Foregoing warranty rights



Anyone else coming across this ? Twice in about 2 months, an owner of new
music kit wanting me to repair intermittant faults after being used only a
few times from new. So loosing his warranty rights. 2 different companies ,
reason for first owner foregoing his rights, unknown. This second time
owner was quoted 2 months minimum turn around, sending back to the factory
(import/asembly plant) in another part of the country, but otherwise no
charge. Is there an excessive number of returns these days or what is the
On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:30:03 +0100, "N_Cook" <>

Anyone else coming across this ?
Yes. It's a major source of my business. Usually it's someone who
has purchased an extended warranty with onsite repair, that is on try
#3 to get it fixed right. Some things just can't be done at the
customers home or office. Similarly, with purchases of Apple Care,
who really don't want to wait up to 4 months to get their whatever
fixed. If they really need their computer to working now, they'll
forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
person like me.

Twice in about 2 months, an owner of new
music kit wanting me to repair intermittant faults after being used only a
few times from new. So loosing his warranty rights. 2 different companies ,
reason for first owner foregoing his rights, unknown. This second time
owner was quoted 2 months minimum turn around, sending back to the factory
(import/asembly plant) in another part of the country, but otherwise no
charge. Is there an excessive number of returns these days or what is the
It's the 2 month delay that is probably the primary incentive. A
friend, looking over my shoulder, casually mentioned that it took a
large telescope manufacturer about 7 months to return his telescope
for out of warranty repair. Delays are also not very consistent. I've
seen amazingly fast turn around by HP and Dell on warranty repairs
(usually exchange for another repaired unit), followed by atrocious
delays the next month, sometimes losing the item. My guess is that
all these vendors are using outsourced repair facilities, which are
having their own problems ranging from too much business (overload),
to variations on ineptitude.

Locally, the various authorized service centers, are constantly
complaining about delivery delays on replacement components. Their
contract with the manufacturer requires that they use only brand new
parts, obtained directly from the manufacturer. No eBay or
cannibalized parts. So, the customers waits, even though the missing
part is sitting only a few feet away.

Drivel: You have no idea how many laptop hinges I repair. Actually,
I have no idea either as I don't keep count, but it's plenty. Broken
hinges seem to be a problem. Some vendors cover them under warranty,
while others claim that since their hinges are perfect, it must be
customer abuse that caused them to break apart.

# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558
On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 14:51:36 -0700, Jeff Liebermann <>

I forgot to include my warranty certificate:

# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558
"Jeff Liebermann"
I forgot to include my warranty certificate:
** ROTFL !!

You have inspired me to maybe create something similar.

The audio gear I see and repair is all used in live entertainment, both
portable and installed systems.

At least 90% of the failures are CAUSED by careless an continuous abuse of
the gear - I consider turning all the knobs on a Marshall up to 10 and
thrashing it to death to be in that category.

So, my repair guarantee goes like this:

" I guarantee that if you continue to abuse any item I have repaired for you
OR do again the same stupid thing that caused it to fail before - it is
GUARANTEED to fail again.

The usual service charges apply to all items covered under this guarantee. "

..... Phil
"Jeff Urban"
"Jeff Liebermann"

forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
person like me. "

I don't think that should be called disreputable. If you mean
disreputable with the manufacturer, just how reputable are they ?

** Think Jeff L had his tongue firmly in his cheek when he referred to
himself as "disreputable".

Because Jeff L has apparently not sought or been granted "Authorised
Repairer " status for any brands - he might be seen as disreputable by
some people. As with many things, the direct opposite is actually the case.

So called "Authorised Repairers" are under the most odious kinds of contract
which force them to become aligned with the maker's or importer's demands
and whims rather than their own or their customer's natural interests.

Few if any customers understand this difference and falsely imagine they are
still dealing with a normal repairer.

