Driver to drive?

On 28 Oct 2004 00:52:41 GMT, Jim Yanik <> wrote:

Rich Grise <> wrote in

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:56:15 -0700, John Larkin wrote:

On 27 Oct 2004 14:52:04 GMT, Jim Yanik <> wrote:

Ann is a 'kick' alright. As a comedienne she is funny in a sleasy,
lying, shock-jock sort of way. As a political reporter and analyst,
which is what she claims to be, she is simply a dishonest shill for
the right.

Yet you have no problem with Michael Moore.

Who so far remains, as far as I know, extremely rich and un-pied.

Ann's a lot cuter, anyhow.

Yeah, but cuteness is a dime a dozen. She's a nazi sympathizer. Does
any more need to be said?


I'd bet that you would have been more of a Nazi sympathizer than
Ms.Coulter.Right up there with the Vichy french.
Where did that come from?!

I have no problem imagining you working with Pol Pat, but Rich with
Nazis in this lifetime? That's a stretch.
On 28 Oct 2004 00:48:43 GMT, Jim Yanik <> wrote:

Michael Moore is the epitome of dishonesty.
Compared to Bush and the boys, he is hardly getting warmed up.
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 01:40:56 +0000 (UTC),
(Ken Smith) wrote:

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
But seriously, the other cool kind are allen-drive cylindrical cap
heads recessed in in milled-out holes, black or stainless. Doesn't
work for sheet metal, of course.

Add a "finish washer"
No, they're tacky.

If the product has knobs, hide the screw under the knobs skirt, or use the
controls shaft bushings to mount it.

Put blind Pem inserts into the front pannel and run a bolt through from
the back pannel.

Electron beam weld the front pannel on.
Leave the screws in plain sight. They make a statement: This Product
Is Held Together By Screws.

On 28 Oct 2004 00:49:52 GMT, Jim Yanik <> wrote:

The nazis deserve to feel the pain of every torture they have
inflicted since the beginning of time.

Pie in the face. Hah! Try death camp.


That makes you no different than the Nazis.
What a fine pacifist you are!
Usually I try to be helpful to the clue deprived. In your case, I am
willing to sell you a clue for a small sum. If you buy before the
election, there will be a discount.
Rich Grise wrote:
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 02:02:02 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

Dyson hasn't responded yet.

I'd be happy to take credit for that! The idiot, in the middle of
a Fred fight, asked, "Let's put it to the people!"

And I responded, "You're both idiots or fools, but Fred's less worse
because he's less nazi."

I wonder if I broke him?
No, he is off trying to find another Ann Coulter book he can crib from.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
Ken Smith wrote:
I suspect the MAJORITY of Iraqi citizens are not involved in the current

Do you mean the ones hiding under their beds or the ones running away as
part of this MAJORITY? The new Iraqi police force is completely

A few weeks back, there was an interview of a reporter who had been
kidnapped in Iraq. He was going into one of the no-go areas to interview
the Zarkowi(sp) fellow. He thinks he got away with his life because the
folks he was supposed to meet asked where he was and the bunch that had
grabbed him were in it for the money.

He discribed being driven around in the backseat of a car, obviously tied
up. When they came to a police check point the driver sometimes stopped
to talk to the police. At no time did anyone question who this person
tied up in the back seat was.
And this BBC story about Allawi's reaction:

Allawi slams coalition 'neglect'

The gunmen had inside information, officials suggest
Iraqi's interim prime minister has suggested US-led forces were
negligent over the massacre of 49 army recruits on a remote road on

"There was great negligence on the part of some coalition forces," Iyad
Allawi told Iraq's interim national assembly.

An official later told BBC News that Mr Allawi's comments to the
national assembly had been misinterpreted.

Gunmen killed the unarmed recruits along with three drivers after
stopping their buses near the Iranian border.

The BBC's Claire Marshall in Baghdad says it is understood that the
interim prime minister feels that the ambushed convoy of unarmed troops
should have been given an armed escort by the US military.

