"John Woodgate" <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote in message
a survey (I think it was of only 2000 people) which said crime was
down by 5%, the 9% increase was from violent crimes recorded by
the police. There was also a criminologist on the box last night who
raised the point about the survey not covering the areas (inner cities)
and people most likely to be involved.
If I recall correctly, it was the other way round. Labour was quotingI read in sci.electronics.design that Kevin Aylward
see_website@anasoft.co.uk> wrote (in
ugU9e.13395$Pc.5461@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk> about 'Drinking and
driving', on Thu, 21 Apr 2005:
Its bad enough over here with the election. Labour are claiming that
violent crime has gone down with conservatives claiming that violent
crime has gone up.
Different stats, of course. Labour - crimes reported to police;
Conservatives - crimes reported to an official survey of 40 000 people.
And the survey, like most, under-represents those most likely to be
involved in crime, either as perpetrators or victims - young men.
a survey (I think it was of only 2000 people) which said crime was
down by 5%, the 9% increase was from violent crimes recorded by
the police. There was also a criminologist on the box last night who
raised the point about the survey not covering the areas (inner cities)
and people most likely to be involved.