On 03/17/2017 08:46 PM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
The weird thing about full anesthesia is that it seems sometimes you
lose your sense of temporal awareness/cause and effect.
I had it once for a complex third molar extraction - I remember being
hooked up to the IV and they gave me some oxygen and then just sitting
there awake waiting and waiting.
Dentist walks in and asks me how I'm doing.
"Fine I guess, is anything wrong? Are we going to do the surgery?"
She laughs - it's already all done, you're in recovery, silly.
Oh, okay! Alright then.
On Thu, 16 Mar 2017 22:22:33 -0400, krw wrote:
Nothing like that. I knew the surgery would be bad but it wasn't nearly
as bad as they said.
I find coming round after the op is the worst part. It's not like normal
waking up. I panic like hell! "Where am I? What the fuck happened? What
are all these fucking tubes for?" That kind of thing. Nasty!
The weird thing about full anesthesia is that it seems sometimes you
lose your sense of temporal awareness/cause and effect.
I had it once for a complex third molar extraction - I remember being
hooked up to the IV and they gave me some oxygen and then just sitting
there awake waiting and waiting.
Dentist walks in and asks me how I'm doing.
"Fine I guess, is anything wrong? Are we going to do the surgery?"
She laughs - it's already all done, you're in recovery, silly.
Oh, okay! Alright then.