FA: 33k6 modems, 52x IDE CD-ROM drive, ISDN router (Ebay, Sy

"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> made...

....another gutless tail between his legs retreat.
Some gutless car crashing fuckwit desperately cowering behind
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> deperately attempted to
bullshit its way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one
at all, as always. No surprise that it only ever gets to crash cars.
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:47:00 +1000, The Real Andy
<will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste there time
buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley makes it almost
cheaper to by from you local shit shop
A 33.6K data/fax/voice modem could be attached to a cheap PC and used
as a paperless fax, or as an answering service. I'd be wary about
buying a used CD-ROM, though.

Anyway, don't Ebay's terms and conditions prohibit spamming?

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:10:52 +1000, The One4Sun - GWS
one4sun@lios.apana.org.au> wrote:

The following items of used computer gear have been listed on Ebay:

- Asus CD-S520/A 52x IDE CD-ROM Drive !

- Ascend P50 ISDN (BRI) Router. Used item - with manuals

- Dynalink V1433VQE 33k6 Analog Modems !

The items are located in Sydney.


-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
Franc Zabkar <fzabkar@iinternode.on.net> wrote:
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> wrote

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste there time
buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley makes it almost
cheaper to by from you local shit shop

A 33.6K data/fax/voice modem could be attached to a cheap
PC and used as a paperless fax, or as an answering service.
Anyone wiht a clue can do that on their main PC.

I'd be wary about buying a used CD-ROM, though.
Makes a lot more sense to get a DVD instead.

Anyway, don't Ebay's terms and conditions prohibit spamming?
They certainly dont prohibit what he did.

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:10:52 +1000, The One4Sun - GWS
one4sun@lios.apana.org.au> wrote:

The following items of used computer gear have been listed on Ebay:

- Asus CD-S520/A 52x IDE CD-ROM Drive !


- Ascend P50 ISDN (BRI) Router. Used item - with manuals


- Dynalink V1433VQE 33k6 Analog Modems !


The items are located in Sydney.



-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"John H" <JohnH4999@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol for a
long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Language never changes from Rod. Must still have one "big chip on
lasting from the 1980's
John H
he's been in aus.comms.* more than anything else
Michael <michael@yahoo.com> wrote:
"John H" <JohnH4999@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol
for a long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Language never changes from Rod. Must still have one "big chip on
shoulder" lasting from the 1980's
John H

he's been in aus.comms.* more than anything else
Wrong, as always.
"Michael" <michael@yahoo.com> wrote in message
"John H" <JohnH4999@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol for a
long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Language never changes from Rod. Must still have one "big chip on
lasting from the 1980's
John H

he's been in aus.comms.* more than anything else

Ahh, I KNEW there was a reason why I didnt subscribe to aus.comms.* :p


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