George Herold
On Jan 19, 6:34 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
of good advice. 'course ya have to sift through some not as good
Still it's hard to believe there's something new to be done in the
making of electrical contacts from metals.
We laddies will 'continue to do our thing'. (making electronics
George H.
Well said John, It's Darren's loss, I've found this group has plentyOn Tue, 18 Jan 2011 14:41:44 -0800 (PST), Searcher7
Search...@mail.con2.com> wrote:
On Jan 17, 10:47 am, George Herold <gher...@teachspin.com> wrote:
On Jan 16, 10:57 pm, Searcher7 <Search...@mail.con2.com> wrote:
On Jan 16, 10:27 pm, Rich Grise <ri...@example.net.invalid> wrote:
Searcher7 wrote:
Even with gold there is still the issue of having to clean the
this stuff for decades! What's impelling you to reject every reasonable
answer you've gotten? Are you on a secret mission from an alien planet
or what?
Or are you just another damned troll?
Someone piss in your Corn Flakes?
I've said enough. And no. No one has answered my question. Why is it a
crime for me to look for a permanent non-conductive solid wiping
material to be used in an enclosure for Phosphor-Bronze contacts?
This thread should have ended way back when I said that I'll just have
to experiment to find such a material myself. (In fact, I may just be
forced to just design to use Phosphor-Bronze itself as the wiping
material, even though it is conductive).
There is no need for you to respond further.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
"There is no need for you to respond further."
What, are you kidding? We're like a bunch of old ladies, as soon as
you leave, we'll discuss all your faults.
Ha! That sounds about right.
Well, of course.
Since you've found it necessary to respond to a response to which you
said needed no response, you've put yourself in the position of being,
at best, two-faced.
I had mentioned that drawing a picture was the only way and I'm not
going to do that. I've given enough details and then some.
All you've done, it seems to me, is been a leech and, since you
haven't been willing to divulge any details about what you're trying
to do, you're mining data, for free, and abrogating the payback
responsibility, even if it's just the satisfaction those who are
trying to help you would like to get for their effort.
What gets me is that certain individuals continue to dismiss the
possibility that what someone is attempting to build doesn't exist.
I didn't get that at all, all I got was that you've been asked, more
than once, what it is you're trying to do, and you've always declined
to say what thyat is.
I don't have a problem with that, since if what you're doing is novel
and you want to protect it, the best way is to stay tight-lipped about
At the same time though, you berate those are trying to help you, but
can't because of your reticence to divulge information, and I don't
think that's fair.
Or exist within the needed parameters for a specific project. They don't
comprehend that contacts may have to be a specific size. They may be a
specific dimension. They may have to wipe at specific times. And they
may have to come together a specific way. And they may have to do this
within a certain area. All this is lost on them and as a result they
keep giving ideas for contacts they've seen or know about already on
the market. The fact that someone may need something else than what is
available is lost on them. (Even when they are told this).
But, if you don't state what it is you want to do, and tie down all of
the variables you mention, what else can you expect?
After all, any "solutions" proffered are going to be based on, as you
say, previous problems.
If your problem is unique, then without knowing what it is, how can
anyone help you?
No extra details will change a good answer if there is one.
That's true, but the likelihood of your getting a good answer, with
the paucity of dertails you've supplied, is probably pretty close to
random, so your reticence to supply data is why you're still in the
dark, and that ignorance certainly can't be blamed on those of us who
have tried to help you.
So the response I get for not drawing a picture to satiate their curiosity is
to accuse me of not giving enough info.
It's not a question of satiating curiosity, it's a question of having
enough data to work with in order to supply you with a cogent answer.
You were the one who asked for help, so if those of us who wanted to
help you needed more information, why would you not supply it?
What I want to do is
irrelevant to whether or not material "A" will wipe material "B".
Ah, then, your original post was just bait and you're basically just a
low-grade troll?
So I'll let you "old ladies" continue to do your thing.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
As if you had a choice, you presumptuous ass.
JF- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
of good advice. 'course ya have to sift through some not as good
Still it's hard to believe there's something new to be done in the
making of electrical contacts from metals.
We laddies will 'continue to do our thing'. (making electronics
George H.