Driver to drive?

Jim Thompson wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote:

The opamp voltage-current converter in this circuit is unusual.

No. It was recently discussed here as a power amplifier method.
And it was used in hybrid circuits as early as the mid-60s.
Yes, Tony williams and I have had lengthy threads here on s.e.d
over the years about this type of circuit, but it's still unusual.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:55:01 +0100, Paul Burridge
<> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:49:04 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:35:42 +0100, Paul Burridge> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 11:36:52 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

My favorite plane was the Spitfire. I have a book full of specs and
mechanical drawings that I found in a ratty little bookstore in

Oh don't start me off! The raspy gurgle of that 27 litre Merlin engine
in the skies over sunny southern England still brings a tear to my eye
and a lump to my throat. <gulp!

I know. I wasn't even born, and it gives me chills, too. Their Finest
Hour, f'sure.

Same here. Some days during the summer there are airshows around the
south coast and I sometimes see a couple of the last remaining flying
Spits pass overhead on their way to do another display. For a brief
moment I'm transported back to 1940. I'm not an emotional guy, but
there is something very moving about the experience. Think I must have
been a Spit pilot in my previous life.
There's a wonderful RAF museum just north of London; you can get there
with a train ride and a long walk (or long wait for a bus). There's
the only Spit I've ever seen in the flesh, and it's more beautiful
than the pictures can express.

Can't recommend the food in the cafeteria, though. Pack a lunch.

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 06:31:20 +0000, Robert Monsen wrote:

BTW, later in your posting, you compare the (well deserved) pie in the
face Ann Coulter got to rape. Well, it's nothing like rape, and you
belittle the suffering of true rape victims by saying so. Shame on you!
I just looked up Ann Coulter. Sheesh! What a lunatic! She deserves to
be pied, with a twisted mindset like she seems to have.

Nero Fiddles while Rome Burns.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:08:35 -0700, Karl-Hugo Weesberg wrote:

He hates them, so he will outlaw them if elected.

So better vote for George W. BUSH !
I heard that Bush wants to implant RFID chips in all the newborn
babies. The yuppie scum ought to love that - another layer of
separation from their SPMs, supervised by George the Brave.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:54:57 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

Rich Grise <> wrote in message news:<>...

Mr. Seim, what you're slinging here isn't mud - You're shouting from
the rooftops that your opponent is the better man, you idiot!

I take it you're voting for Bush.
This is the stupidest thing anybody in the world could possibly ever say.

Thanks for showing off your "intellectual superiority." Not.


That's OK. Seems like to the
standard response around here is "you're an idiot". If the level of
discourse rises any higher we'll punch thru the sewer lagoon.
Well, if you're so blatantly blockheaded that you're capable of
even entertaining the notion that I even think Bush should be allowed
to live, let alone vote for the nazi scum, then you are stupider than
I ever thought was humanly possible.

Thanks for holding yourself up as the paragon of Bush-lickers.

Does anybody knows a RLC model for telephone line?
I need to simulate a SLIC in a real environment so need spice model
for telephone line.
What gauge? 22, 24. 26? Mixed gauge? Is any bridge-tap permitted?

<A HREF="">Wilcom Inc. - Test Equipment

You may want to look at the T-240.

Tom Seim wrote:

The racists dominate the Democratic Party. By "racist" I mean someone
who makes an unsubstantiated accusation of racism - this called
"playing the race card." for Dems.

Got this in the E-Mail from a Congressman

Outrage of the Week
In the election battleground state of Ohio, a local chapter of the minority
rights group NAACP is accused of registering hundreds of fictitious names in
hopes of altering the presidential election. Even more bizarre, the man
arrested for submitting the fake voter names said he was paid with cocaine.
Federal and state election officials are investigating the matter, including
other voter registration drives by NAACP chapters.

So if you register Voters for Kerry You can get free Cocaine?
In article &lt;;,
Rich Grise &lt;; wrote:
Wanna hear a totally wacko idea? (that's the AFOF in the subject line -
A Flight Of Fancy)

Issue everybody in the country an unlimited credit card.

The rich won't like it because they're paranoid, and have themselves
convinced that they'll starve if they don't have infinitillion dollars
in the bank.

