Ever felt stupid ... ?

On 9/15/2011 9:02 PM, Jim Yanik wrote:
Jeff Liebermann<jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in
Actually, the plastic zip loc bags seem to work well. I haven't
dumped those all over the carpet, yet.

you could use an icecube tray,or a muffin/cupcake baking sheet(pan).
they make them in several sizes. Or Even an old egg carton.
I feel your pain brother. I came up with a novel solution to this.
I like asparagus. The can's around 3" diameter and 8" tall.
I made a bracket to hold 4 of them under the "over the bench"
shelf. As I remove screws, knobs and the occasional long bit
of hardware, I drop them in the can.
IF the "thing being beat on" has to be set aside, ordered parts
etc. then the can gets dumped into a zip lock bag and placed with
the thing I was working on.

The other problem I *used* to have. My eyesight ain't what it used
to be, so I need an eye loupe occasionally to read part numbers or
double check soldered bits. This requires taking off my glasses.
You know where this is headed. I'd lose them in the "pile 'o cruft"
on the bench. I broke down and bought a set of those over the back
of your neck "granny leashes" for the glasses. Now I don't have to
grope around to find them.


"Everything from Crackers to Coffins"
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:33:57 +0100, "Arfa Daily"
<arfa.daily@ntlworld.com> put finger to keyboard and composed:

Eventually, I decided that I must have had a senior moment, and
tidied them into a film pot (I always put screws from items waiting for
parts, into film pots), ...
I use these as well, but mostly for returning faulty parts to the

I prefer to replace the screws in their original locations as I'm
dismantling the device. That way I don't have to rely on my memory.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Franc Zabkar"
I use these as well, but mostly for returning faulty parts to the
** Why do that ??

Almost no customer ever wants to see them and the tiny few that do have very
weird reasons.

I will not return faulty valves to customers for fear they may try to re-use
or sell them.

...... Phil
Meat Plow wrote in <news:50qpgk.j1h.19.1@news.alt.net>:

Path: news.cambrium.nl!textnews.cambrium.nl!feeder3.cambriumusenet.nl!feed.tweaknews.nl!!news.alt.net
From: Meat Plow <mhywattt@yahoo.com
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.repair
Subject: Re: Ever felt stupid ... ?
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 00:07:14 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: Yes
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <50qpgk.j1h.19.1@news.alt.net
References: <a9ncq.2650$7C3.357@newsfe07.ams2
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Face: $6&|='@I]TnnitR+M}S5ZOAOo|s9OH9F7|j.,x3BZ-P.o0*\]p'WW&]0u+W<V9)pd&4Wv^Gcm$#x.B)|ahLp?q\4=5-/ofnK)u{&lBam3>*x|b~i31"Unbj14#9JSEU-t^AZ0t({4y50$Tq/*k\mA~z}0TxRH37YpY5nPE8Pd,S/Ajsap'uw*+"G$~b":iv"d4;BuN;A{*Cs-al/h+bT
Xref: news.cambrium.nl

On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 14:33:57 +0100, Arfa Daily wrote:

I had a Hartke combo on the bench today. Owner is a keyboard player, and
reckons that he blows the tweeter fuse regularly, and as a result, the
fuseholder was getting slack and intermittent, so could I put a new one
in, please. He normally gains access to the crossover board to replace
the fuse, by taking out the right hand side handle insert, but the
captive nuts were getting to be a poor grip in the wood, so I decided
the easiest alternative way to do the job, obtaining good access to the
board, was to remove the speaker. The grill is held by ten quite large
wood screws, and the speaker by eight large machine screws, into more
captive nuts. I didn't unsolder the bass driver. Just left it on the
bench at the end of its wires. It didn't take long to fit a new
fuseholder, and screw the board back in. I dropped the speaker back into
its hole, and then went to have some lunch. When I came back, I started
to look for the screws to reassemble the thing, and they were gone ....
Now the bench is pretty tidy at the moment, so there's no reason that
they shouldn't have been easily visible, but they weren't.

I spent the next half hour turning the air blue, and accusing everyone
from the missus to next door's cat, of hiding or stealing the screws. I
crawled through all the normal detritus and solder splats under every
bench, but nothing. Eventually, I decided that I must have had a senior
moment, and tidied them into a film pot (I always put screws from items
waiting for parts, into film pots), and put it inside the cabinet. And
then forgotten that I did, so excited was I at the prospect of my
toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch. So I lifted the speaker back out
and felt around in the wadding, but no, nothing. Then the phone rang, so
I laid the speaker back down on the bench and yes - you've guessed it -
18 bloody great screws stuck to the magnet ... DOH ! d:~\


Been there several times. Make it now a priority to check the magnet
structure for missing screws.
Message-ID: <50lnlb.at9.17.14@news.alt.net>
"I may take a little time off not only to enjoy the last days of
summer but to also insure a case that holds Emmett liable for the rest
of his natural life.".