A normal repairer charges for every job, will tell customers what they found
wrong and how to avoid a repeat. They also do their best to avoid returns
under repair warranties - so shonky " patch up " repairs are just not on.
If the item is clearly a lemon, they will gently point that out too.

OTOH contract warranty repairers do not charge, tell the customer nothing
( or else a pack of bull ) and do work that need only last until the maker's
warranty period expires. They will not openly criticise anything sold under
the brand names they are contracted to work on - no matter how awful it is.

IOW, a contracted repairer is at permanently at war with his own customers.

I can hardly imagine any situation more *disreputable*.

..... Phil
forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
person like me. "

I don't think that should be called disreputable. If you mean
disreputable with the manufacturer, just how reputable are they ? This
is not an automatic toenail polisher, some people actually use tools
to make money. If they need it and you fix it, and they pay you - WHAT
is disreputable about that ?

Know why I don't buy tools from Sears, a reputable compnay ? Well they
used to Xray their handtools and they never broke (almost). That was
fine with me. But they stopped. Now I have been under a car with a
transmission on my chest. What good is a warranty then ? I need the
tool NOW. What's more a coworker and I bought Craftsman drill/drivers.
The triggers would always fail. They weren't covered and we payed out
of pocket for them, AND had to change them ourselves. About the third
or fourth trip that guy asks " What are you doing to this thing ? ".
Smitty answered "Work". The guy says "If I knew you were going to use
it for work I would've sold you the Makita".

My car doesn't run. Now why the hell do you think I got in my car ? I
wanted to go somewhere. I don't care about the friggin million mile
warranty, I only want to go ten miles let's say. But I want to go
there now. If I wanted to get there WHENEVER I wouldn't need a car,
just call a cab, take a bus or a bicycle, maybe even walk. If I wanted
to walk I wouldn't have given you all that damn money.

Get the point ?

"So called "Authorised Repairers" are under the most odious kinds of
contract "

You can say that again. But again the so called benefits being an
illusion will show sooner or later. The key is understanding the goal.
I am still a serviceman, but I am also a businessman now. I don't put
my name on things, but I am involved. Any ASC would cringe at some of
the things I've done. Though few or none were in the capacity of an
ASC, my loyaly always resided with the customer. That's MY customer,
untill I might need to correspond with a manufacturer, then they are
"our" customer. It can almost be said that to be honest one needs to
be dishonest.

I have realized that the goals of the manufacturer are daimetrically
opposed to those of the servicer. They have always acted in that
fashion because the goal has not changed. The methods now are
overcomplication and planned obsolescense. These are alot harder to
fight, but what else will we do ?

They are getting good, and some make it now by swapping boards. They
are so good that it is getting hard to tell which board to swap. In
the old days you could make money with a bag of 6GH8s, but now to get
the right board you might have to know if the set was built on a
Monday or a Thursday. Change is not for the sake of change, it is for
the sake of currency.

EVERY time their product is repaired, they lose out on a sale. They
have formed conglomerates and cooperations, but don't dare use the
word conspiracy unless you are among those priveledged to define it.
This country is a dumping ground. A DLP sold around Easter fails
around Thanksgiving the same year. Parts are no longer available. The
customer is told by the Attourney General's office that if he pursues
his own claim he is excluded from any possible class action lawsuit.
Who's side are they on ? They are effectively preventing lawsuits
which would be a matter of public record.

I have thought this out stem to stern in my 35 years in the business,
and I think my conclusions sound. Nothing will happen without
legislation. Some places in Europe have product support laws, and
lower prescription prices (let's just not go there right now). But
somehow these companiers can make money there. It's just that they can
make more money here.

Forcing the issue, well it makes no sense. It will happen anyway, TVs
costing two grand are junk in a year ? How long do you think people
are going to put up with that with no secure jobs, and therefore no
stable and sustainable credit ? And even with that, what happens when
they are paying off goods that have been in a dumpster for a year ?

I say let it happen by itself. And that is my considered conclusion. A
few will hang on, and we'll be well better off for it. Don't get mad,
get bad.

