Jag Man
Thanks, John. I may have misled you though, as I actually have an NPN (NTE
123AP) transistor
between the 4017 and the 555. E.g., pin 2 (a decoded output) of the 4107
goes a 10K resistor, thence
to the base of the transistor. Another 10k resistor connects the base to
ground. The collector
goes to pin 2 of the 555, and the emitter is grounded. Pin 2 is also
connected through a 10k
resistor to +12. This is to present pin 2 with a negative pulse, which is
the way
I've triggered 555 in other projects.
So, does the analysis still hold?
123AP) transistor
between the 4017 and the 555. E.g., pin 2 (a decoded output) of the 4107
goes a 10K resistor, thence
to the base of the transistor. Another 10k resistor connects the base to
ground. The collector
goes to pin 2 of the 555, and the emitter is grounded. Pin 2 is also
connected through a 10k
resistor to +12. This is to present pin 2 with a negative pulse, which is
the way
I've triggered 555 in other projects.
So, does the analysis still hold?
No, it's actually pretty slick!
What's happening is that when the 4017 output goes low it
unconditionally resets the 555, discharging the timing cap, then when
it goes high and it gets to about 0.7V it releases the reset and drags
the trigger pin high along with it. Now, since the trigger pin will be
at less than about 1/3 Vcc when the 555 comes out of reset, the output
will go high and the 555 will start timing out. What's slick is that
it's only going to take ever how long it takes for the counter's
output to get to higher than 1/3 Vcc to not be triggering the 555 any
more, and then the 555 will time out during the time the counter's
output is high.
__________ __________ ______
4017 OUT __________| |__________| |__________|
_____ __________ __________ ______
RESET __________| |__________| |__________|
____ __________ __________ ______
TRIG __________| |__________| |__________|
_ _ _
555 OUT ___________| |___________________| |___________________| |___
-->||<--- effective trigger pulse width
John Fields