war and when occupator is trying to chase you
out of your own home...

mate, some way i wish you to experience that despite such things shouldnt
be wished to anyone...but again, it should coz people would became more
respectfull towards life and each other lives....
i can shit loads and loads about that subject coz i grew up in war...when
you live for 5 years just 1 mile from enemy line then you realize many
things you couldnt even imagine or dream about...and about experience you
gain i wont even try to explain myself to you coz you wouldnt understand
what do i babble about...

now, since you are obviously lazy to read a lot, here is a docummentar
report about humanists and most civilized nation of the world; Israelis;

see other vids coz there is tons and tons on that subject.....if you watch
at least 10 of them you wont ask me anymore for any proof...

hope you will enjoy in this most beautiful vids..."love, peace and unity"
by Israelis towards Palestinians...

"cheers" (TM by Don)

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Phil Allison"
"David L. Jones"

Fritz, why the bet at all?
Why not just freely provide the info?

Phil needs to be taught a lesson on how to behave.

** How to behave ?????

From a Jew hating Nazi like you ???

Not bloody likely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kraut pig calling itself " fritz " posts his sickening bullshit direct from Hamburg in Germany.

A simple Google Groups search proves that fact beyond the slightest doubt - all in his own words.

The Kraut pig just lies and lies and fucking lies.

Why the hell is Don McKenzie licking the vile scumbag's arse ??

Over to you Don.

My Claim # 1 Quote:
'I have had full projects published in ETI and AEM, plus several Circuit Notebook items in SC. I have also had circuits
published in Elektor and Electronic Design News'

To which Phil responded - a direct Phil Quote ** I reckon you are a stinking, fucking liar.' Unquote

Now, are you going to put your money where your mouth is or chicken out again ?

** Hmmmmmmm....

Not one, single word in contradiction my info about " fritz ".
As I thought - gutless Phil's words are worth nothing - he won't put
his money where his filthy mouth is.
What kind of coward invokes 'Nazi'`to avoid his lies ?
Answer - Phil Allison
On 12/03/2011 2:35 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
"Phil Allison"

I can never remember being taught about Stalin's murder rampage which
far exceeds anything Hitler did.

** Really?

A quick check of the relevant Wikis gives the following numbers.


Executed: about 680 thousand Soviet citizens considered to be opponents.

Died of disease, starvation in camps: about 300 to 400 thousand more.

The Nazis:

Executed, starved etc: about 6 million (out of 9 million) Jews living in

Add in Russian POWs, the disabled, gays, JWs and political opponents and
figure rises to possibly 17 million.

.... Phil

What I was trying to say was that we were never taught any of this in
school History.

** Course not -when you and I were at school, history lessons stopped prior
to WW1.

In any case Stalin's purges were not generally known about in the West until
the late 1950s or even 60s.

I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself.

** Oh, come on.
It's true. But the figure is for the whole of Stalin's reign not just to
1945 and might include some of Lenin's lesser known atrocities. A lot of
the history was almost totally unknown until very recently.

I can give you one example of how some of it happened. You would know
the story/myth/history of the siege of Leningrad - how the people where
feed 4 ounces of bread per day not matter how bad things got. That's
true...sort off. Everyone with the correct documentation received the
bread but nearly 1/4 million civilians from the surrounding regions and
cities fled from the Nazis to Leningrad .None of them got anything and
they *all* starved to death. The NKVD (working as internal police)
records of it still exist - or did in 2000 - 2001. The records exits but
the deaths were never officially recognised. Before Putin went fully
nuts there were efforts to get a monument set up but now... a monument
would be seen as anti the communist party.
"David Eather"
Phil Allison wrote:

I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself.

** Oh, come on.

The Germans killed some 20 million Russians in WW2 - so that is Herr
Hitler again.

It's true.
** That was an evil snip you made and I have now corrected.

Context shifting at it worst.