Sure do wish you would keep yer lies straight, kook.

Live Fat Die Broke, Leave A Pustulent Corpse
Fixed yer .sig, Wifekiller Willy.

Yer welcome.


___ ___ ___
/\ \ /\__\ /\ \
/::\ \ ___ /:/ _/_ \:\ \
/:/\:\ \ ___ /\__\ /:/ /\__\ \:\ \
/:/ /::\ \ /\ \ /:/__/ /:/ /:/ _/_ _____\:\ \
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\:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \::/ / \:\__\
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/

WHO IS 'MEAT PLOW' from Alt.Usenet.Kooks (AUK)?

The obese, abusive, ugly, snaggle-toothed, giant-headed, stalking, gay
'bear' biker retard who likes to surf gay porn sites as 'BlancoBear'
while wearing only assless chaps:

William Malone Griffith, Jr.
(aka Milt, Meat Plow, BlancoBear, Meat@petitmorte.net, Tripp)
308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Some of this sick fuck's best work, and comments from others about
Message-ID: <SFexc.17128428$Of.2846155@news.easynews.com>

Meat Plow on a stalking holiday excursion, 15 to 22 Aug 2011:
Message-ID: <4thf24.t7m.17.1@news.alt.net>
Date 06 Aug 2011
Title: Guess who is going to be in West Palm Beach?
"ME! Got a couple friends who invited me down for a few days. Shit
that's only 60 miles south of Melbourne LMAO!"

Never mind that West Palm Beach, FL is 110 miles (not 60 miles) from
Melbourne, FL.

Message-ID: <4thnmr.t7m.17.5@news.alt.net>
Date 06 Aug 2011
Title: Guess who is going to be in West Palm Beach?
"Got my itinerary set on Expidia. Will be at PBI on August the 15th
at 11:30 am. Got a nice 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee reserved. I'm hoping
to make it up to Melbourne (Albatross hit my email) before the 20th
when I have to return."

Date 17 Aug 2011
Title: MEAT-PLOW LIED AGAIN! (and gets smacked down YET AGAIN!)
"I have several videos and pictures of him riding and what I'm sure
pie the location of his tent."

Message-ID: <4uovsb.19t.17.3@news.alt.net>
Date 21 Aug 2011
Title: Emmy takes the day off.
"Well I leave tomorrow at around 7:am. Got some nice video and still
pix of the little shitty pants. There will be another Youtube video

Message-ID: <4ur8iv.hlt.19.1@news.alt.net>
Date 22 Aug 2011
Title: Ahhhh good to be home
"Had a very interesting time in Melbourne."

Hmmm... only one and a half days 'visiting friends in West Palm Beach'
(if he was ever there to begin with), and the rest of his time in
Florida spent real-life stalking. He even extended his stay by two
days, so he could get in more stalking.

Evidence that Meat Plow is William Malone Griffith, II:
Message-ID: <fc5167ee7ad8e6f64bbe528026c00d98@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <ac995ab01f76a177f4012486eb671c0e@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <f6ccd46e74bff6e99d49781388db38c7@rip.ax.lt>

Message-ID: <2abe74de52d65b6046cc0bdd3c108d86@rip.ax.lt>

Meat Plow personal info:
Birthdate: Oct 3, 1955

Amateur Radio callsign N8NCX
Technician Plus
(2 meter, 6 meter)

Photo of MeatPlow in Belden Village Music store (his sister's music
(Note the guitars in the background, the planet-sized head,
the rotten-Chiclet teeth, and general look of retardation)

Photo of William Malone Griffith, Jr. from uffnet.com:
(Note that it's the same person as in the photo above)

He's got his father's nose and eyes:

Meat Plow email addresses:
"Bill N8NCX wgriffit@neo.rr.com"

wgriffit at neo.rr.com (neo = North East Ohio)
mhywattt at yahoo.com
mhywatt at yahoo.com

Meat Plow's brushes with the law:


Meat Plow quotes:
Meat Plow, explaining that his computer has no Master Boot Record
because he runs Mandriva 2010, not Windows:
Message-ID: <4v39g0.au.17.9@news.alt.net>
"Wouldn't know, it's been months since I've booted a Windoze OS."

