Electrical gigabit transmission ?

Tim McCaffrey <timcaffrey@aol.com> wrote:
| The fastest signaling over copper that I'm (being a software guy, and not
| involved in bleeding edge hardware development) aware of (in production)
| is 3Gig SAS/SATA cables. I'm not sure what the "baud" of the protocol is.

10GCBASE-CX4 runs each of its four pairs at 3.125 GBaud
(2.5 Gb/s net after 4b/5b coding [or is it 8b/10b?]).

| Perhaps Infiniband is faster?

Original Infiniband was only 2.5 GBaud/lane (2.0 Gb/s/lane net after
8b/10b coding), but DDR is readily available and QDR is "coming"(?).


Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
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