...... Phil
"no one" <> wrote in message
hey , just prove to me that the jews killed millions of people.

you cant answer that can you ?
i am pretty sure you will victoriously horray now and smile in sense how you
beated me in this debate since i was not able to provide a official record
where says how Jews did kill "MILLIONS" of people...

but just like ANY other court of this world would say; "it doesnt matter was
it 1.....100...1000....100.000 or millions, thing that matters is
intention/motive how and why those people were murdered...for what reason...

finally, even if you luagh at me now by saying how i talk bullshits and how
Jews didnt kill neither a 1 million of people, you are still a looser coz
there is one most important fact you and many people did forgot and denying
which is:

it is a unbeatable fact how Germans in WW2 did NOT made invasion on Jews in
order to conquer their country....Germans only wanted to get rid of them
from their own country...from Germany....and in case of Palestina, its a
world wide known fact how Jews did occupy Palestinian territory during
centuries, and finally raising up the war against them in order to steal
their this meaning, even 1 Palestinian victim is worse
statistic then the of Jewish victim who died in WW2...despite the fact how
death is terrible no matter fr what reason it is...

only problem in German decissions was a camps of death and massmurded as
ethnical cleansing....if Hitler did only deport them by kicking them all
outside of German border and not letting them back in, i am pretty sure
there wouldnt be a WW2 at all....but Hitler went greedy and crazy....pity...
On 12/03/2011 10:37 PM, Phil Allison wrote:
"David Eather"
Phil Allison wrote:

I have been to Russia several times discussed this there and been told
by people there and shown references there of well in excess of 27
million under Stalin's reign, 20 million in war and 7 million from
Stalin himself.

** Oh, come on.

The Germans killed some 20 million Russians in WW2 - so that is Herr
Hitler again.

It's true.

** That was an evil snip you made and I have now corrected.

Context shifting at it worst.

...... Phil
It was not intended as a nasty snip. I have heard that 27 million
Russian deaths figure as attributed directly to Stalin. It is possible
that I've misunderstood the meaning - but it wasn't intentional.

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

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"Don McKenzie" <5V@2.5A> wrote in message

Cheers Don...
thanks for your great add, Don :)
On 13-Mar-11 9:09 AM, Gagi-9a6aag wrote:
"Don McKenzie"<5V@2.5A> wrote in message

Cheers Don...

thanks for your great add, Don :)
of course, finding normal is these groups is a big ask too.

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

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"no one" <> wrote in message
mmm they wanted to get rid of them from their own country ?? why then
did poland ( which is a seperate COUNTRY from GERMANY ) get invaded by
germany ?? mmm they wanted to get rid of the jews ( polish jews !!!)

Israel won the land in every war started by the arabs since they were
given thier land in 1947.

It is THIER land. They WON all the wars, get it?

given? won? 1947.? you are joking, you must be joking, please, tell me you
are joking now :))
FFS you are talking about old parts of Palestina like its a matter of
Lottery win prize...

Lesson number 1:

read the "Old Sacrament - BC" (book of PSALMS, official introduction book
to Holy Bible but about development of religion before Christ and with huge
detailed introduction of Jews)

we can continue to discuss this subject right after you read that first...

till then; EOD

PS; you didnt answer me but i am pretty sure you are Jew or somone from your
family is Jew, otherwise you wouldnt bite so hard on this subject :)))

PS2: pursuing Jews from Poland has nothing to do with original idea of
gettin rid of Jews from are mixing fruits and
vegetables....initiaiton of war with Poland has nothing to do with really lacks a basic history lessons....may i ask you
how old are you*?!

(*its just a figurative question, i dont care what is your age coz it is
irrelevant unless you are less then 10yo so we just need to wait till you
got that lessons in elementary school)

PS3: Germans wanted to get rid of Jews exactly for same reason like
Palestinians wants to get rid of them...but with only difference that in WW2
Jews did suck and in case of Israel and Palestina, Palestinians are
sucking....and answer WHY do they want to get rid of Jews lays in that book
i did name you to read...its not actually a book, its a official preach
sacrament (book of PSALMS), but between the lines it will give a clear
picture about ideology and plan of Jews..
"David Eather"

It was not intended as a nasty snip. I have heard that 27 million Russian
deaths figure as attributed directly to Stalin.