Meat Plow describes his high-powered legal team:
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"You know i have a legal team who specializes in internet law. And I
won't hesitate to get them in on the action."

Meat Plow losing his connection to reality, insinuating that he's law
Message-ID: <pan.2011.>
"I could be LE posing as Meat Plow. It can't be dis-proven."

Meat Plow visits a massage parlor for a Happy Ending massage.
But they refused to give him a Happy Ending his second time there.
That explains why he's gay, he's so repulsive that he can't even PAY
for HAND JOBS from women.

"One time I got a HE, and the 2nd time I didn't. I was asked if I was
there both times and said I was. That's is why I didn't know if I said
something wrong the 2nd time which made me not get a HE."

Well, at least we know what he does with his weekends.

Oh, William, what would yer family say if they learned yer secrets?

Catherine & Angelo Griffith

4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Julia M. Griffith

308 10th Street NE
North Canton, OH 44720-2023

Pamela L. & Roger R. Werling
{ son Todd E. Werling (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ son Chris (Kennesaw, GA) }
{ son Keith (Ft. Wayne, IN) }
{ grandson Easton }
{ grandson Zakary }
{ granddaughter Camella }

7704 Bisque Court
Fort Wayne, IN 46825-3501

Cheryl J. & Jason 'Sparky' Humberto E. Rivera
{ daughter Christina }
{ daughter Rosalio (North Canton, OH) }
{ daughter Maria (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Len Gray (Ft. Worth, TX) }

5225 Echo Valley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-9702
Belden Village Music Store
6787 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Rosalio B & Maria I Rivera
444 Wales Rd. NE
Massillon, OH 44646-5875
PO Box 35093
Canton, OH 44735

Carol L. & Ric A. Campbell
{ son Richard }
{ son Christopher (North Canton, OH) }
{ son Brandon († 30 May 1996) }
{ daughter Erin }

6794 William Tell Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6546
PO Box 36473
Canton, OH 44735

Christine H. & Shelton M. Vick
{ son Matthew }

3915 Harvard Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709-1538
Re/Max Edge Realty
North Canton / Massillon / Canton
Realtor Christine H. Vick

6929 Portage St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6535
888-830-6509 (fax)
330-904-0883 (cell)

Angela C. & Mark Warshefski

11 SE 12th St.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
4760 Echovalley St. NW
North Canton, OH 44720-7504

Eddy Dailey

Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Financial Corp.
dba SuperMart
PO Box 545
524 Garfield St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Donna L. Dailey

524 5th St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz Super Mart
861 Washington St.
Bergholz, OH 43908
Bergholz, OH EMT

Bill & Joyce Leas
{ son Billy }

243 2nd St.
Bergholz, OH 43908

Rachel & Adam T. Livengood
{ son Lukas }
{ daughter Lauren }

6342 Palmer Dr. NW
Canton, OH 44718

Izzatchoo, or yer dead daddy?
William M. Griffith

between 3rd and 4th St.
between Monroe and Lincoln Ave.
Bergholz, OH 43908

What would yer landlord for 308 10th St. NE,
North Canton, OH say if they learned yer secrets?
David S. and Joan R. Shaner

2095 Waterbury Dr.
Uniontown OH 44312

What would the employees at yer family's
business say if they learned yer secrets?
Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation
aka Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration (defunct)
aka Ohio Kentucky Coal Company (defunct)

5112 Portage St. NW
Canton, OH 44720-6856
(330) 494-8810
(330) 497-7980
110 E. Lowry Lane
Lexington, KY 40503
(800) BUY 4 OIL
(800) 289-4645
(859) 223-5656
(859) 223-5946
(859) 276-0699 (fax)
(859) 276-3500
(859) 276-4080

Oh, but wait, Ohio Oil & Gas Exploration is no longer incorporated in
Daddy Griffith's petrol exploration company (defunct):

Nor are any of the other businesses yer daddy started. You let them
all fail:
Daddy Griffith's stables (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's motel business (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's drilling company (defunct):

Daddy Griffith's metals business (defunct):

And Ohio Kentucky Oil Corporation is on its last legs, inundated with
securities fraud lawsuits and EPA lawsuits. It's barred from
soliciting investors in Tennessee due to securities fraud, it's under
investigation in Ohio and Kentucky, it owns no oil assets or wells,
and it no longer does any of its own drilling. It'll be gone soon,

And you've squandered everything Daddy Griffith earned from his
businesses, so yer now poor, adding insult to injury.

