Kralizec Craig
John Tserkezis <jt@techniciansyndrome.org.invalid> writes:
long-gone (one operating very near to where the current McDonalds at
Broadway now sits), are fondly remembered because that's what I was
developing my interest in electronics and, particularly with Sheridans, the
store was always a very welcoming place.
DSE's stores are minefields of product-illiterate sales droids.
of two. Given that we've had four electronics mags in Australia, and now
after several abortive attempts which resulted in the blip that was
Australian Electronics Monthly, the takeover of ETI by EA, and finally the
complete death of EA when Federal Publishing wanted to make the mag in a
rival for other mags such as 'T3', etc. which was then assumed by Silicon
Chip, there is now just one truly Australian electronics magazine.
We don't even have an Australian version of Elektor, and that magzine
publishes 11 times a year and must have thousands, if not more, subscribers
in Australia.
SUN RIPENED KERNELS - Surplus Sun Microsystems Equipment, Parts + Accessories
Waterfall, NSW, Australia - Operated by Craig Dewick - Founded in 1996
Main site: www.sunrk.com.au - Ebay Shop: www.ebayshops.com.au/sunripenedkernels
Ph: +612-9520-2547 - Fax: +612-9520-2557 - Mobile: 04-2163-0547 (int. +614)
The days of Sheridan Electronics in Redfern, and several other stores nowS Roby wrote:
The elec. kits (& components) are disappearing: being squeezed out of the
shop, I guess they want Joe(& wife Jane) average in the shop
Same here in Sydney, the kit department hasn't shunk too much, but what has
changed, is there are by far more 'baby' kits that perform small novelty tasks
(assorted beeps or flashes lights), or learning kits.
long-gone (one operating very near to where the current McDonalds at
Broadway now sits), are fondly remembered because that's what I was
developing my interest in electronics and, particularly with Sheridans, the
store was always a very welcoming place.
DSE's stores are minefields of product-illiterate sales droids.
That's come about because we have only one electronics magazine now, insteadThe business end of the kit scale has certainly shrunk.
of two. Given that we've had four electronics mags in Australia, and now
after several abortive attempts which resulted in the blip that was
Australian Electronics Monthly, the takeover of ETI by EA, and finally the
complete death of EA when Federal Publishing wanted to make the mag in a
rival for other mags such as 'T3', etc. which was then assumed by Silicon
Chip, there is now just one truly Australian electronics magazine.
We don't even have an Australian version of Elektor, and that magzine
publishes 11 times a year and must have thousands, if not more, subscribers
in Australia.
SUN RIPENED KERNELS - Surplus Sun Microsystems Equipment, Parts + Accessories
Waterfall, NSW, Australia - Operated by Craig Dewick - Founded in 1996
Main site: www.sunrk.com.au - Ebay Shop: www.ebayshops.com.au/sunripenedkernels
Ph: +612-9520-2547 - Fax: +612-9520-2557 - Mobile: 04-2163-0547 (int. +614)