Call me irreptutable.

On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 17:16:57 -0700 (PDT), Jeff Urban
<> wrote:

forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
person like me. "

I don't think that should be called disreputable. If you mean
disreputable with the manufacturer, just how reputable are they ?
From the manufacturers point of view, there are two types of repair
shops. Those that have elected to jump through the hoops and
obstacles of the authorized dealer network, and everyone else. Since
I'm not authorized by any company to do anything, I'm in the latter
category and considered to be de facto incompetent due to the lack of
training that usually comes with being authorized.

is not an automatic toenail polisher, some people actually use tools
to make money. If they need it and you fix it, and they pay you - WHAT
is disreputable about that ?
The lack of a certificate from the manufacturer attesting to my
competence. I've never found it really necessary to be authorized,
blessed, or otherwise approved for any manner of repair. When I've
actually tried to become and authorized dealer or repair center, I
usually manage to make a muddle of it.

Know why I don't buy tools from Sears, a reputable compnay ?
Times have changed. These days, everything is made in China. If you
want quality, look elsewhere but at perhaps 5-10 times the price. I
have my set of Craftsman hand tools from the 1970's, that have never
failed. I don't loan those to anyone. I have my assortment of Home
Depot junk tools, that I'm more than happy to loan to the neighborhood
kids, knowing that they'll get trashed. However, I can buy 5 of those
for the price of one real Proto hand tool.

Incidentally, I use quite a few Craftsman 8" #2 Philips (41296) screw
drivers. I recently bought two from the local Sears store, where I
had to regrind the tip so that it would properly fit a #2 screw head.

Get the point ?
Nope. You're worrying about the wrong things. The real problem, in
my never humble opinion, is not product quality, but that we're
putting high tech devices in the hands of people with no clue how to
use them, much less how to take care of them. The only way to avoid
the necessary education, while still supplying the absolute cheapest
product, it with a warranty. In short, a warranty is being supplied
in place of a quality product and a consumer education system.

My favorite example is the cell phone. I have a small side business
repairing these and supplying spares and replacements. None of them
are built to be repaired, so that's a challenge. Yet, the condition
of most of the phones I see are so bad, that were it any other
product, I would claim that the owner was intentionally abusing the
device. With an average lifetime of about 18 months for a consumer
dumb phone, the level of quality need not be much above minimal.

# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558
"Jeff Liebermann"
" Jeff Urban"
If they need it and you fix it, and they pay you - WHAT
is disreputable about that ?

The lack of a certificate from the manufacturer attesting to my
** ROTFL - I doubt there is even one importer or manufacturer in Australia
capable of making that determination with any accuracy. After all, how
would any of them know ?? They are NOT operating repair businesses, have
no understanding of them and generally take no interest in the topic.


One time, back in the 80s, I worked for a repair business that had
"authorised" service arrangements for several brands of guitar amp -
including Marshall, Acoustic and ELFA.

The Greek lunatic who imported Acoustic into Australia decided that he could
" micro-manage " the servicing of his brand by making up " kits " of spare
parts that all service techs would have to buy to repair various classes of
fault. All one needed to do was tell HIM the fault scenario and he would
nominate the kit that you needed to purchase. Ordering individual parts as
required was simply no longer an option.

He claimed to me on the phone that all the auto importers and makers were
doing the same thing and it was more " efficient ". Soooo, I told him about
the fault in the unit I had on the bench - that it suffered from loud,
very intermittent crackling noises. After a long pause, he said to ship the
unit down to him, in Melbourne, 500 miles away.

The boss and I did no such stupid thing, of course.

Anecdote 2.

A Melbourne based maker of guitar amps ( ELFA) had issues with their latest

1. The quad op-amps ( all RC4136s) in the pre-amp section were from a faulty
batch ( rejects?) with about a 50% failure rate in the first 3 months. The
maker had earmarked all their remaining stock for manufacture and REFUSED to
supply any spares to us for warranty repairs.

