Hi all! I have just installed a TSMC 0.18 design kit and everything
seems to work well up to simple schematic simulations. However, when I
try to load the corners tool (Tools->Corners... in ADE) to test the
related models, I get the following error in the CIW:
*Error* The jre process is not running; Unable to find the jre
The corner tool works fine however with other design kit (AMS 0.35).
Searching in the forum I found something related to corner analysis
and jre, and tried setting the following variable:
envSetVal("asimenv" "loadCorners" 'boolean nil)
But the problem persists and I get the same error message. Could
anybody please tell me what's going wrong here?
Thanks in advance for any help/ideas/etc.
seems to work well up to simple schematic simulations. However, when I
try to load the corners tool (Tools->Corners... in ADE) to test the
related models, I get the following error in the CIW:
*Error* The jre process is not running; Unable to find the jre
The corner tool works fine however with other design kit (AMS 0.35).
Searching in the forum I found something related to corner analysis
and jre, and tried setting the following variable:
envSetVal("asimenv" "loadCorners" 'boolean nil)
But the problem persists and I get the same error message. Could
anybody please tell me what's going wrong here?
Thanks in advance for any help/ideas/etc.