Arny Krueger
"paul packer" <packer@iprimus.com.au> wrote in message
right. If not, one can throw in a little eq - that is if you have some eq at
your disposal. Ever since we got the digital console at church, we've been
pulling eq out of service.
far as the easier to drive thing goes, 580s have a nice combination of
sensitivity and high impedance, and have to be the easiest headphones to
drive of the over a dozen that I have. I've been known to drive them
straight off of the line output of some audio production component or other,
without difficulty. I do have a number of headphone amps, but with 580s
their use is optional.
There are a lot of people who think that for listening, they are exactlyOn Sun, 25 Dec 2005 06:42:49 -0500, "Arny Krueger"
arnyk@hotpop.com> wrote:
I have about 15 different pairs of headphones and
earphones. I mostly listen to the HD580s Iistening at
home for pleasure) Sony MDR 7506 (editing) Futuresonics
IEM (portable digital player) and Shure E-3 (portable
CD/MP3 player).
The 580s are a good phone, but I found them a little dull
and boring.
right. If not, one can throw in a little eq - that is if you have some eq at
your disposal. Ever since we got the digital console at church, we've been
pulling eq out of service.
That would be your personal opinon, which is of course yours to cherish. AsThe 595 has the same or greater neutrality, a
better soundstage and is more lively--also much easier to
far as the easier to drive thing goes, 580s have a nice combination of
sensitivity and high impedance, and have to be the easiest headphones to
drive of the over a dozen that I have. I've been known to drive them
straight off of the line output of some audio production component or other,
without difficulty. I do have a number of headphone amps, but with 580s
their use is optional.
I've not looked back since I bought it, and unless
they bring out a "super" 595 it will be my last phone for
many years.