Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:29:05 -0800) it happened John Larkin
<jlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote in
Yes, I recently (or not so recently) had very bad plans for the AD datasheet
Probably good enough for a war ciminal trial.

After reading their datasheet about 10 or more times,
and trying their example that made no sense to me,
but thinking 'I must be missing sometthing so let me try this,
but it makes no sense whatsover' I dumped their idea and did it my way.
My way works better, is simpler too.
Then the next chip, that fractional 2.4 GHz divider / oscillator where their
PLL design software did not run... in Linux wine.
Probably the same app writer
Maybe I will still try that chip, ADF4360-1.pdf,
anybody used it? Any good?
<jlarkin@highlandtechnology.com> wrote in
This is awful:
It's still Rev 0, from 2003.
The only associated appnote is from 1989!
Yes, I recently (or not so recently) had very bad plans for the AD datasheet
Probably good enough for a war ciminal trial.
After reading their datasheet about 10 or more times,
and trying their example that made no sense to me,
but thinking 'I must be missing sometthing so let me try this,
but it makes no sense whatsover' I dumped their idea and did it my way.
My way works better, is simpler too.
Then the next chip, that fractional 2.4 GHz divider / oscillator where their
PLL design software did not run... in Linux wine.
Probably the same app writer
Maybe I will still try that chip, ADF4360-1.pdf,
anybody used it? Any good?
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing laser drivers and controllers
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com