On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 21:40:29 -0700 (PDT),
Or looking at it another way, you want the loaded Q to be high enough
to pass the signal but not the out-of-band noise. Since you're
loading the tank with a head set, you need the unloaded Q much higher.
Only cats here.
On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 6:59:53 PM UTC-4, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 29/03/17 02:12, amdx wrote:
On 3/28/2017 2:22 AM, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 28/03/17 13:18, amdx wrote:
On 3/27/2017 6:16 PM, Clifford Heath wrote:
On 27/03/17 23:25, amdx wrote:
On 3/27/2017 6:57 AM, Tauno Voipio wrote:
Joerg, you seem not understand the innermost sense of the crystal-
radio people. They are closely related to audiophools, and it is
quite impossible to use sensible technical argumentation here.
I don't get that at all, can you back that up with any facts?
~1MHz, Q=500, bandwidth ~ 2KHz. Remind me why you need Q>1500?
You haven't connected an antenna, and tried to drive a headset yet.
Umm, I think that was me in about 1971.
More voltage does not create better audio.
But if it is a very weak signal on the antenna, you don't want to
waste any signal in loss resistances.
You start to *reject* some of the received power as soon as the
Q passes 200ish, and you destroy the audio at the same time.
You can quadruple your received power by doubling your coil
diameter, or fitting a longer wire. That's *far* FAR more
effective than saving 0.2% by using higher Q.
Crystal radios do not use the coil to collect RF energy from the air,
a long wire antenna of 25ft to 150 is attached tothe coil to pickup the
RF signal.
If you want to discuss loop antennas, start a new thread.
With a crystal ear-piece, you still may have an impedance matching
problem. For that, you should use an audio transformer *after*
the detector.
Sorry to puncture your dogma.
Take a breath!
I'll start simple, Coil and tuning cap have a unloaded Q of
1000. To extract maximum power you use a load that matches the
Q times Xl of the coil. Loading the coil with it's matched
impedance lowers the Q to 500.
You're making slightly more sense than Rickman, who hasn't
responded to *any* of the numbers I suggested, but one thing
still puzzles me.
Why worry about increasing Q above 500, when you can get more
than the extra 0.2% (lost energy at Q=500) by adding 3 inches
more antenna wire?
Possible answer:
Because, if you actually need Q=500 for selectivity, an LC tank
with an unloaded Q of 500 leaves you no power to drive an earphone?
And any improvement in unloaded tank 'Q' translates directly into more
power available for audio output?
Or looking at it another way, you want the loaded Q to be high enough
to pass the signal but not the out-of-band noise. Since you're
loading the tank with a head set, you need the unloaded Q much higher.
James Arthur (who has *no* dog in this fight!)
Only cats here.