FA: 33k6 modems, 52x IDE CD-ROM drive, ISDN router (Ebay, Sy


The One4Sun - GWS

The following items of used computer gear have been listed on Ebay:

- Asus CD-S520/A 52x IDE CD-ROM Drive !

- Ascend P50 ISDN (BRI) Router. Used item - with manuals

- Dynalink V1433VQE 33k6 Analog Modems !

The items are located in Sydney.



Guru Will Sellit! ** 'sunrk' on Ebay ** | Get Back on Track at the Sun Shack
Craig Dewick - one4sun@one4sun.net.au | www.sunshack.org or www.sunshack.info
www.one4sun.net.au one4sun@gmail.com +--------------------------------------
- SRK's Ebay Shop is now available at www.ebayshops.com.au/sunripenedkernels -
I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste there time
buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley makes it almost
cheaper to by from you local shit shop

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:10:52 +1000, The One4Sun - GWS
<one4sun@lios.apana.org.au> wrote:

The following items of used computer gear have been listed on Ebay:

- Asus CD-S520/A 52x IDE CD-ROM Drive !

- Ascend P50 ISDN (BRI) Router. Used item - with manuals

- Dynalink V1433VQE 33k6 Analog Modems !

The items are located in Sydney.


Kralizec Craig <cd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote:
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of
light beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste
there time buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley
makes it almost cheaper to by from you local shit shop

So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then
and contribute to the global toxic landfill problem
Nothing 'toxic' about it.

caused by all the electronic equipment we dump these days
Tiny part of what ends up in landfill.

because people like you are too stupid to consider re-use a viable option? :cool:
It aint, that shit is way past its useby date.
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes:

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste there time
buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley makes it almost
cheaper to by from you local shit shop
So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then and contribute to the global
toxic landfill problem caused by all the electronic equipment we dump these
days because people like you are too stupid to consider re-use a viable
option? :cool:

SUN RIPENED KERNELS - Surplus Sun Microsystems Equipment, Parts + Accessories
Waterfall, NSW, Australia - Operated by Craig Dewick - Founded in 1996
Main site: www.sunrk.com.au - Ebay Shop: www.ebayshops.com.au/sunripenedkernels
Ph: +612-9520-2547 - Fax: +612-9520-2557 - Mobile: 04-2163-0547 (int. +614)
"The Real Andy" <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> wrote

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would.

**** True,so very true!!

Brian Goldsmith.
"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Kralizec Craig <cd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote:
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of
light beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste
there time buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley
makes it almost cheaper to by from you local shit shop

So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then
and contribute to the global toxic landfill problem

Nothing 'toxic' about it.

caused by all the electronic equipment we dump these days

Tiny part of what ends up in landfill.
Lies. Electronics contain a lot of especially toxic elements and compounds,
and with so much computers gear being ditched it is an environmental

because people like you are too stupid to consider re-use a viable
option? :cool:

It aint, that shit is way past its useby date.
It is, but not for some. There are people who will happily take it and if
they can't use it it gets sent to the recyclers.
Some gutless fuckwit desperately cowering behind
atec <atec77@hotmail.com> wrote just the puerile
shit thats always pouring from the back of it.
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> wrote
Rod Speed <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote
Kralizec Craig <cd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of
light beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste
there time buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley
makes it almost cheaper to by from you local shit shop

So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then
and contribute to the global toxic landfill problem

Nothing 'toxic' about it.

caused by all the electronic equipment we dump these days

Tiny part of what ends up in landfill.

Electronics contain a lot of especially toxic elements and compounds,
Pig ignorant lie.

and with so much computers gear being
ditched it is an environmental problem.
Pig ignorant lie. Its a completely trivial part of the total volume.

because people like you are too stupid to
consider re-use a viable option? :cool:

It aint, that shit is way past its useby date.

It is, but not for some. There are people who will happily
take it and if they can't use it it gets sent to the recyclers.
Pity he's trying to sell it, cretin fuckwit.

No wonder you only ever get to crash cars.
Most of the stuff we throw out doesn't end up in land fill now days anyway!!
When was the last time you went to the tip? You don't just back up to the
edge of the cliff and throw it all over anymore! You back up to a railing,
with huge dump bins below you. It all gets sorted through and separated
before anything even hits the dirt! I'd bet dollars to pesos that if he did
throw the modems and stuff out, they would automatically end up at a
recyclers anyway so what's your problem?

