Driver to drive?

"Fred Bloggs" <> schreef in bericht
Frank Bemelman wrote:
Okay, the request is a circuit that pulses an opto coupler, briefly
and just once. It should do so, everytime it is powered up. Power
is 9V.

An IC would be fine too. Anyway, I fiddled this:

+9V ----------.-----.-----.------------.-----------
| | | | |
| | | | .-.
| | | DIODE - | |470 (OPTO)
| 220n| | ^ | |
| --- >| ___ | + #|- '.'
| --- |--|___|---'----#|----|
| | /| 560K #| |
.-. | | 1uF |
| | | | PNP |
10K | | | | |
'-' | | |
| | | ___ |/
| o-----o----------|___|------| NPN
| | 1000 |
| | |
| - .
| ^ DIODE |
| | |
| | |
| | |
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.21 Beta

Any improvements possible? Win is of course not allowed to
participate, because he is much too clever.

Depends how that 9V is applied- you say just one pulse- so the power
switch must be debounced- and if that is the case none of the circuits
so far work- you need to qualify the output pulse by not initiating it
until power is up and stays up. A CMOS 555 would be best because the
ultra-high input impedance allows you to use smallest possible filter
Good point, about the bouncing. This question was also posted on a
Dutch newsgroup, by someone else, and another poster suggested to use
a sot-23 pic, like the PIC10F200 (+ regulator). Since I had little else
to do, I posted my sketch here. But it sucks ;) Fred Bartoli's suggestion
would still work, perhaps adding a nice power decoupling cap to filter
the debounce effect. Or the damn 555 ;)

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"Anders F" <> schreef in bericht
"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message
"Clarence" <> schreef in bericht

Hassan wrote:
I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A
Notice the important part:
controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

I still recommend separate mosfets! But of course Hassan /might/ actually
mean what he wrote. He might look at Sipex's offerings... (ie. SP7655 8A
buck to 28V). That is if he's actually following the discussion ;-)
I'm surprised that one exists. Small package too, 7mm x 4mm. It
looks challenging to get rid of the heat, even at 95% efficiency.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Steve wrote:
I have a circuit board with 10 relays. Each relay has 3 pins (NC,
Common, and NO). If I wanted to connect one of the relays to control a
simple buzzer that only has 2 wires (+/-) how would I have to connect
those two wires to the relay?

I am thinking that the negative wire (black) should go to COMMON port
on the relay and the positive wire (red) should go to NC so that when
the switch is closed then the buzzer would be activated?
The relay contacts are like a switch

NO = Normally open
NC = Normally closed

View in a fixed-width font -

| | |
| Relay | | |
| coil _|_ NO o /o NC
| |_/_|- /
--- | /
- | o
| | |
| | o |
| |=|> Push .-.
| | o ( X ) Buzer
| | '-'
| | |
Joerg wrote:
Hi Rene, Hi Harry,

... Note that opamps do not like capacitive loads. So when you drive
the input with an opamp, make sure to have a series resistor.

Or better yet, follow it with a sturdy buffer. Most ADCs need a nice low
drive impedance. Else digital noise might make it back into their
inputs. Sometimes that can even happen via paths on the chip that are
beyond a design engineer's control.
I once failed with that, when an ADC had a huge internal capacitance.
The Opamp thought to drive this input was oscillating.
It was solved with 1uF on the input and an 1k in series.
Luckily the bandwidth of the measurement was very low.
Imagine 5mV self generated spikes on the input of a 20 bit ADC.
All the newer ADCs are having capacitive inputs, as far as I could see.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 01:44:21 GMT, Fred Bloggs wrote:

The House Ethics Committee Case Against
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
Nice investigating, man.

This is business as usual - like a gentleman's agreement. I find out
you're having a party. I go. I saw you there. We were seen talking
alone, or not. The wrong person found out, or not. I can just as
easily get in to your office because we're old friends (read "good
customer" - the bottom line.)

I'd be more surprised to find a pol that didn't pull this shit,
given the time to learn the ropes.

Thanks for the reminder. [belch]
Best Regards,
It's true my mechanics sisters, bother, dog grommers' dad's, sister-in-law

"Product developer" <> wrote in message
Do a google search on "martial law nov 1".

It seems that Bush is going to declare Martial law and blame it on

I received a phone call from a client tonight from New Zealand
stating that people are actually leaving the U.S. over this one. I
looked it up and it's a big time story on the web in left wing kook
sites. I am surprised Dred Floggs hasn't paraded here as fact yet.
David Lesher wrote: (Tim Shoppa) writes:

I understand that a flip-flop will toggle between states when a button
is pressed. I'd like to know though, will it hold state with NO power?

Known as a "latching relay": bistable. You can get 2 toggle-action latching

I have [somewhere....] some Korean Wall era magnetic latching relays.
You hit them with + - voltage and it would toggle one way...and
stay. Give it - + and get the other state.

(I somewhere read this was done with bias magnets but I'm not sure; they
are in typical Mil-Spec hermetically sealed cans.)