2. Some nut case, probably as an after thought, had fitted stereo headphone
sockets to the amps with no series limiting resistors. The left and right
earphone connections were simply linked to the internal amplifier module and
the speaker connected itself when there was no plug in place.

Soooo, soon as anyone plugged a mono jack into the headphone socket - bang
went the Sanken 60 watt amp module inside. Then, soon as the mono plug was
removed, a 40 volt DC rail was linked to the 12 inch speaker and burnt it

The 12 inch speaker was made right here in Sydney and despite the scenario
being non warrantee, the people in Melbourne wanted US to send the 6 kg
wrecks down to them for appraisal before they would agree to supply a new

The boss told them to shove it.

From then on, we sourced all needed parts ourselves ( including speakers)
got Marshall and Fender mains and output transformers re-wound as needed and
saved ourselves and our customers a lot of grief. We did no more warranty

...... Phil
Jeff Liebermann <> wrote in message
On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:30:03 +0100, "N_Cook" <

Anyone else coming across this ?

Yes. It's a major source of my business. Usually it's someone who
has purchased an extended warranty with onsite repair, that is on try
#3 to get it fixed right. Some things just can't be done at the
customers home or office. Similarly, with purchases of Apple Care,
who really don't want to wait up to 4 months to get their whatever
fixed. If they really need their computer to working now, they'll
forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
person like me.

Twice in about 2 months, an owner of new
music kit wanting me to repair intermittant faults after being used only
few times from new. So loosing his warranty rights. 2 different companies
reason for first owner foregoing his rights, unknown. This second time
owner was quoted 2 months minimum turn around, sending back to the
(import/asembly plant) in another part of the country, but otherwise no
charge. Is there an excessive number of returns these days or what is the

It's the 2 month delay that is probably the primary incentive. A
friend, looking over my shoulder, casually mentioned that it took a
large telescope manufacturer about 7 months to return his telescope
for out of warranty repair. Delays are also not very consistent. I've
seen amazingly fast turn around by HP and Dell on warranty repairs
(usually exchange for another repaired unit), followed by atrocious
delays the next month, sometimes losing the item. My guess is that
all these vendors are using outsourced repair facilities, which are
having their own problems ranging from too much business (overload),
to variations on ineptitude.

Locally, the various authorized service centers, are constantly
complaining about delivery delays on replacement components. Their
contract with the manufacturer requires that they use only brand new
parts, obtained directly from the manufacturer. No eBay or
cannibalized parts. So, the customers waits, even though the missing
part is sitting only a few feet away.

Drivel: You have no idea how many laptop hinges I repair. Actually,
I have no idea either as I don't keep count, but it's plenty. Broken
hinges seem to be a problem. Some vendors cover them under warranty,
while others claim that since their hinges are perfect, it must be
customer abuse that caused them to break apart.

# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558

Is this the scenario.
These companies import populated boards from China etc and asssemble in this
country ( England). Apart from a designer there may be no one technical
enough in the assembly plant to do repair. Which is fine when there are
plenty of new units around to send out as in-warranty replacements. But that
only works if the rate of returns is say 2 percent , the returns sold on in
that specialist auction house in Nottingham . But if the returns is more
like 10 percent then it will impact on the viability of the company
My favorite example is the cell phone. I have a small side business
repairing these and supplying spares and replacements. None of them
are built to be repaired, so that's a challenge. Yet, the condition
of most of the phones I see are so bad, that were it any other
product, I would claim that the owner was intentionally abusing the
device. With an average lifetime of about 18 months for a consumer
dumb phone, the level of quality need not be much above minimal.
I'm curious. My current cell phone -- a Korean Lucky Goldstar -- is almost
five years old. Never had problems with it, and it's in great shape. (I
rarely abuse my purchases.) What, exactly, are the things you see that
suggest products -- cell phones or otherwise -- are abused?

