A few hours ago, after my friend opened a disposable camera and was
playing with the capacitor, I picked up the circuit board and almost
immediately felt a shock. I dropped the thing as soon as I felt the
shock, but now I'm worried about what it could have done. I looked at
the capacitor and it was rated at 330v 120uF. I realize that because
I picked it up with both hands, this went straight through my heart,
but is there anything that I need to worry about?
playing with the capacitor, I picked up the circuit board and almost
immediately felt a shock. I dropped the thing as soon as I felt the
shock, but now I'm worried about what it could have done. I looked at
the capacitor and it was rated at 330v 120uF. I realize that because
I picked it up with both hands, this went straight through my heart,
but is there anything that I need to worry about?