John Larkin
On Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:34:31 +0200, Glenn <glenn2233@gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe use rollers, like largish-diameter steel or PVC pipe. If Egyptians and
Romans could move heavy stuff, we engineers should be able, too. Or we can rent
that enormous forklift again.
John Larkin Highland Technology Inc
www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com
Precision electronic instrumentation
On 07/06/14 00.08, John Larkin wrote:
How did people build the pyramids? The thingies on Easter Island?
Hello John
Some have argued that some of the stones have been moulded:
Chapter 1 can be downloaded (pdf):
Quote: "...The proof is there. The samples given to me by the
Egyptologist Jean-Philippe Lauer in 1982 are indeed fragments og
geopolymers (see chapter 8), confirming my own X-ray analysis in
1982-84...A geologist not informed of geopolymer chemistry will assert
with good faith that the stones are natural...",
Main page: The book: They Have Built The Pyramids ISBN 2-86553-157-0
(french), ISBN 0-88029-555-4 (english?):
Quote: "...Joseph Davidovits has found hieroglyphic texts describing the
construction of these gigantic monuments! You will understand that all
problems and paradoxes connected to the construction of the Egyptian
pyramids are solved...We can dismiss from our minds the scenario of
numerous thousands of workers crowded onto the work site at Giza
shoulder to shoulder..."
The Easter Island thingies walked in place - mystery solved
See for yourself:
Easter Island moai 'walked':
June 07, 2013, Easter Island's 'Walking' Stone Heads Stir Debate:
Quote: "...
The statue moved easily.
"It goes from something you can't imagine moving at all, to kind of
dancing down the road," Lipo told LiveScience.
Maybe you can "mould" or "walk" the mainframe where it should be?
Go figure
Maybe use rollers, like largish-diameter steel or PVC pipe. If Egyptians and
Romans could move heavy stuff, we engineers should be able, too. Or we can rent
that enormous forklift again.
John Larkin Highland Technology Inc
www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com
Precision electronic instrumentation