A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433
Aie-yup! Magnets are used for the latching.
Sinatra Benigni wrote:
I want some help to select a pulse transformer that is good for my
I want to design and simulate it for my university project

The Pulse Transformer should rise up pulses with voltage of 20kv to
100kv with a rise time of 0.3-0.4 micro seconds and pulse width of 3-4
micro seconds

which kind of insulator should I use for high voltage side? I saw that
most of insulators have a voltage standing of 30v/mil, but that needs
an insulator with a thickness of 3.3 inch in hich voltage side!
is that reasonable or I should select another insulator? which
insulator do you suggest for it? where on internet can I find

my second question is about leakage inductance(Ll) and distributed

I use these formules for Ll and Cd:

Ll=(0.032 Ns^2 Lc/t)*(s1 + d/3)
Cd=(0.225 k Lc t/s1)*(1/3 + 2/3n + 1/3n^2)

when I calculate these,where should I place tham in simulation
circuit?primary or secondary?

please help me on this problem

Sinatra Benigni
We ain't gonna due yer homewoik!
House-some-ever, look at Teflon and (nitrogen) foamed plastics for
Try coax cable for the HV insulation as well as for "bifilar" winding
(gives extremely low leakage inductance for fast risetime).
And turn ratios do not have to be 1:1 using coax cable (how it is done
is left as an exercize to the student).
"John Larkin" <> schreef in
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 02:22:59 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"> wrote:

Now, some simple questions:

Do you believe Iraq is a better place now, compared to the situation
before the invasion?

No. But it might be, some years from now.
I understand that doctors sometimes or even often need to hurt a
patient for their own good. But that really doesn't apply here.
This is all guess work. Iraq was already on it's way to a better
place, Saddam getting older, UN having a foot between the
door, etcetara.

Do you believe the US is a better place now, compared to the situation
before the invasion?

Somewhat, but that's not a causality.
I'm surprised you say that.

Do you believe that US families who lost their son(s) in this event are
that they contributed to this new situation?

Some, probably the majority, are. Their sons were, by choice,
I hope they can stay proud, for their own personnal happiness. But
I doubt it. As it looks now, consencus that this war was a foolish
decision only grows. Worldwide it already has been condemned, even
before it started. In time, the US will also, I have no doubt about
that. Common sense always wins.

Are you happy to see how your tax dollar is spent on this event, or had
you preferred to spend them on bonusses for your workers?

I'd prefer that the UN had done its job, that the 911 attacks had
never happened, and that the world was peaceful. On the other hand,
we're getting a *lot* of defense-related business, so as a purely
pragmatic matter, my employees are better off. But that's just us.
I should have asked another question then. But I won't turn this
into a quiz.

Are you having fun yet?

I always try to do good work and have fun. Being a basicly serious
geek and a borderline-clinical bipolar person, it has taken, continues
to take, some conscious effort. Being angry or bummed out doesn't do
anybody any good, and can mess up one's judgement.
Well, Mr. Bush got pretty angry, and even agressive, yet you don't
seem to have any problems with that.

Are you having fun?
Not in this thread, but I make sure I get my daily portion of fun,
no need to worry.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:07:18 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

John Larkin wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 04:06:38 GMT, Fred Bloggs <

John Larkin wrote:

On 15 Oct 2004 18:24:14 -0700, Winfield Hill> wrote:

John Larkin wrote...

I'm working on some stuff to test radars on B-52s. The plan
is to keep them in service until 2044, at which point many
of the planes will be 80 years old.

I'm reminded of the old Jimmy Stewart metal fatigue movie.

There's a bunch on airframe fatigue in here:


The official figure is 90 year operational life. Get it right.

So, why don't you cut and paste a few kilobytes of text to show the
world how terribly wrong I am? Don't let this chance get away!


How are you testing the radar?

BAE is building the ground-support test set. They have cool little
suction-cup or something near-field couplers they stick over the
plane's antennas and simulate targets and stuff. I'm just doing a VME
module for them that generates the simulated target waveforms and a
bunch of digital pulses that time things somehow. I don't know (aren't
allowed to know!) the gory details; I just make the waveforms.

Still, those old droopy-wing 8-engine B-52s are classy birds.

Hehe- I *knew* your end would be VME. I am familiar with this type of
simulation- it is called convolving the environment- the ultimate
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 03:23:42 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

Remember, ...
Remember, that's an interesting device.

Preface everything with 'remember' and it lends a certain credibility
to whatever follows.

John Fields
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Just another of your smokescreen charges, fat wimp office parasite. You
continue to evade answering the question about your military service.
Why is that? Looks like you're just another pompous, sissy boy, flag
waver like that Dick scum. Keep screaming, dickless.

Actually yes. Your repeated reaction is getting boring.

-- forging knowledge
Rich Grise <> says...

No, about channel 1. Wasn't Green Acres in another thread? About the only
thing I remember about it was the three naked girls bathing in the water
tower. And ZszZsa, of course. I wonder if working with her was what made
Eddie Albert go prematurely senile.
Not Zsa Zsa. There were three Gabor sisters, Zsa Zsa, Eva and Magda.
Eva played on _Green Acres_.
"Steve" <> wrote:

I never really built any electronic devices on my own yet so I am
hoping that someone can provide some input with regards to connecting
relays to external devices.

