Driver to drive?

On 25 Oct 2004 20:08:06 -0700, (Tom Seim) wrote:

Kind of fun seeing you guys all spooled up. Next time I'll recommend a
national ID.
Too late. It's already on the way (here in Britland, anyway).
Intelligent biometric ID cards cross-linked between all government
agencies are due in before the end of the decade. US next, I predict.
Orwell was on to something.


"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

I am REAL INTERESTED in seeing where this Oil-for-Food
scandel leads. We are talking BILLIONS in bribes to the
UN, France, Germany and Russian. Halliburton isn't even
on the radar screen anymore - nothing there.

Don't be too sure about that. Everything is an allegation
so far derived

from an appearance created by these oil vouchers, Volcker
WILL get to

the bottom of it. And the American companies, of which
there were plenty, were not included in the listing.
Halliburton subsidiaries will almost *certainly* be
involved, as well as numerous others which contributed
*key* political appointees to the Bush administration as
well as campaign financing.

Hey, you are ready to convict based on a grand jury subpoena.

A grand jury is an entirely different entity from the CIA Iraq
Survey Group. The so-called bribes all appear to be in the form
of oil vouchers and it has to be investigated to its
conclusion. Many US companies were involved too- why do you
ignore that fact?

I haven't ignored any facts; just haven't seen any. Doubt that
you have any REAL facts, ...

That's the point- you have no idea of American corporate
involvement yet- but you have been told it is there.

You keep telling us it's there; that's all we've been hearing.
The beef is that US cannot publicize the American participants because
of Privacy Law concerns. Volcker will sometime around 6/05 they say.
When the Dems have nothing else they resort to innuendo
and outright slander. Just like you, fredrook.

Nope- that is the character of Republicans these days- and
the small bits of offal such as yourself.

Right, Dan Rather told you that.

Nope- that is more than obvious from numerous scandals that
have arisen. Take a look at that sorry-assed loser Karl Rove-
clearly some kind of hormone deficient freak. Looks like he may
be going to jail this time. He will not last very long outside
solitary confinement.

[...ehh shut the hell up- fatass blowhard illiterate...]

Running low on insults, huh? You have to start plagarizing mine!
Speaking of plagiarism- that's /your/ life story. We have caught you in
numerous lies, all of your phony sources have been impeached, you
understand very little about the major issues. You are a single issue
voter and prostitute for the Bush campaign. Your death by cancer will be
very painful.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:33:54 +0100, Paul Burridge> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 19:18:20 GMT, "Clarence"> wrote:

I liked the P38. Saw a lot of them at the training
base. Flew half a mile to one side of my house when

The P38 was a double-action Walther 9mm semi-automatic
pistol commonly issued to German troops during WW2.
They don't fly - unless you throw them.

P38 Lightning, the Fork-Tailed Devil. It wasn't that
useful over Europe, but it wreaked hell against the
Japanese. It was a flight of seventeen P38's that
ambushed Yamamoto near Bougainville on April 15, 1943.


The p38 was much like you- A PIECE OF SHIT!- the Jap zeroes
tore them up big time- no competition. Then the Grumman
HELLCAT came along and turned that picture around -big
time- end of story for the Jap Zeroes.

You are amazingly misinformed for a veteran. The label
"Fork-Tailed Devil" was the Japanese term. The superior
altitude, speed, armament and armor of the P38 rendered the
Zero defenseless (

"On my first confrontation with the P-38, I was astonished to
find an American aircraft that could outrun, outclimb, and
outdive our Zero which we thought was the most superior
fighter plane in the world. The Lightning's great speed, its
sensational high altitude performance, and especially its
ability to dive and climb much faster than the Zero presented
insuperable problems for our fliers. The P-38 pilots, flying
at great height, chose when and where they wanted to fight
with disastrous results for our own men. The P-38 boded ill
for the future and destroyed the morale of the Zero fighter
Pilot."...Saburo Sakai, Japanese Ace

Note that your quote is from a Japanese "ace"- well they all
became extinct after the HELLCAT came on board:)

You're still batting ZERO! The Japanese had 8,000 planes and
pilots held in reserve to defend against the inevitable invasion.
Fortunately, the A-bombs precluded that (the plutonium for "Fat
Man" - the Nagasaki bomb - was produced here).

Boy! You sure do read a lot- huh dumbass? And look at all those
numbers- would ya'? sheesh- who can argue with such a powerful

Well, you CERTAINLY have no difficulty arguing; your problem is
presenting a CONVINCING argument.
No- that is not my problem - your problem is that you're too thick to
understand anything. The HELLCAT was a carrier based fighter that took
the war to the Japs- it had the Zero outmaneuvered and out gunned. The
attrition ratio for Hellcat:Zero was something like 1:100, it was a
hands down slaughter. You do know that the Pacific is an *ocean* and
that Europe is a *land* continent? Right?