On a related note... I was talking with a friend who's my age, and owns a
company that makes consumer audio equipment. He agreed with me that pride of
ownership has largely disappeared. Nothing seems to be of lasting value.
Products become obsolete after only a few months.
On Fri, 1 Apr 2011 04:08:59 -0700, "William Sommerwerck"
<> wrote:

My favorite example is the cell phone. I have a small side business
repairing these and supplying spares and replacements. None of them
are built to be repaired, so that's a challenge. Yet, the condition
of most of the phones I see are so bad, that were it any other
product, I would claim that the owner was intentionally abusing the
device. With an average lifetime of about 18 months for a consumer
dumb phone, the level of quality need not be much above minimal.

I'm curious. My current cell phone -- a Korean Lucky Goldstar -- is almost
five years old. Never had problems with it, and it's in great shape. (I
rarely abuse my purchases.) What, exactly, are the things you see that
suggest products -- cell phones or otherwise -- are abused?
Mechanical damage, broken hinges, scratched screens, fingernails
through the key tops, mangled connector covers, broken antennas,
cracked earphone connectors, cracked power/accessory connectors, water
damage, dirt, filth, crud, good, pogs, labels, cracked case, bulging
batteries, etc.
These are some of the recent arrivals, after some cleaning. The
really beat up phones, I don't bother trying to fix (unless I need the
parts). My guess is that I have about 150 phones in stock.

Other vendors:

Incidentally, LG phones are generally good quality, fairly easy to
fix, and tend to survive. I've had problems with the ENV2 models
falling apart. I'm currently using an LG VX-8300.

On a related note... I was talking with a friend who's my age, and owns a
company that makes consumer audio equipment. He agreed with me that pride of
ownership has largely disappeared. Nothing seems to be of lasting value.
Products become obsolete after only a few months.
Products are obsolete on arrival. The next generation and possibly
one or two generations after that are in the design, manufacture, and
distribution chain when the current version hits the market. Because
the obvious answer to any problems with the current model is to just
wait for the "new and improved" model that follows, there's no
incentive to fix any of the first generation problems.

# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558
In article <>,
Jeff Liebermann <> wrote:

Incidentally, LG phones are generally good quality, fairly easy to
fix, and tend to survive.
As I was leaning over a railing, talking on it, my LG slipped from my
hand and fell 14 feet onto concrete. It landed flat. Back came off,
battery popped out. Nary a scratch and works perfectly since.
"Jeff Liebermann"
Some wanker asked:

What, exactly, are the things you see that
suggest products -- cell phones or otherwise -- are abused?

Mechanical damage, broken hinges, scratched screens, fingernails
through the key tops, mangled connector covers, broken antennas,
cracked earphone connectors, cracked power/accessory connectors, water
damage, dirt, filth, crud, good, pogs, labels, cracked case, bulging
batteries, etc.

** I was given a " Palm Pilot " to fix once.

About two weeks prior to my receiving it - a whole container of yoghurt
( flavour unknown) had leaked over it while in a woman's handbag. The woman
concerned had then only wiped it over with a cloth and noted it did not

She left the battery inside - so of course it was ruined.

My own mobile has copped a spillage of bleach and also of liquid detergent
in a similar way - but by immediately removing the battery and rinsing it
with warm water, it lives to fight another day.

Why is it that no maker ever gives advice on what to do if your pocket
digital wonder gets accidentally immersed or suffers a spillage ??

Get the damn battery OUT immediately - then rinse and dry it pronto.

..... Phil
On Fri, 01 Apr 2011 20:06:04 -0700, Smitty Two
<> wrote:

In article <>,
Jeff Liebermann <> wrote:

Incidentally, LG phones are generally good quality, fairly easy to
fix, and tend to survive.