I have a circuit board with 10 relays. Each relay has 3 pins (NC,
Common, and NO). If I wanted to connect one of the relays to control a
simple buzzer that only has 2 wires (+/-) how would I have to connect
those two wires to the relay?

I am thinking that the negative wire (black) should go to COMMON port
on the relay and the positive wire (red) should go to NC so that when
the switch is closed then the buzzer would be activated?

Here is a simple diagram of some relays and external devices:

No, the relay contacts are N/O, i.e, 'Normally Open'. When activated
by current through the relay coil, they *close*. So you need to wire
the negative wire to the COMMON connection and the other wire to the
NO connection. Then place the load in series with that. I've
illustrated it here:

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
kell wrote:
I would hate to think that martial law might be declared in this
country. Sure there are a lot of left-wing kooks out there, but if it
happens it ain't gonna be the kooks that set the wheels a-turning.
It's going to be the hard-headed people doing what they think is
right. Ouch!
I thought all those US survivalist nuts and militias waiting to repel a UN
invasion or New World Order were 'Right Wing' - not 'Leftists'.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
Tom Seim wrote:
Rich Grise <> wrote in message news:<>...

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 20:55:03 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Rich Grise wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:42:28 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

fredfraud, THE VIETNAM VET FRAUD, is silent - good!!!

So, Mr. Seim, would you be so kind as to explain to those of us who
are slow of understanding, what exactly it is about the silencing of
this "freadfroid" character that gives you such great joy?


I think it's time for Seim to come clean about his activities during the
period 1965-1975. Just exactly what was this great "patriot" doing
during those years? I just love it when these little loud-mouthed
sissies who dedicated their lives to personal comfort, and have
absolutely no experience to draw on, reach old age- all the maggot has
to show for it is an overfunded and dull life in the suburbs with an SUV
in the garage- all of the more important intangibles are absent- no one
has any respect for a career squirrel!-haha- Like I said before, these
people don't even rate cemetery space- the landfill is the best place to
put them.


Yeah, you do.

You need to answer his questions, one at a time.

You do still have the capacity to answer questions, haven't you?

For one, not that it makes any difference, other than I'm watching the
bloogstime dance with some interest, but what _were_ you doing during
those years phred asked about?

You _do_ have it in you to answer one simple question, haven't you?

Like, for example, in 1965, I was in jumior high or high school - I'm
horseshit at keeping track of dates. But I graduated HS in '67, went
to Minnesota Institutite of Technology in '67-'68, joined the US Air
Force in '68, and did drugs until they threw me out of the Air Force
in 1976.

Where were you?


Since you asked me in such a polite way, I'll tell you. While you were
doing drugs I was involved in top secret national defense projects at
the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after graduating from Oregon State U.
in 1969. I am not a vet and never pretended to be one.

haha- I like that "involved with" and don't forget "associated with" -
these are typical governmentese expressions meaning you did damned
little other than attend vugraph presentations and get confused- you
were part of a mass of parasitic bureaucratic overhead that produced
nothing except interference and delays in your never ending quest to
achieve presence by making noise. You fool no one- you are worthless now
and always have been.
On 23 Oct 2004 01:16:17 -0700, "Steve" <> wrote:

I never really built any electronic devices on my own yet so I am
hoping that someone can provide some input with regards to connecting
relays to external devices.

I have a circuit board with 10 relays. Each relay has 3 pins (NC,
Common, and NO). If I wanted to connect one of the relays to control a
simple buzzer that only has 2 wires (+/-) how would I have to connect
those two wires to the relay?

I am thinking that the negative wire (black) should go to COMMON port
on the relay and the positive wire (red) should go to NC so that when
the switch is closed then the buzzer would be activated?
If you wired it up like that, you could make the relay itself be a

| |<--O
[COIL]- - -| |
| |

John Fields
kell wrote:
I would hate to think that martial law might be declared in this
country. Sure there are a lot of left-wing kooks out there, but if it
happens it ain't gonna be the kooks that set the wheels a-turning.
It's going to be the hard-headed people doing what they think is
right. Ouch!
It is logistically impossible to put this nation under martial law- it
is impossible to do with this with 100% coverage in most major cities.
In article <>,
Fred Bloggs <> wrote:
His political sense is so overwhelming olfactory- it is amazing how
wires get crossed like that.
A common characterization of one of the effects of things like LSD and
ergot fungus is "I hear the color blue". Sensory confusion is a fairly
common experience.

All of our senses come together in a very primative part of the brain.
Any sensory input causes the same "excited" responce. In primative
animals, the same reaction (running away) worked as a good tactic for
dealling with any unexpected change in sight, sound or smell. In higher
animals, more complex logic is overlayed on top of the basic getting
excited. The old stuff is still there.

-- forging knowledge
Tom Seim wrote:
I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.

Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing elections,
preventing millions of people from voting, starting major international
wars on false pretexts, or passing laws that remove fundamental
protections under the Bill of Rights. You can continue to argue over
alleged and trivial personal standards, because that's all your capable
of handling, but must people who /use/ their intellect are disturbed
much more by so-called conservative actions.

Welcome to