You being poor is why you issued the following. You knew you didn't
have ten thousand dollars or so to defend yerself against yet another

William Malone Griffith, II's grovelfest of an apology for being a
fucktard stauker:
Message-ID: <3n4c2e.bi4.17.1@news.alt.net>

Title: Apology to Charles Novins

The witnesses to this abject, groveling apology:

Angela Griffith = Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski, William Malone
Griffith, Jr.'s sister

Catherine Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s mother

Julia M. Griffith = William Malone Griffith, Jr.'s daughter

Cheri Griffith = Cheryl J. Griffith-Rivera, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister

Justin M. Griffith = ?

Kristy Griffith = Christine H. Griffith-Vick, William Malone Griffith,
Jr.'s sister
Questions yet to be answered:
Who is Justin M. Griffith?

Angela C. Griffith-Warshefski came all the way from Pompano Beach,
Florida to witness and sign MeatPlow's apology letter?

Or did William Malone Griffith, Jr. forge the witness signatures,
which would indicate some level of insincerity in the apology?

If William Malone Griffith, Jr. did indeed forge the witness
signatures, is his family cognizant of him using them in this way?

Who is Deborah Ann Griffith?
Who is Sherri Renee Christie, William D. Christie (age 54) and Lillie
L. Christie, and how are they associated with William Malone Griffith,

1345 Bison St. NW
Massillon, OH 44647
330-833-5313 (Sherri)
330-837-4967 (William)

2524 Meadows Ave NW
Apt. 4
Massillon, OH 44647

PO Box 36221
Canton, OH 44735
It's time for a digital enema to flush this turd named William Malone
Griffith, II out of the system.

The exit is -.
.---. .-----. |
| | '---. | |
'-. `-----|-' |
| '---'
Franc Zabkar wrote:
[...] returning faulty parts to the customer.

Phil Allison wrote:
Why do that ?[...]
I will not return faulty valves to customers
for fear they may try to re-use or sell them.

One guy I knew got tired of folks second-guessing him
and checking the old tubes on a drugstore tester
and finding they were "OK".

** How damned annoying.

Military exchange vendor rules said the parts had to be returned
so once he had the gear fixed, he took the bad tubes
and hooked up each filament to a variac and ran it up until *POP*.
Nothing in the rule book on that, apparently.
** I once bent and broke the pins on some octal valves a customer insisted
on having back.

You should have seen their face ....

On another occasion, a vendor sold me 50 each MJ15003/4 power transistors
that proved to be fakes ( re-labelled, old stock 2N3055s and MJ2955s). So I
took off the numbering with acetone and sent them back with a request for a
full refund.

Got a hot letter from his lawyer over that one.

Got the refund too, eventually.

..... Phil
Franc Zabkar wrote:
[...] returning faulty parts to the customer.

Phil Allison wrote:
Why do that ?[...]
I will not return faulty valves to customers
for fear they may try to re-use or sell them.

One guy I knew got tired of folks second-guessing him
and checking the old tubes on a drugstore tester
and finding they were "OK".

Military exchange vendor rules said the parts had to be returned
so once he had the gear fixed, he took the bad tubes
and hooked up each filament to a variac and ran it up until *POP*.
Nothing in the rule book on that, apparently.
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
Here's some of the palatial office workbenches.

Now, there's a man in need of some shelving.


Well, that's a start.
(I assume that shot was *after* the temblor.)
"Jeffrey Angus" <grendelair@aim.com> wrote in message
On 9/15/2011 9:02 PM, Jim Yanik wrote:
Jeff Liebermann<jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

the "thing being beat on" has to be set aside,

This term now replaces "unit under test" in my lexicon.


Mark Z.
Mark Zacharias wrote:
"Jeffrey Angus" <grendelair@aim.com> wrote in message
On 9/15/2011 9:02 PM, Jim Yanik wrote:
Jeff Liebermann<jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in


the "thing being beat on" has to be set aside,


This term now replaces "unit under test" in my lexicon.

You DO NOT want to see his hole punch! ;-)

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense.
On 9/16/2011 7:02 AM, Mark Zacharias wrote:
"Jeffrey Angus" <grendelair@aim.com> wrote in message
On 9/15/2011 9:02 PM, Jim Yanik wrote:
Jeff Liebermann<jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in


the "thing being beat on" has to be set aside,


This term now replaces "unit under test" in my lexicon.


Mark Z.

*grins* I'll have my people send your people the proper
forms for licensing.


