hal-usenet@ip-64-139-1-69.sjc.megapath.net (Hal Murray) wrote in
tried that test I mentioned, I used a Weller WSD-81 'station' and an LR-21
iron, set at 450°C. I could see it before my eyes were fully dark-adapted,
but could not resolve colour. I could see it pretty much equally with
photopic or scotopic vision, done by arranging wide angle changes off-axis
from central vision, but I could only resolve any detail when it was at the
centre. Not much either, I couldn't see the tip shape very clearly but I
could see the silhouette of the heavy guard coil wire as it passed across it.
What did surprise me was that a small near-IR sniffer I built could not see
it. It's not very sensitive but I thought it ought to if I could, given the
stuff I've used it for before, so eyes are obviously rather good at this.
Couldn't see a thing at 400°C though.
I'm not sure that citing it as any guide to precision matters much. I justApparently the Draper point at 798 K seems to be some standard for
visibility of hot objects, but I have not found any references how
this is actually determined.
wikipedia for John William Draper
In 1847 he published the observation that all solids glow red at
about the same temperature, about 977 F (798 K), which has come
to be known as the Draper point.
It has a couple of references if you want more info.
tried that test I mentioned, I used a Weller WSD-81 'station' and an LR-21
iron, set at 450°C. I could see it before my eyes were fully dark-adapted,
but could not resolve colour. I could see it pretty much equally with
photopic or scotopic vision, done by arranging wide angle changes off-axis
from central vision, but I could only resolve any detail when it was at the
centre. Not much either, I couldn't see the tip shape very clearly but I
could see the silhouette of the heavy guard coil wire as it passed across it.
What did surprise me was that a small near-IR sniffer I built could not see
it. It's not very sensitive but I thought it ought to if I could, given the
stuff I've used it for before, so eyes are obviously rather good at this.
Couldn't see a thing at 400°C though.