Like above: you have no counter so
Nope- you're too dumb to be countered. I have no time to spell
everything out for you. You are a waste of time.

you call me a "dumbass", an insult of the red-neck variety (i.e. IQ =
50-75). It is the equivalent of saying "Yeah, you're right; I don't
know shit".
You display such lack of reasoning that I suspect you're sick. Is it
I cannot believe that with all the politics in this group, no one has pointed
out that the J-K in a flip flop is:

J is for John
K is for Kerry

Stop hating each other for a few minutes and pay attention :)
Robert Monsen <> wrote in

No, Saddam wasn't readying a terrorist attack. Putin says now that he
had some evidence of this at the time.

This has never been corroborated by anybody else. President Bush has
himself stated there was no connection between Saddam and terrorist
attacks on the US.

Jim Yanik
In <>, on 10/26/04 at 02:40 AM,
Mac <> said:

It seems to me that you could just take four of them and set them all up with
a gain of 2, then put a 75-Ohm resistor in series with each output and you
are done. Put a 75-ohm resistor on the common input to ground for input
termination, of course.
I am loathe to admit my ignorance in a public forum, but I do want to learn
something so I have to ask why I want a gain of two? I am not trying to fool
anyone here, its not something I know a lot about and would rather not be
sitting in the back room of this place in a month, trying to figure out why
what I did does not work. I would prefer to look silly up front and get it
right, if you know what I mean :)

I suspect there is something about this problem that I am not getting,
because it seems too easy to me. ;-)
No, its just that I have never video distribution before, and will listen to
any and all advice before commiting to a design that is flawed from the
begining. Some would probably tell me not to do it at all, but there is enough
help and wisdom in the world that I will give it a try. I need the money, and
I am sure I can figure it out as I go.

Thank you for the artwork. It came across fine once I switched the fonts. I
appreciate you taking the time to draw it up and explain it.

Much obliged to you,

Jim Yanik wrote:[...snip trash...]

Are you such a retarded idiot that you can't tell the difference between
opinion and news?! You're the kind of scum-of-the-earth who have made
the US the worthless dysfunctional cesspool that it is.
On 26 Oct 2004 07:46:01 -0700, (Blair Gordon)

Is there anyone in this group that is willing to help me with some
electronics ideas???
I had an electronic idea once. Turned out to be wrong, though.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On 26 Oct 2004 08:35:11 -0700, (Product developer)

From Drudge:

History. It's no doubt since been split up into hundreds of parts and
secreted all over the show.
Perhaps we should re-engage the weapons inspectors to search for it.

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
On 26 Oct 2004 08:35:11 -0700, (Product developer)

An NBCNEWS crew embedded with troops moved in to secure the Al-Qaqaa
weapons facility on April 10, 2003, one day after the liberation of

According to NBCNEWS, the HMX and RDX explosives were already missing
when the American troops arrived.

"The U.S. Army was at the site one day after the liberation and the
weapons were already gone," a top Republican blasted from Washington
late Monday.
I wonder how long it would take to move and hide 380 tons of
explosives. More than one day, I'm guessing.

Rumor has it that 60 Minutes was going to run another smear piece on
the missing explosives, just before election night. Danly Dan hasn't
given up!

"Hassan" <> wrote in message

Hassan wrote:
I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A

Notice the important part:
controller and power Mosfet just in a package.


In case of not finding such an IC, any design recommendations with
high efficiency (greater than 85%) would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward to hearing.
Thank you in advance.

I Recommend!
LTC1775 By Linear Technology
95% efficiency! Best I found for this spec.

Schematic in S.E.C. under
"24 volt in, 15 volt @ 7 amperes out. As requested."

13 external components, total. IC is a SOIC8 Plus two Fet switches. Small
over all.
On 26 Oct 2004 09:46:39 -0700, (Marlboro) wrote:

Sound like school homework,
I think everyone posting in response realizes this, too, and has been a little
circumspect about providing a solution, while including some words for a search
or books for more study.

Watson A.Name - \"Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\" wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote ...
Watson A.Name wrote...
Winfield Hill wrote ...

I'm looking for an RF amplifier module that can deliver
2 to 3 watts into 50 ohms, over a 20 to 80MHz (or 120
or 150MHz...) range. Variable gain isn't required, but
would be a plus. My budget price is $100 but higher
is OK. I'll get 5 pieces to start, more if necessary.

Run off 12VDC, or 28VDC?

Any voltage is OK, although driving for 50 ohms wideband
one needs at least 14V peak swing, so a 24 to 28V supply
is usual. If I could get the right RF output transistor
(60V, 10W, not too much capacitance), I'd roll my own!

