Electronic repair parts wanted



For any service techs on this list, check out :


If you have any of these parts, register on the site to connect with the
shop who needs them. You can also offer parts you may have for sale from
your shop that closed up, or post wanted parts you need for repairs, or
other items like entire parted out units you may have that are used in the
consumer electronics trade. Test equipment is also welcome.
I dont see it as spam - it fits this segment of your reference to the

Note the stars which reference locations on obtaining servicing info and

sci.electronics.repair is an unmoderated group for the
discussion of repairing electronic equipment. Topics to
include: Requests for assistance, **Where to obtain servicing
information and parts **, Techniques for diagnosis and repair, and
Annecdotes about success, failures and problems with equipment

It also says its an unmoderated list - but you are attempting to moderate
If you can contact google, and participate in the process of editing that
description so that its perfectly applicable to your interpretation, I will
yield in defeat.

Also, if you read the FAQ and the message on the homepage of the site I
referenced , you will see its not purely a commercial site. Free
participation is offered.

"JeffM" <jeffm_@email.com> wrote in message
in news:gro86i$u72$1@adenine.netfront.net
Spareparts wrote:
If your commercial advertisement had been in a *sig*,
attached to a post where you were PARTICIPATING in the group,
*that* would have been acceptable.
Drive-by spam is NOT acceptable.

The charter for this group:
On 4/10/2009 2:20 PM Spareparts spake thus:

I dont see it as spam - it fits this segment of your reference to the

Note the stars which reference locations on obtaining servicing info and

sci.electronics.repair is an unmoderated group for the
discussion of repairing electronic equipment. Topics to
include: Requests for assistance, **Where to obtain servicing
information and parts **, Techniques for diagnosis and repair, and
Annecdotes about success, failures and problems with equipment

It also says its an unmoderated list - but you are attempting to moderate
This is not a "list", nor is it a "board": it's a Usenet newsgroup. I
suggest you learn more about this corner of the Internet before
lecturing us about policies.

If you can contact google, and participate in the process of editing that
description so that its perfectly applicable to your interpretation, I will
yield in defeat.
Google is not the keeper of the rules for Usenet. In fact, many people
consider Google to be the #1 fucker-upper of Usenet, on account of their
badly-implemented Google Groups "portal" that is the source of most of
the spam here currently.

Save the Planet
Kill Yourself

- motto of the Church of Euthanasia (http://www.churchofeuthanasia.org/)
in news:gro86i$u72$1@adenine.netfront.net
Spareparts wrote:
If your commercial advertisement had been in a *sig*,
attached to a post where you were PARTICIPATING in the group,
*that* would have been acceptable.
Drive-by spam is NOT acceptable.

The charter for this group:
On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:20:03 -0400, Spareparts wrote:
It also says its an unmoderated list -
Using your logic, I guess you steal when there's no guards.
Spareparts wrote:
I dont see it as spam

Of course not. Spammers have defective brains
that don't allow them to see THEIR spam as a problem.

It also says its an unmoderated list
- but you are attempting to moderate it.

You are _a natural_ for the financial services industry.
**If EXACTLY what I'm doing isn't EXPLICITLY spelled out as wrong,
it can't possibly be wrong.**
Again, spammers have defective brains
that don't allow them to put themselves in the shoes of others
and see what irritating jerks they are.

If you can contact google,
and participate in the process of editing that description

Here's what Google has to say about your behavior:

Here are my suggestions about broadening your enlightenment:
1) Make an efffort to learn what USENET is.
As you have been told, this is NOT "Google Groups".
It was also mentioned that the various Web-to-USENET portals
are considered the armpit of USENET,
as they allow shady entrepreneurs like you
to post to it while remaining completely clueless.

Also, if you read the FAQ

The FAQ says to put *commercial* content in *commercial* groups.
Hint: Groups whose names don't contain
*ads* *forsale* *marketplace* or *biz *
are **DISCUSSION** groups and DON'T want your ads.
(People who aren't completely clueless
know this without having it spelled out in individual FAQs.)
Michael Black covered it nicely here:

and the message on the homepage of the site I referenced,
you will see its not purely a commercial site.

Immaterial. Posts that are 100% advertisement are SPAM.
2) Learn what "participate" means.
2a) Conversely, try to imagine what **drive-by spammer** means.
3) Learn what "interloper" means.
Again, it's difficult for people with defective brains to understand
but do try looking at it from the viewpoint of non-spammers.

4) Learn what a *sig* is.
and learn how those are implemented on USENET .
5) Don't POST to groups that you haven't bothered to READ.
6) Don't post to groups where you have no interest in PARTICIPATING.

In addition:
7) Don't TOP-post.
Any *previous* text that isn't important enough to appear *above* your
should be removed--but do leave enough for *context*.
Again: Google is a distortion of USENET reality and best practices.

In summary: Make an effort to get a clue
and do stop thinking the world revolves around YOU.

Welcome to EDABoard.com

