Electricity power meters

KoRRupT <me@nowhere> wrote in message
KoRRupT <me@nowhere> wrote

thanks for the replies so far guys. the meter at my
property is about 30years old with only 1 dial, so
there is no differetiation between peak and off peak.

sometimes i feel that the elec. comp. is ripping me off by
only 'guestimating' my usage. (my meter is not readily
available to be read because it's behind a roller door and
also i shut the front gate with a 'beware - vicious dog sign')

what key words should i search for
in google to find some text on this stuff?

Ok this is what I've summarised so far...

A. Domestic power rate does not change.

B. Off-peak power metering is turned on
automatically by a tone on the AC line
Its off peak DEVICES that are turned off and on.
And that isnt always by tones on the line, it can still
be done on a time basis by a clock in the meter box.

and is measured on a 2nd meter.
Correct. Tho that isnt necessarily physically a
separate meter with the most modern meters.

Its possible that they did change the meter
in the last few years and you didnt notice.

They may even have done that due to the access problem.

- if so... why does my bill have a peal/off-peak tariff if I've only
got a single meter? does that mean they stuffed up my billing?
Quite likely. Do you actually have a storage electrical hot water service ?
With you still getting hot water even with the power turned off ?

C. If I relocate the meter box, who should pay for it?

It's on the carport side of the house towards the back.
There's no practical place to install it - particularly I
have to close the gate to stop the dog running away.

What should I do?
You could organise the fences/gates so the dog is in
the backyard, with access still possible to the meter box.

The dog may be a complete wuz and
just wags its tail at the meter reader too.
"KoRRupT" <me@nowhere> wrote in message
"KoRRupT" <me@nowhere> wrote in message
| thanks for the replies so far guys. the meter at my property is about
| 30years old with only 1 dial, so there is no differetiation between peak
| off peak.
| sometimes i feel that the elec. comp. is ripping me off by only
| 'guestimating' my usage. (my meter is not readily available to be read
| because it's behind a roller door and also i shut the front gate with a
| 'beware - vicious dog sign')
| what key words should i search for in google to find some text on this
| stuff?

Ok this is what I've summarised so far...

A. Domestic power rate does not change.
They do change depending on the tariff you're on. I'm in Victoria and am on
what's called a WINNER tariff - all of my consumption between 7am and 11pm
is at 20 odd cents per kWh, while outside this time (and all weekend) I pay
about 10 cents (from memory). This is because I have an electronic meter
with a timeswitch in it - as far as I'm aware they don't use any sort of
tones over the powerlines for my setup - but maybe for big business or

So when the meter reader comes he presses the electonic button on the front
and it cycles though all the registers, and reads two of them; one for peak
the other for off peak.

B. Off-peak power metering is turned on automatically by a tone on the AC
line and is measured on a 2nd meter.
- if so... why does my bill have a peal/off-peak tariff if I've only
a single meter? does that mean they stuffed up my billing?
Either they've stuffed your bill, you really do have two meters and you're
looking at your gas meter or something, or you're in a state where they do
things differently to Vic.

C. If I relocate the meter box, who should pay for it? It's on the carport
side of the house towards the back. There's no practical place to install
it - particularly I have to close the gate to stop the dog running away.
What should I do?
If your carport is in the way you should move it. You own everything that is
in the way of the meter; you're making it unaccessable.

"Rod Speed" <rod_speed@yahoo.com> wrote in message
KoRRupT <me@nowhere> wrote in message

thanks for the replies so far guys. the meter at my
property is about 30years old with only 1 dial, so
there is no differetiation between peak and off peak.

Are you actually being BILLED for offpeak power use ?

Plenty of places that dont have offpeak hot
water dont actually get charged for any offpeak
power at all, and only have a single meter.
Just like our place - we have no off peak HWS, so we have only 1 meter. At
our last place that did have OPHWS, we had 2 meters - one for
power/lights/stove/etc, all charged at set price, and the other meter for
the HWS only, which appeared on the bill as a separate entry for off-peak
hot water.

sometimes i feel that the elec. comp. is ripping me off
by only 'guestimating' my usage. (my meter is not readily
available to be read because it's behind a roller door and
also i shut the front gate with a 'beware - vicious dog sign')

Corse they can estimate it in that situation.
They estimate up this way all the time, but only after they have had a few
readings from your meter so they can show a pattern, then they will usually
average the usage and use that instead of reading. However, IIRC it is
printed on the actual account that it is estimated and not read (somewhere
around the area where the meter reading is usually shown..).

what key words should i search for in
google to find some text on this stuff?

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"KoRRupT" <me@nowhere> wrote in message
Ok I'm really confused about household power meters.

How do electricity company tell how much electricity you've use during
and off-peak periods?

Does the transmission line have some kind of signal pulsing through it or
something to trick the meter to go faster or slower???
If you have off peak hot water switching with only one meter, they just
gave you a discount on the price per kwh, if you put your hot water onto off

If you dont have off peak hot water switch fitted and only have one meter,
you get a normal rate.

If you have two meters, you could get a peak rate and an off peak rate.

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