On 12/9/2020 2:36 AM, Bill Sloman wrote:
Can\'t say I remember this instance. Was it about multiple-convicted
scam-artist Jim Bakker selling buckets of food on TV for the end times?
Yes it\'s a terrible idea for any purpose as any actual survivalist could
tell you and he is a habitual scam-artist.
I don\'t know if Mormons count as \"traditional Americans\" but if other
types of \"traditional Americans\" want to do it properly they should ask
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 5:10:56 PM UTC+11, Tom Del Rosso wrote:
Bill Sloman wrote:
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7:36:51 AM UTC+11, Tom Del Rosso
bitrex wrote:
On 11/29/2020 12:13 PM, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 11:46:12 -0500, bitrex <us...@example.net
On 11/29/2020 11:12 AM, John Larkin wrote:
America\'s would read like:
1. Some guy on the Internet
2. Heavily-armed police with unlimited power
3. Journalists paid by the Cato Institute who tell me what I want
to hear 4. Former game-show hosts/TV personalities
5. Spiritual leaders who tell me God wants me to be rich
6. ZeroHedge author
Snark and nonsense. You just hate America and yourself.
When JL heard \"When tyranny comes to America, it will be wrapped in
the flag and carrying a cross\" he thought they was writing an
instruction manual.
It\'s always wrapped in a flag, but the cross can be many things, like
global warming. And you do hate the US.
Bitrex clearly doesn\'t hate the US, even if he thinks it could be
improved. Tom Del Rosso and John Larkin seem to think that the USA is
absolutely perfect just the way it is - which is a trifle unrealistic
- and interpret any desire for change as a desire to damage that
perfection, which has to be motivated by hatred. It\'s silly.
Wrong on every point.
Pity that you don\'t address any of them.
It\'s the left that assumes that hatred drives opposition to gay
marriage, and that \"we have to ask why they hate us\" after 911 because
they assumed it must be the motive.
Where did gay marriage get into the discussion? And what has 9/11 got to do with with your assertion that Bitrex hates the US?
Yes it is stupid and childish. So is the left\'s frequent use of \"fair\"
and \"fairness\", which are words children use even more often than hate,
because they don\'t understand that fairness is subjective.
The right seems to think that fairness is subjective, because they can\'t bring themselves to see that certain traditional ways of behaving are unfair.
But Bitrex has expressed clear hatred for traditional Americans, often
on trival grounds like mocking rural people for stocking up for natural
disasters, by implying that it\'s really biblical armageddon they\'re
worried about.
Mocking people isn\'t actually expressing hatred.. It\'s just not taking them very seriously. Hatred directs you actually damage them - \"sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me\" which isn\'t strictly true, but close enough.
Can\'t say I remember this instance. Was it about multiple-convicted
scam-artist Jim Bakker selling buckets of food on TV for the end times?
Yes it\'s a terrible idea for any purpose as any actual survivalist could
tell you and he is a habitual scam-artist.
I don\'t know if Mormons count as \"traditional Americans\" but if other
types of \"traditional Americans\" want to do it properly they should ask
Larkin probably agrees with me that our constitution is as perfect as
humanly possible, and the country would be too if we followed it.
That\'s what I was saying you thought. It\'s obviously untrue - lots of people have written constitutions modelled on the US constitution, but there are features - like the electoral college and the right to bear arms 2nd amendment - which nobody has bothered to copy for fairly obvious reasons
Any desire for change should follow the procedure for amendment, instead of ignoring what it says as written - a very non-trivial distinction that the left can\'t wrap their heads around.
Nobody ignores what it says as written, but most people have enough sense to realise that the US constitution was written by a particular set of fallible human beings who clearly didn\'t get everything right.
You might be able to amend it into something better, but there are better constitutions around these days, and you\'d do better to start off from one of them.