Which isn't the case at all, because, well, look at it. All you have to
do is declare that everybody's credit card is covered, with an unlimited
balance. This will be even cheaper than printing notes 24/7 at BP&amp;E.
This will raise the money supply to infinity. Inflation will then make
each dollar worth zero goods. You would have to make accounting software
than handles higher forms of carinality than mere infinity to make this
system work. There would have to be a new line of computers to run this
software because it would have to handle more forms of numbers. Computers
these days work in fixed point (integer) and floating point values. These
more advanced computers would have to handle fixed point, floating point,
flying point, space traveling point, needle point and pointless numbers.

-- forging knowledge
In article &lt;;,
Winfield Hill &lt;; wrote:
Jim Thompson wrote...

Winfield Hill wrote:

The opamp voltage-current converter in this circuit is unusual.

No. It was recently discussed here as a power amplifier method.
And it was used in hybrid circuits as early as the mid-60s.

Yes, Tony williams and I have had lengthy threads here on s.e.d
over the years about this type of circuit, but it's still unusual.
It is also a cruel thing to do to an op-amp so it is not allowed in the

The LM/CA 3080 can also be used to make a bidirectional current source
within certain limits. I wonder if it could be applied to the question at
hand to make a simpler circuit.

-- forging knowledge
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 09:57:34 -0700, John Larkin
&lt;; wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:43:17 -0700, Jim Thompson; wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:34:59 -0700, John Larkin; wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 16:13:36 -0700, Jim Thompson; wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 23:07:12 GMT, Robert Monsen; wrote:


That whole AMT argument is specious. Both campaigns have pledged to
prevent AMT from affecting the tax rates of the middle class. The only
problem is that AMT is not indexed to inflation, which is an easy fix.

I'm beginning to think it would be good if Kerry is elected... a
super-carbon-copy of Carter's presidency... prevent the Bitch from
running and put the Democrat party right where it belongs... dead !-)

...Jim Thompson

But at least think about the Supreme Court first.


I'm a hawk, but on personal items I'm a Libertarian. I think a super
right wing "supremey" would be terrible.

...Jim Thompson

OK, but be prepared for hoards of hungry trial lawyers circling your
house, just outboard from the union pickets.

Don't you tire, after awhile, of all the extreme right wing crap about
abortion and gay rights? I really don't give a damn what other people
do, as long as they don't bother me. Just call it "civil union" and
I'll be happy. Most major companies recognize it as such already for
benefits, etc. Most cities in Arizona recognize such arrangements and
provide benefits.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Tom Seim" &lt;; wrote in message
Fred Bloggs &lt;; wrote in message
John Larkin wrote:
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:33:54 +0100, Paul Burridge; wrote:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 19:18:20 GMT, "Clarence" &lt;; wrote:

I liked the P38.
Saw a lot of them at the training base.
Flew half a mile to one side of my house when landing.

The P38 was a double-action Walther 9mm semi-automatic pistol commonly
issued to German troops during WW2. They don't fly - unless you throw

P38 Lightning, the Fork-Tailed Devil. It wasn't that useful over
Europe, but it wreaked hell against the Japanese. It was a flight of
seventeen P38's that ambushed Yamamoto near Bougainville on April 15,
1943. &gt; &gt; &gt; John

sniped Bloggs bad language

You are amazingly misinformed for a veteran. The label "Fork-Tailed
Devil" was the Japanese term. The superior altitude, speed, armament
and armor of the P38 rendered the Zero defenseless

"On my first confrontation with the P-38, I was astonished to find an
American aircraft that could outrun, outclimb, and outdive our Zero
which we thought was the most superior fighter plane in the world. The
Lightning's great speed, its sensational high altitude performance,
and especially its ability to dive and climb much faster than the Zero
presented insuperable problems for our fliers. The P-38 pilots, flying
at great height, chose when and where they wanted to fight with
disastrous results for our own men. The P-38 boded ill for the future
and destroyed the morale of the Zero fighter Pilot."...Saburo Sakai,
Japanese Ace

For pictures and history.
On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 22:19:08 +0000, Clarence wrote:

Tom Seim wrote:


The racists dominate the Democratic Party. By "racist" I mean someone
who makes an unsubstantiated accusation of racism - this called
"playing the race card." for Dems.

Got this in the E-Mail from a Congressman

Outrage of the Week
In the election battleground state of Ohio, a local chapter of the minority
rights group NAACP is accused of registering hundreds of fictitious names in
hopes of altering the presidential election. Even more bizarre, the man
arrested for submitting the fake voter names said he was paid with cocaine.
Federal and state election officials are investigating the matter, including
other voter registration drives by NAACP chapters.

