Ian Field
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
deny being in it.
For a sighted person the blind spots are where you make them.
When changing lane you need to look behind in the lane you're cutting into -
not the one you're leaving.
The nearest I got to getting wiped out in recent years was some twat not
paying attention on the approach to a busy junction - I was minding my own
business in the turning lane when he suddenly lurched into it alongside me,
apparently to avoid slamming into a broken down car he hadn't noticed till
the last second.
The amazing thing was, the police were right behind me at the time - seconds
later they were right behind him with lights & siren going.
No I didn't, and since your blind spot is 360 degrees how could he possiblyIan Field wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
Ian Field wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
Ian Field wrote:
I'm a motorcyclist - I'd drive the tank along the line of parked
Hopefully, someone will have a couple M-72 and a cutting torch.
several thermite grenades to weld the hatch shut.
Its a fair bet you're the kind of car driver that makes motorcyclists
to drive a tank over a line of parked cars.
As always, you show everyone what an ass you are.
There are some bikers weave in and out of traffic without concern for
other drivers, and ride in other driver's blind spots. Most bikers are
decent people and careful drivers, but the small group of assholes
most people not give a damn.
The only time I came close to hitting a biker was when some ass in a
tiny import pulled out in front of me on a highway from a side street
and I was doing the posted 55 MPH. A left turn on red in front of a
truck. No room to brake and nothing in the mirrors, so I changed lanes
and hear a horn squalling tires & brakes.
You obviously weren't paying due care & attention to get caught out like
that, you can't blame the motorcyclist for distracting you as you already
admitted you didn't know he was there.
He admitted he was riding in my blind spot, and you say he wasn't
Who am I to believe?
deny being in it.
For a sighted person the blind spots are where you make them.
When changing lane you need to look behind in the lane you're cutting into -
not the one you're leaving.
The nearest I got to getting wiped out in recent years was some twat not
paying attention on the approach to a busy junction - I was minding my own
business in the turning lane when he suddenly lurched into it alongside me,
apparently to avoid slamming into a broken down car he hadn't noticed till
the last second.
The amazing thing was, the police were right behind me at the time - seconds
later they were right behind him with lights & siren going.