Inquiry launched

Mr Allawi condemned the massacre as a "heinous crime" against the
National Guard and said a special inquiry was under way.

"The killings represent the epitome of what could be done to hurt Iraq
and the Iraqi people," he told the assembly.

However, national security advisor Kasim Daoud later said that
responsibility could only be apportioned after the investigation.

"We cannot say who is to blame unless we have to do a full
investigation," he told the BBC.

Ambush claim

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of Islamist militant group Tawhid and
Jihad, has claimed responsibility for the ambush which came as the
recruits were on their way home from a training camp.

Gunmen posing as police officers stopped the buses at a bogus
checkpoint, killing many of the recruits with a bullet to the head.

The deputy governor of Diyala province has raised the possibility that
there was collusion between the killers and members of the security forces.

"Otherwise, the gunmen would not have got the information about the
soldiers' departure from their training camp and that they were
unarmed," Aqil Hamid al-Adili told al-Arabiya television.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Thanks for your insight. I have conversations with PhD's that are
going to vote for Kerry - and other PhD's that are going to vote for
Bush. Do you REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has told you is the
truth? If so, you are one gullible sonofabitch. Let's be realistic
here, there is spin going on from BOTH SIDES!

Is that what outright fraudulent propaganda and misrepresentation is
called these days- spin? So Bush was only "spinning" when he mislead
Congress and the American people about Iraq, and Bush was only
"spinning" when he sent 150,000 troops into theater without sufficient
armament, logistics support, or post-occupation plans, and Bush is only
"spinning" when he lies about how well "freedom" is doing "on the march"
in Iraq, and Bush is "spinning" those nearly one trillion dollars in
lost revenues in tax cuts to the super rich, and Bush is just "spinning"
when he tells us the air is cleaner than ever and we can trash all of
the EPA inspections, and Bush is just "spinning" when he says those 2.5
million lost permanently to overseas will return someday, and Bush is
just "spinning" and "spinning" and "spinning" wonder he always
looks so dumb. Why don't you go tell the tens of thousands of relatives
of the 1100+ KIAs, and the 12,000 horribly maimed for life veterans,
that it's only "spin."

Answer the question: do you REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has
told you is the truth?

What statements in particular do you have in mind? A victory for Kerry
will be a victory for bipartisan government restoration to mend the
damage done by the incompetent idiot Bush and his ever shrinking circle
of clueless ideologues. A vote for the GOP is a vote for a criminally
incompetent autocrat, and a vote for Kerry is a vote for an executive
bipartisan coalition. Only a simple idiot would think the race boils
down to two personalities. The word coming out of DC is not good- this
Bush character is becoming more and more irrational and pushing what few
ideologues who remain out of his inner circle of nutcase prayer session
idiots. The criminally incompetent Bush is waiting until after the
elections to ask for another trillion dollar increase in national debt (
his second trillion dollar increase BTW) and $70B *more* for Iraq on top
of the $25 already budgeted for this FY- which Pentagon projects to be
bare minimum- bringing the Iraq total to $225B, and an additional 40,000
troops for the bogus elections there. Army recruitment is dropping like
a rock-already at 30% shortfalls, and servicemen are successfully suing
against the illegality of the indefinite extensions of service due to
fact that no war has been formally declared. It takes quite a monumental
incompetent to bring America to its knees but Bush has done
it-everything is coming apart at the center- there will be massive
government shutdowns across the board and possibly default. Congress
should exercise their authority and shut the whole damned thing down and
institute immediate impeachment proceedings to get rid of Bush ASAP. You
watch and see, something like this WILL happen. The US is a system of
checks and balances, the President is NOT a dictator, and the idiot will
stress that architecture to something unprecedented in American history-
Bush WILL be ejected one way or the other. The most orderly process is
simply to vote him out and then lame duck him into oblivion. This has
nothing to do with spin, this has nothing to do with politics, this has
everything to do with the most incredibly incompetent fraud to ever gain
control of the White House.