So if you register Voters for Kerry You can get free Cocaine?
I don't know, Clarence? Why don't you mosey on down to your local NAACP
and ask for a job?

Tell us what they say, OK?

In article &lt;wTVed.34244$;,
Clarence &lt;; wrote:
So if you register Voters for Kerry You can get free Cocaine?
Perhaps, It is a drug, after all, and he is planning to allow drug
imports from Canada. With all this global warming, coca will be able to
grow in Canada. With the large ready market to the south, it will be a
sure fire business for Canadians to get into.

-- forging knowledge
On 24 Oct 2004 16:23:13 -0700, (Tim Shoppa)

Jim Thompson &lt;; wrote in message news:&lt;;...
Considering that I designed it ~1968 it's not too shabby. The
matching PFD is the MC4044.

The MC4024 core structure was also fabricated on MECL III and will do

Other of my PLL designs are now made in the 12000 series.

As long as we're on the subject, have you ever posted a schematic of
the MC1648 or discussed the AGC mechanism it uses?

No I haven't, but it looks like I should... the publicized schematic
seems to be with errors.

When I have some free time (I'm up to my ears in work right now), I'll
post a description of how it works.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Rich Grise wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 02:26:41 +0000, Fred Bloggs wrote:

arrived when heavily armored and armed police use potentially lethal force


It's lethal now, brother.

Remember Kent State! Remember Ruby Ridge! Remember Waco!
Rich, think about what you're saying; under which
presidents did these events occur?

Mark L. Fergerson
Hi Ken,

It is also a cruel thing to do to an op-amp so it is not allowed in the

Did some opamps form an association or other special interest group?
Which one is their elected leader? I'd vote for the uA709. In the
differential category for the uA733.

Regards, Joerg
Robert Monsen &lt;; wrote in

Ken Smith wrote:
In article &lt;;,
John Fields &lt;; wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 03:23:42 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Remember, ...

Remember, that's an interesting device.

Preface everything with 'remember' and it lends a certain credibility
to whatever follows.

In most cases, when John Dyson uses that device, it indicates the
weakest point in his argument. Its almost like a "tell" in poker.

Something like this?

"Remember, John Dyson is a sick troll, who posts things that are
completely outrageous just to get a negative reaction, and thus to
reconfirm his own twisted world view that liberals (anybody who
questions his rantings) are people who never listen to reason (him),
and who are filled with hate towards all conservatives (him)."

Most people wouldn't agree with that sentiment by itself, but it sure
sounds convincing when followed by that "Remember" bit, doesn't it?
And you bitch about being called names. here's one;hypocrite.

Jim Yanik
Ken Smith wrote...
The LM/CA 3080 can also be used to make a bidirectional current source
within certain limits. I wonder if it could be applied to the question
at hand to make a simpler circuit.
The 3080 transconductance amplifier is a great part, not a bad current
source, but with limited capability of about 1mA or so maximum current
(15mA requested) and 12V maximum voltage compliance (15mA * 2k = 30V
requested), so we're required to give up a simple IC-purchase approach
and "roll out own" with well over 60V total rail-rail supply voltage.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Rich Grise &lt;; writes:
No, about channel 1. Wasn't Green Acres in another thread? About the only
thing I remember about it was the three naked girls bathing in the water
tower. And ZszZsa, of course. I wonder if working with her was what made
Eddie Albert go prematurely senile.
You are confusing "Green Acres" with "Petticoat Junction".
Dbowey wrote:


Does anybody knows a RLC model for telephone line?
I need to simulate a SLIC in a real environment so need spice model
for telephone line.

What gauge? 22, 24. 26? Mixed gauge? Is any bridge-tap permitted?

A HREF=""&gt;Wilcom Inc. - Test Equipment

You may want to look at the T-240.


That gives you a physical model, but how do you connect the darn thing
to a SPICE simulation?

I do not think a real telephone line is going to be amenable to
simulation with a simple RLC. It's going to act like a transmission
line, with a characteristic impedance somewhere centered around 100 ohms
but varying widely from one to the next, a widely varying reflection
coefficient, a great deal of loss, also varying, and with a length that
can be anywhere from a few feet to a few miles. In addition you'll have
some bonus signals injected from neighboring lines, free of charge.

Aside from that it should be a snap to simulate.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

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