Jeff Liebermann
On Sun, 01 Jan 2012 14:28:19 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>
My thanks to Dave Platt for the correction.
2000 / 25 = 80 hrs = 3.4 days
2000 / 17520 = 114 ua
Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
I goofed(tm). Two batteries in series do not add the Amp-Hr capacity.On Sun, 1 Jan 2012 10:51:36 -0800 (PST), "hrhofmann@att.net"
hrhofmann@att.net> wrote:
Good pont about the idle/leakage current. I just checked it, 25 ma
draw when pushing a button, 0 ua standby, so I guess idle/leakage
current is out of the picture.
My thanks to Dave Platt for the correction.
That should be:Well, if your remote uses 2 batteries, you would have a total of 4000
ma-hr of capacity. At a 25ma draw, that's
4000 / 25 = 160 hrs = 6.67 days
if someone sat on a remote button.
2000 / 25 = 80 hrs = 3.4 days
That should be:Could I trouble you to double check the standby current, possibly with
a more sensitive amps guesser? To drain the 4000 ma-hr batteries in 2
years (17,520 hrs), you only need:
4000 / 17520 = 228 ua
of leakage.
2000 / 17520 = 114 ua
Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558