** Uncle Joe is not a popular figure in Russia ( ie the former Soviet Union)
these days - so anything bad you say about him is fine and no-one wants to
be seen defending him.

This Wiki on the Great Purge seems very thorough.

If you decide to blame Joe for the famine in the Ukraine - then things get a
bit worse for him:

But blaming him for Hitler attacking Russia is clearly way over the top.

...... Phil
mmm they wanted to get rid of them from their own country ?? why then did
poland ( which is a seperate COUNTRY from GERMANY ) get invaded by germany
?? mmm they wanted to get rid of the jews ( polish jews !!!) there , WHICH

Israel won the land in every war started by the arabs since they were given
thier land in 1947.

It is THIER land. They WON all the wars, get it?

"Gagi-9a6aag" <> wrote in message
"no one" <> wrote in message
hey , just prove to me that the jews killed millions of people.

you cant answer that can you ?

i am pretty sure you will victoriously horray now and smile in sense how
you beated me in this debate since i was not able to provide a official
record where says how Jews did kill "MILLIONS" of people...

but just like ANY other court of this world would say; "it doesnt matter
was it 1.....100...1000....100.000 or millions, thing that matters is
intention/motive how and why those people were murdered...for what

finally, even if you luagh at me now by saying how i talk bullshits and
how Jews didnt kill neither a 1 million of people, you are still a looser
coz there is one most important fact you and many people did forgot and
denying which is:

it is a unbeatable fact how Germans in WW2 did NOT made invasion on Jews
in order to conquer their country....Germans only wanted to get rid of
them from their own country...from Germany....and in case of Palestina,
its a world wide known fact how Jews did occupy Palestinian territory
during centuries, and finally raising up the war against them in order to
steal their this meaning, even 1 Palestinian victim is worse
statistic then the of Jewish victim who died in WW2...despite the fact how
death is terrible no matter fr what reason it is...

only problem in German decissions was a camps of death and massmurded as
ethnical cleansing....if Hitler did only deport them by kicking them all
outside of German border and not letting them back in, i am pretty sure
there wouldnt be a WW2 at all....but Hitler went greedy and
at least i dont tell lies about palestinians getting murdered , with no
proof... all you palestinians are`nt happy inlessya killin one another.

"Gagi-9a6aag" <> wrote in message
"Don McKenzie" <5V@2.5A> wrote in message

Cheers Don...

thanks for your great add, Don :)
"no one" <> wrote in message
at least i dont tell lies about palestinians getting murdered , with no
proof... all you palestinians are`nt happy inlessya killin one another.

i am European..precisely pure Croatian and christian/catholic...and thats
far away from any Israelis or Palestinian, so as from USA or any Muslim
country......but i have enough of brain to make a simple logical conclussion
considering what i read, see and hear from both sides....objectivism is
dangerous weapon...coz when you speak objective among the people you call
friends it is easy to lose them...but if they accept objectivness of yours
then you might make the bond even stronger...

respect for oppinion and tolerance.....thats what you should work on a

neither i said lies about Israelis or tell us just one

if Jews were constitutional nation of country during history (and there is
evidence how Jews are very old nation dating long BC) where was THEIR
open a map and please make a point to show us where was THEIR land....
meanwhile try to confute this facts;

you are mixing up some historical details and i am even bigger idiot for
wasting my time for teaching you what you should learn by yourself in
elementary school; thing with Jews (Israel) and Palestina is exactly like

for example, you saw that earthquake in imagine that Japs move
to Australia and Aussies tell them; OK, we know you are homeless, so here,
stay here in this corner...

