Phil Allison
"Phil Allison"
** Then you are blind as well as a colossally stupid PITA.
" The correct name is "class 2" .
The term "double insulation" is not a literal description. "
** Anonymous fools like you do not to tell me what to do.
Try reading a copy of the Australian Standard ( AS3100) that describes
Class 2 and "double insulation".
........... Phil
"Phil Allison"
** Last time I looked, air was a damn good insulator.
How would this qualify as "double insulation" ?
** Read my earlier post re " class 2 ".
Nothing applicable there.
** Then you are blind as well as a colossally stupid PITA.
" The correct name is "class 2" .
The term "double insulation" is not a literal description. "
Look up a few references on the internet for an understanding
of what constitutes insulation for the purposes double-insulated
aka "class 2" equipment.
** Anonymous fools like you do not to tell me what to do.
Try reading a copy of the Australian Standard ( AS3100) that describes
Class 2 and "double insulation".
........... Phil