This is a REAL SIMPLE question, why don't you answer it?
I'm getting fed the f_ck up with your lack of comprehension. Wasn't my
first question to you about getting specific:"What statements in
particular do you have in mind?" And this was after you asked:"do you
REALLY think that EVERYTHING Kerry has told you is the truth?" If this
is some retarded way of asking about credibility, then the answer is
that Kerry is orders of magnitude more credible than Bush. The simple
reason for this is that Kerry can explain every issue to any degree of
depth necessary, whereas Bush is so shallow as to be nearly
dimensionless with statements like "I am President so I don't have to
give a reason why" and "I just know it in my heart"- he is true idiot-
hard to imagine anyone trusting him with a paper route job- he
epitomizes the low point of the most thorough moral corruption of
American society:grab the idiot with a name and put him out front. And
he will tell /me/ a reason "why"- or he can go to hell as far as I'm
Ghazan Haider wrote:
Anyone here knows of a DAC or a complete MP3 decoder for audio with
SNR in excess of 100db, 24-bits and a sampling rate to match?
The Wavefront ADC, DAC and DSP's look good, and so did the equipment
that Alesis used to make from them. I haven't used them, but if you
do, let us know: <>.
Clifford Heath wrote:

Ghazan Haider wrote:
Anyone here knows of a DAC or a complete MP3 decoder for audio with
SNR in excess of 100db, 24-bits and a sampling rate to match?

The Wavefront ADC, DAC and DSP's look good, and so did the equipment
that Alesis used to make from them. I haven't used them, but if you
do, let us know: <>.
I've used them.

They're fine.

AKM and TI ( Burr Brown ) makes some nice converters at comparable prices

"Andrew Holme" <> wrote in message
Love a Sheep wrote:
Hi, I need an op-amp configured so that it acts in differential mode
(to subtract two signals) but with a single supply. It can be

View in a fixed width font
|| ___ ___
|| | |
| |
| |
| | | |
.-. | | |
R1 | | | | |
| | | |\| |
'-' +----|-\ |
|| ___ | | >-----+-----
|| | |/|
.-. |
| | |
R2 | | |
'-' |
| |
| |
=== ===
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta

R1 and R2 are equivalent to (R1 || R2) returned to half rail.

Thanks but this is so frustrating - I cannot read your diagram. I have tried
all manner of fixed-width fonts.Could you describe it maybe?I recognise the
rail splitter on the + input consisting of R1 and R2 which has an R-C series
netowrk as its input if I am right.What value is this resistor which is in
series with the capacitor.
At the - input we have the usual feedback arrangement with ac coupling via a
capacitor.There are two grounds - one of them has the supply splitter but I
cannot make out what the other grounds.

Country Loon wrote:
I have it now! A weird font gives me the picture. (MS Mincho!)
Courier is fixed width. I usually paste them into Notepad or view them in
Google groups.

However, I do not know what the series resistor feeding the supply
splitter is? I figured out most of the circuit myself but not this
My guess is that the Thevin equivalent of R1 and R2 (ie R1 in
parallel with R2) must be the same value as the feedback resistor to
the - input and the series resistor is the onther one.
Yes, if R = (R1 || R2) then all the other resistors could be R.

In practice, you might want a third resistor and a capacitor to decouple
power supply noise at the top of the divider.
On 27 Oct 2004 15:21:22 -0700, (Love a
Sheep) wrote:

Hi, I need an op-amp configured so that it acts in differential mode
(to subtract two signals) but with a single supply. It can be
I know how to do this with a dual power supply but I am unsure how to
do this with teh singel supply.

