Michael Black
On Thu, 24 Jul 2014, josephkk wrote:
I started reading sci.electronics in late 1994, only that and
sci.electronics.repair existed.
I know longer find Mark's guide to the hierarchy at his own location, but
there is a copy at
So I was off a bit, the division, which created .design along with the
other subdivisions came at the beginning of 1996.
On Thu, 24 Jul 2014 00:39:07 -0400, Michael Black <et472@ncf.ca> wrote:
On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, skaggs.larry@gmail.com wrote:
Here is a link to a new Electronics Repair and Design group that I have
started, need new members and fresh ideas.
Which is it, repair or design?
20 years ago, this hierarchy consisted of sci.electronics and
sci.electronics.repair It was some time in 1995 that Mark Zenier
put in the effort to divide up sci.electronics into the multiple
newsgroups we see today, design being one of them. But for some
reason (and I wasn't around before late 1994), someone had seen fit
to make .repair a separate newsgroup, even before any other subgroups
were created.
SED started in the early 1980s. Mark Z. must be some Johnny come lately,
as Big 8 was already in place in 1995. SED predates Big 8. That is why
it has no charter.
Where you getting this?
I started reading sci.electronics in late 1994, only that and
sci.electronics.repair existed.
I know longer find Mark's guide to the hierarchy at his own location, but
there is a copy at
So I was off a bit, the division, which created .design along with the
other subdivisions came at the beginning of 1996.