I'm not always right,
But I'm never wrong!
"Kralizec Craig" <cd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote in message
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes:

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of light
beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste there time
buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley makes it almost
cheaper to by from you local shit shop

So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then and contribute to the
toxic landfill problem caused by all the electronic equipment we dump
days because people like you are too stupid to consider re-use a viable
option? :cool:

SUN RIPENED KERNELS - Surplus Sun Microsystems Equipment, Parts +
Waterfall, NSW, Australia - Operated by Craig Dewick - Founded in 1996
Main site: www.sunrk.com.au - Ebay Shop:
Ph: +612-9520-2547 - Fax: +612-9520-2557 - Mobile: 04-2163-0547 (int.
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 09:30:00 +1000, "Chris" <here@there.com.za> wrote:

Most of the stuff we throw out doesn't end up in land fill now days anyway!!
When was the last time you went to the tip? You don't just back up to the
edge of the cliff and throw it all over anymore! You back up to a railing,
with huge dump bins below you. It all gets sorted through and separated
before anything even hits the dirt! I'd bet dollars to pesos that if he did
throw the modems and stuff out, they would automatically end up at a
recyclers anyway so what's your problem?
Actually, you throw it over the railing, it gets compacted and then
put in the land fill. You can fit more in the land fill that way.
"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> wrote
Rod Speed <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote
Kralizec Craig <cd@lios.apana.org.au> wrote
The Real Andy <will_get_back_to_you_on_This@> writes

I suppose $5.00 for the lot is half way to buying a 6 pack of
light beer, but fuck me, who in their right mind would waste
there time buying this shit?? The cost of shipping immediatley
makes it almost cheaper to by from you local shit shop

So you would just toss the stuff in a bin then
and contribute to the global toxic landfill problem

Nothing 'toxic' about it.

caused by all the electronic equipment we dump these days

Tiny part of what ends up in landfill.

Electronics contain a lot of especially toxic elements and compounds,

Pig ignorant lie.
Shame about the facts.

and with so much computers gear being
ditched it is an environmental problem.

Pig ignorant lie. Its a completely trivial part of the total volume.

because people like you are too stupid to
consider re-use a viable option? :cool:

It aint, that shit is way past its useby date.

It is, but not for some. There are people who will happily
take it and if they can't use it it gets sent to the recyclers.

Pity he's trying to sell it, cretin fuckwit.
Pity it's not worth anything, stupid.

No wonder you only ever get to crash cars.
No wonder anything you say is totally irrelevant.
"Chris" <here@there.com.za> wrote in message
Most of the stuff we throw out doesn't end up in land fill now days
When was the last time you went to the tip? You don't just back up to the
edge of the cliff and throw it all over anymore! You back up to a railing,
with huge dump bins below you. It all gets sorted through and separated
before anything even hits the dirt!
It gets compacted so more shit can be put in the ground.

I'd bet dollars to pesos that if he did
throw the modems and stuff out, they would automatically end up at a
recyclers anyway so what's your problem?
The problem is that you are completely wrong on that. It doesn't get
recycled, it gets put in landfill.
Some gutless car crashing fuckwit desperately cowering behind
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> deperately attempted to
bullshit its way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one
at all, as always. No surprise that it only ever gets to crash cars.
Some gutless car crashing fuckwit desperately cowering behind
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> deperately attempted to
bullshit its way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one
at all, as always. No surprise that it only ever gets to crash cars.
"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> made...

....another gutless tail between his legs retreat.
Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol for a
long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Language never changes from Rod. Must still have one "big chip on shoulder"
lasting from the 1980's
John H

"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Some gutless car crashing fuckwit desperately cowering behind
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> deperately attempted to
bullshit its way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one
at all, as always. No surprise that it only ever gets to crash cars.
John H wrote:
Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol for a
long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Language never changes from Rod. Must still have one "big chip on shoulder"
lasting from the 1980's
John H

"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message

Some gutless car crashing fuckwit desperately cowering behind
Clockmeister <no-one@nowhere.com> deperately attempted to
bullshit its way out of its predicament and fooled absolutely no one
at all, as always. No surprise that it only ever gets to crash cars.

True, remember him back from bbs'ing years ago... BTW, anyone remembers
when Maestro released their first 2400 modem?

BTW, anyone remembers
when Maestro released their first 2400 modem?

No, but I've still got one. Over the years, I have spent thousands on
modems, starting with a 300-baud acoustic coupler in a polished wooden box.
Oh, the technology, the technology.
John H committed to the eternal aether...:

Hell, what rock did "Speedy" come out from, havent seen his vitriol for a
long time, Thought he must have lost his PC.
Maybe you just re-installed you OS and lost your plonk file!
He's ubiquitous and doesn't dissapear for long at a time.

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