and then Croats empire invades the Asutralia and conquer it....and Japs
shows some cooperation with Croats so Croats are hiring Japs and making a
deal like; you Japs stay here and keep the ruling here in order to help us
and we shell let you have a piece of this Australian land...DEAL!
so, Japs did overtake the Queens Land of Australia claiming; WE WERE GIVEN
Croats empire is leaving coz being defeated by Australians and French...and
now Aussies are trying to establish the teritiorial integrity over entire
country but now Japs are raising and saying; "HEY AUSSIES, F*** OFF, THIS IS

so, Aussies going like; WTF?!?!...given by who?!? somone who didnt even
own this land?!?!? so they use the force and Japs are resisting and soon,
day after day,year after year Japs are advancing in overtaking entire
Australia claiming; "bastard of Aussies....they are fighting us and we just
defend OUR land we were given"

ok, to make this example much more simple; you are at home and you have a
guest in your living room, i am your neighbor and i walk in your house, hit
your nose with fist and say to your guest; "hey, help me up to beat him and
i will give you this living room to be yours" it happens...and then
your guest became an owner of part of your house...and you, pissed off is
trying to kick him out...but in time he dont just stay low but even beating
shit in you and overtaking even your kitchen and would you

mate, please...i am really tired of this elementar basic teaching of your homework and then engage yoruself in such complex
discussion...coz shouting around "you retard...idiot...dumbass..." is really
low...if you are Jew, then you just made an example of who and what Jews

so, when you PROVE where was THEIR land during all those past centuries then
i will prove you massmurder and camps of death in Israel where they keep
Palestinians and torture them...

dont you see that as fair deal? :)

geeez...i am so could i let myself being dragged into such
shallow discussion with somone whos main argument is in style of; "my dad is
stonger then yours"

"Phil Allison" <> wrote
The Germans killed some 20 million Russians in WW2 - so that is Herr
Hitler again.
True, but not true :)
there is a whole buch of books by Sven Hasel who did describe some details
pretty great about WW2...anyway...even in movies it was able to notice how
Russian red army - comrads were murdered by their own army fellas by order;
great example is Staljingrad and battles at Volga where thousands of Russian
soldiers did died by hand of their own...and it was all around Russian
battle field like that...

well, to be objective, it was similiar situation on German side as
well....but not so massive as it was on Soviet side...
....Sven Hassel is actually Břrge Villy Redsted Pedersen, a Danish Nazi who
never served on the Russian front. According to Haaest, the author spent the
majority of World War II in occupied Denmark and his knowledge of warfare
comes second-hand from Danish Waffen SS veterans whom he met after the end
of the war. Haaest also alleges that Hassel's first novel was ghostwritten
and when it became a success, he employed his wife to write the rest of his

"Phil Allison" <> wrote
The Germans killed some 20 million Russians in WW2 - so that is Herr
Hitler again.

True, but not true :)
there is a whole buch of books by Sven Hasel who did describe some details
pretty great about WW2...anyway...even in movies it was able to notice how
Russian red army - comrads were murdered by their own army fellas by
great example is Staljingrad and battles at Volga where thousands of
Russian soldiers did died by hand of their own...and it was all around
Russian battle field like that...

well, to be objective, it was similiar situation on German side as
well....but not so massive as it was on Soviet side...
"no one" <> wrote in message
...Sven Hassel is actually Břrge Villy Redsted Pedersen, a Danish Nazi who
never served on the Russian front. According to Haaest, the author spent
the majority of World War II in occupied Denmark and his knowledge of
warfare comes second-hand from Danish Waffen SS veterans whom he met after
the end of the war. Haaest also alleges that Hassel's first novel was
ghostwritten and when it became a success, he employed his wife to write
the rest of his books.
well, i didnt say how Sven's books are official records from WW2...however,
his books are based on true stories and i am pretty much sure how he knew
about WW2 things a lot better then you and me together :))

true, he was serving the West front, mainly on relation from Normandy to
Paris...however, he describes some principles of war in that time that was
applied all around the battlefields...he didnt just make up such things...

"majority" of time does not mean all the time, so even 10% of time being
elsewhere is enough to see me, i know what do i talk about..i
spent 5 years in war with my house just 1 mile away from enemy
dont have to jump much from trench to trench to understand, realize and
experience some things..

hmm, honestly, i doubt you did read any of his books, even if you did,
congrats....however, this what you just wrote sounds like a partly
copy/paste from Miss Wiki :)))

shalom :)

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