I was thinking of using the common HAM method of winding a wideband RF
transformer, bifilar to give 4:1, but turn it so that it's 12.5 ohms
load on the output stage.
More of his stuff here,

Here's another cheap RF transistor:
Hey, your name is at the top! WINTransceiver!
OK, that makes it a winner! Using a transformer helps a lot,
with the common 1:4 impedance ratio reducing the voltage rating
by 2x, and allowing 4x more capacitance. The transformer makes
the job tougher at 150MHz, but there are transmission-line xfmrs.
Just haul out one of Jerry Sevick's books. As for the 2sc1971,
nice looking specs. Mitsubishi has discontinued it, but I see
Richardson has it in stock at $10 each,

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On 26 Oct 2004 08:35:11 -0700, (Product developer) wrote:

From Drudge:
A complete stooge and almost nothing said there can be taken as anything other
than a lie, without first verifying it from other sources. In other words, it
is never worth reading, at all.

"At the Pentagon, an official who monitors developments in Iraq said U.S.-led
coalition troops had searched Al-Qaqaa in the immediate aftermath of the March
2003 invasion and confirmed that the explosives, which had been under IAEA seal
since 1991, were intact. The site was not secured by U.S. forces, the official
said, speaking on condition of anonymity."

There is more in the story, including disagreements. But the point is that
Drudge is so completely one-sided and often such a down-right liar that his
reports aren't worth reading, at all. I've already spent far too much time
tracking down and then discovering just how consistent Drudge is at hauling
garbage for anything that pushes Republican interests that I've completely
stopped bothering anymore -- I simply require other sources. I'd expect the
same from others were I to quote from some similarly discredited source, as

Hello Sudheervemana,

... The problem is with my motor whose max RPM is 500.Anyway thankyou very much for all of your suggestions.

That is pretty typical with steppers, they just won't run very fast. It
seems you should look at other solutions, either motors with much
coarser steps or maybe a geared DC motor with servo.

Regards, Joerg
Joerg wrote:
Hello Folks,

Just wondering: Are there any low cost small transistors that have the
baker clamp (saturation protection) built in?

So far I have only seen large versions such as the ON Semi BUL D2
series. However, I am thinking more in the "2N2222" class and price
levels around 3-4 cents in qties, including the on-board Schottky. Of
course, an hfe well over 100 would be nice, too. These would be really
handy in small switchers that are driven from 3V logic or less. FETs
don't really cut it at these low supply voltages because they can't be
turned on hard enough. There are some with low Vgs thresholds but they
tend to be expensive.

Regards, Joerg
I am not aware of any but you might consider a dual and configure the
second transistor as the diode- this should just work at low supply
voltages and the low reverse EB voltage stress.
"Jack// ani" <> wrote in message
Hi there

Will anybody out there please tell me what's the difference between an
18pin and a 20pin PIC16f628?

All I can figure out is, 20pin dip is having one extra Vdd and Vss
pins. I don't understand the need of those duplicate pins!

Check out

Page 2.

There are 18 Pin soic package.

However that does not answer the question.
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:02:44 -0700, John Larkin
<> wrote:

The usual way to do this is a PNP differential pair steering a source
current pumped into the emitters. A typical timing ramp might be
10-100 ns, 5-10 mA, maybe a few volts of swing, as much as the
downstream amps or comparators can stand. The current source can be an
active source (another PNP inside a feedback loop) or just a resistor
to a highish voltage if extreme accuracy isn't needed. BXC71's work
well; Ft isn't a big issue here if you drive the bases hard. You can
use faster PNPs, like the NEC parts, but they tend to oscillate.
oops, BCX71.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:51:54 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:09:35 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

As usual, ran off at the mouth, spreading foul and nasty things which he is so
familiar with.

He is about to burst a blood vessel and can not seem to control himself.

Besides he has a mean streak a mile wide.

Spicewood club? Funny name.

Are all the people there like you?
No don't answer, you need to relax and get some sleep.

See your doctor soon, he will give you something to calm your nerves and let
you sleep.

Wow. I never though walking the dog could be so exhausting!
Sigh... Might as well try to teach a pig to sing.

John Fields
Jumbaliah wrote:

How about the 180MEG AD9851? I'd feel more confident soldering that
SSOP to the main board over the QFP parts. At least there would only
be 2 sides to work on if I needed to remove the chip. Any thermal
lugs on these packages?

What's would be a realistic estimate on max frequency clean output on
these DDS chips? eg. I've read websites where the 9835 50Meg chip was
used and the author was hoping for 0-20Meg output. ( ) I've been
guestimating 1:5. I guess it comes down to the output smoothing
filter's design?
Without extensive experience in the RF field, you should leave the
faster DDS alone. Get one with a 50MHz clock. It makes 20MHz
on the output.

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