Jumpster Jiver
This sounds like a capacitor in the vertical/frame circuit. Should be
an easy fix and a part costing cents - but given the size of the set,
I imagine that taking it somewhere is tricky. A call out will be
prohibitive, cost-wise. So I suggest you have a go - do you have a
soldering iron and som e solder? (available in a hardware/hobby store
I imagine). if you can post some pics of the main pcb , we can guide
you to the likely problem area. It would be a pity, and wasteful, to
dump an otherwise working set....
That was the most useful reply to the OP
an easy fix and a part costing cents - but given the size of the set,
I imagine that taking it somewhere is tricky. A call out will be
prohibitive, cost-wise. So I suggest you have a go - do you have a
soldering iron and som e solder? (available in a hardware/hobby store
I imagine). if you can post some pics of the main pcb , we can guide
you to the likely problem area. It would be a pity, and wasteful, to
dump an otherwise working set....
That was the most useful reply to the OP