David Barnett
"Chriz" <chrizizhereALL_YOUR_HARDWARE@hotmail.com> wrote in message
: > Why are there so many of the one channel? Is this a STB fault
: > or the way it's supposed to be?
: You should delete these duplicates or at least turn skip on. Also there's
: point having HD on an SD box, so delete those too. Then you'll have less
: repeats when flicking channels.
Unless you contemplate switching the SD box to another TV?
David Barnett
: > Why are there so many of the one channel? Is this a STB fault
: > or the way it's supposed to be?
: You should delete these duplicates or at least turn skip on. Also there's
: point having HD on an SD box, so delete those too. Then you'll have less
: repeats when flicking channels.
Unless you contemplate switching the SD box to another TV?
David Barnett