"Everything from Crackers to Coffins"
"Mark Zacharias" <mark_zacharias@labolgcbs.net> wrote in

"Jeffrey Angus" <grendelair@aim.com> wrote in message
On 9/15/2011 9:02 PM, Jim Yanik wrote:
Jeff Liebermann<jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in


the "thing being beat on" has to be set aside,


This term now replaces "unit under test" in my lexicon.


Mark Z.
DUT;device under test. easier to pronounce than UUT. Or "TBBO".

Jim Yanik
dot com
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 21:41:39 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <jeffm_@email.com>

Jeff Liebermann wrote:
Here's some of the palatial office workbenches.

Now, there's a man in need of some shelving.
I have quite a bit of shelving in the office, all of it full of junk.
There are also two closets, full of junk, and 3 more rolling shelf
units, full of junk, and two desks, piled high with junk. Also, a
small table which 3 sewing machines under repair, and another desk,
with the cell phone rebuilding division. Diversification is the key
to ummm.... well, something.

Here's an old 2006 photo. Scroll horizontally:
I'll post a replacement when I have time to make another panorama.


Well, that's a start.
(I assume that shot was *after* the temblor.)
The two photos were shot yesterday. The quake was in 1989. I was in
a different office during the quake but moved into my present palatial
offices in 1990. Having all the racks on wheels should help with the
next quake if the movement is mostly horizontal.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On Sep 15, 11:30 am, Jeff Liebermann <je...@cruzio.com> wrote:
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:11:54 -0700 (PDT), JeffM <jef...@email.com

Jeff Liebermann wrote:
I use plastic yogurt "tubs" to store screws.[...]
My favorite idiot error
is to knock over the tub, scattering hardware everywhere.
Glue each of those to a base that is broader than the tub.
A piece of 1 x 4 would do.

Won't work for me.  There's no room on the workbench to put anything
that big.  
The plastic tubs work well enough when all that's inside are some
screws.  However, if I put in some brackets or sheet metal hardware,
it becomes top heavy and subject to getting knocked over.  Maybe cat
food cans would work better.

Jeff Liebermann     je...@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D    http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann     AE6KS    831-336-2558
wow! you missed a space above your bench for a wall mounted rack. ;)
you know, the kind that blocks the light
On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:17:16 -0700 (PDT), Robert Macy
<robert.a.macy@gmail.com> wrote:

wow! you missed a space above your bench for a wall mounted rack. ;)
you know, the kind that blocks the light
There's a 4ft fluorescent lamp under the shelf. Much better than an
overhead lamp. There are two more shop lights hanging from the
ceiling, but the shelf light works best. I also have a light on the
articulated magnifying glass and an LED light that I wear on my head.

All the racks are in another room, crammed with equipment, little of
which is operational. Most of the racks are used for storing
equipment, or in one case, for hanging my various jackets and

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On 15/09/2011 11:33 PM, Arfa Daily wrote:

Ever felt stupid?

Well, I had this girlfriend once...
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> wrote in

On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:17:16 -0700 (PDT), Robert Macy
robert.a.macy@gmail.com> wrote:

wow! you missed a space above your bench for a wall mounted rack. ;)
you know, the kind that blocks the light

There's a 4ft fluorescent lamp under the shelf. Much better than an
overhead lamp. There are two more shop lights hanging from the
ceiling, but the shelf light works best. I also have a light on the
articulated magnifying glass and an LED light that I wear on my head.

All the racks are in another room, crammed with equipment, little of
which is operational. Most of the racks are used for storing
equipment, or in one case, for hanging my various jackets and
it's best to mount the main light for the bench over and slightly behind
you,so it lights your work. I've had to design a couple of TEK field
service office layouts,when we moved into new buildings. Having the main
light directly over the bench results in shadows on the vertical parts of
the DUT.
I prefer to not have to wear a headlight.

Jim Yanik
dot com
I didn't even get done reading your post and the first thing that came
to mind was the speaker magnet. 20/20 hindsight is precious.

I think one of the worst things to take apart is a laptop. I used
labeled 2" x 3" baggies for everything.

The last stupid thing I did was when I was working on a lawn mower I
took the flywheel cover off and regapped the coil with an index card
(best thing to use) and I pinched the spark plug wire when
reassembling. The mower started, ran for a while until I moved it and
it stopped. The spark plug wire was pinched pretty bad. I repaired
it with high temperature self-fusing electrical tape, about $40/roll,
but I always have it handy.
Ron D. wrote:
I didn't even get done reading your post

That wasn't *my post, dude.

If you're going to post to Usenet (especially
if you're going to use Google's Web-based interface),
learn how to do that properly.

Start by learning how to include some context
from the post to which you are responding.

Welcome to EDABoard.com