As I was leaning over a railing, talking on it, my LG slipped from my
hand and fell 14 feet onto concrete. It landed flat. Back came off,
battery popped out. Nary a scratch and works perfectly since.
Have you noticed that most cell phones have rounded corners and
bottoms? The rounded corner distributes the inpact load over a larger
area of the case than it would if it were more box shaped. However,
that doesn't seem to be a design feature in smartphones, which more
closely resemble a box due to the requirement of having a large
rectangular screen. Drop a smart phone, and they're history. The
number of cracked screens on the iPhone and Droid should offer a clue.
They do have somewhat rounded corners, but with a metal frame, any
edge impact transfers directly to the glass screen.

There are some better ideas, but these will need to wait for a change
in public acceptance of what a cell phone should look like:

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On Sat, 2 Apr 2011 14:09:39 +1100, "Phil Allison" <>

Why is it that no maker ever gives advice on what to do if your pocket
digital wonder gets accidentally immersed or suffers a spillage ??
Because they want you to destroy their product so that you'll buy a
new one. Every product that is repaired is one less product that is
If you're into ecology and conservation, repair is a good thing. If
you're into designed obsolescence, then it's a bad thing.

Get the damn battery OUT immediately - then rinse and dry it pronto.
The common perception among cell phone vendors and manufacturers is
that the condition and disposition of the phone, AFTER IT'S SOLD, is
not their problem. If you trash the phone, unless you've purchased
the overpriced extended equipment warranty, it's your problem, not
theirs. In most cases, they don't even bother to repair the wet
phone, and simply issue a replacement (or try to sell you an upgrade).
I suppose safety might be a possible justification for removing the
battery, but selling the customer a new phone is far more profitable.

I suppose we could include some verbage in the voluminous book of
legal disclaimers and limitations of responsibility that seems to be
included with all consumer products these days. Removing the battery
would fit nicely between "Do not eat the phone" and "Do not go
swimming with your cell phone".

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2011 14:09:39 +1100, "Phil Allison" <

Why is it that no maker ever gives advice on what to do if your pocket
digital wonder gets accidentally immersed or suffers a spillage ??

Because they want you to destroy their product so that you'll buy a
new one. Every product that is repaired is one less product that is
If you're into ecology and conservation, repair is a good thing. If
you're into designed obsolescence, then it's a bad thing.

Get the damn battery OUT immediately - then rinse and dry it pronto.

The common perception among cell phone vendors and manufacturers is
that the condition and disposition of the phone, AFTER IT'S SOLD, is
not their problem. If you trash the phone, unless you've purchased
the overpriced extended equipment warranty, it's your problem, not
theirs. In most cases, they don't even bother to repair the wet
phone, and simply issue a replacement (or try to sell you an upgrade).
I suppose safety might be a possible justification for removing the
battery, but selling the customer a new phone is far more profitable.

I suppose we could include some verbage in the voluminous book of
legal disclaimers and limitations of responsibility that seems to be
included with all consumer products these days. Removing the battery
would fit nicely between "Do not eat the phone" and "Do not go
swimming with your cell phone".

Or, "Do not swim while eating your cell phone..." ;-)

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid™ on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
On Sat, 2 Apr 2011 14:09:39 +1100, "Phil Allison" <>

Why is it that no maker ever gives advice on what to do if your pocket
digital wonder gets accidentally immersed or suffers a spillage ??
One vendor tries to be ummmm... helpful:
Near the bottom of the page:
"Motorola Razr: Do not try to dry your phone in a microwave"
Well, it's a start.
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Or, "Do not swim while eating your cell phone..." ;-)

Best one IMHO was the directions I got with a stainless steel coffee

"Do Not Use In A Microwave Oven."

Sure, but that because you would have to lay it on it's side. ;-)

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid™ on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
Michael A. Terrell wrote:
Or, "Do not swim while eating your cell phone..." ;-)
Best one IMHO was the directions I got with a stainless steel coffee

"Do Not Use In A Microwave Oven."

Geoffrey S. Mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to misquote it.

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