You might try the following link, it's an application note from Texas
Instruments "A Single Supply Op-Amp Circuit collection"

"B.Taylor" <> wrote in message
I ask this question here because I figure that the "engineer" types
that frequent this group would likely have the most experience with
oscilloscopes. I am contemplating getting a 'scope (no more than $3000
)for use in amateur radio applications, building and repairing PC's
and limited networks, along with automotive electronics applications
and maybe some minor circuit design stuff. All this on no more than a
"serious hobby" level. My question is though, just how useful would an
o'scope be for these applications. Also it seems as though a 'scope
might not be as useful today as it once was. With alot of circuit
design in the U.S. being outsourced, and with our "throw away" society
whereby circuit diagnostics being done more and more just to the board
level rather than to the component level where a scope would be more
useful, is it fair to say that a scopes ussfulness might be waning a
bit? Also with computer systems in the GHZ level, a truly useful scope
costs as much as some cars. Any comments, thoughts? Thanks in advance,
im inclined to agree with your view about a scope being less useful in
todays throw away society, if your considering doing any repairs on modern
equipment, everything seems to be going digital now, things like VCRs are
becoming pointless now as you can record 100hours of video on readily
available 80gb hard drive. i cant see how a scope would help you much more
than a good mutlimter on old or new car electrics, and on networks either.

I use a scope mainly for my own design/creations, but with electronics
design software I can more easily see waveforms etc.

If you enjoy electronics as a hobby then a scope is esential to get the most
out of it, also its fun to play with all the scopey features. my scope is an
old hp 1740a 100mhz dual chanel, dual timebase wich cost 100 quid. the scope
modules u atatch to a pc via usb are interesting.

Colin =^.^=
"nsa" <> skrev i en meddelelse
why sms is only 160 characters?

Because it is a hack:

Some unknown (to me anyway) engineer got the idea to stick ascii text into
the unused bits of the location update messages that the mobile terminal
exchanges with the basestation - it was probably implemented because the
routing of location updates was already in the network and thus free - and
then the teenagers decided it was cool...

the unused bits just happened to hold 160 Ascii chars.
"B.Taylor" <> skrev i en meddelelse
I ask this question here because I figure that the "engineer" types
that frequent this group would likely have the most experience with
oscilloscopes. I am contemplating getting a 'scope (no more than $3000
)for use in amateur radio applications,
USD 3000 is a lot of 'scope, a slightly used dual-trace 100 Mhz Tektronix
can probably be had for about USD 500-800 with warranty on it from one of
the used instrument retailers. I always buy cheap stuff first to find out
what I really need.

A 'scope is most useful for building your own projects and of course
analogue electronics - especially swithchers.

As to a career in 'fixing stuff' you are correct, mostly it is not worth the
effort - or even possible - to crack the case open, except out of curiosity
to see whats inside.

OTOH - consumer stuff can often be hacked in surprising ways; the LinkSys
family of routers are USD 50 embedded Linux boxes, should you need such a
"Rich Grise" <> skrev i en meddelelse

Just because I know that George Bush and Dick Cheney are the reincarnation
of Vlad The Impaler doesn't mean I think Prince John is any better.
Welll - The good Vlad kept the Turks out of Europe, while Bush put pressure
on the EU to let them in.
Robert Monsen <> wrote in

Jim Yanik wrote:

Michael Moore is the epitome of dishonesty.

No, he isn't. Show me one lie.
Bowling for Columbine.

Jim Yanik
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
Leave the screws in plain sight. They make a statement: This Product
Is Held Together By Screws.
I wonder if that's the message Audi wanted to send when they designed (?)
the TT (and were followed by many others)... ;-)

On 28 Oct 2004 06:20:43 -0700, (Tim Shoppa)

I would recommend finding a good used 100MHz scope for a few hundred $.
I don't understand why everyone is recommending a 100mhz scope!
The guy says he's into ham radio in a fairly serious way, but he
doesn't state which bands he's interested in and no one's asked! If
he's into building stuff for 70cm or 23cm (for example) a 100Mhz scope
is going to be pretty well useless. Unless you're solely into HF or
low-band VHF, 100Mhz simply doesn't cut the mustard nowadays, I'm

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.

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