Phil Allison
"John Fields"
"Phil Allison"
** As usual, all YOU post are ignorant and unsupported ASSERTIONS
- aka Utter Drivel !!
There being NO CASE WHATEVER to answer
- no answer is needed.
Fuck off.
....... Phil
"Phil Allison"
Geez, I didn't think a reply to the obvious was required, but since you
insist on it, OK. You're right.
** LOL - anything instead of saying " I was wrong and dumb".
But, there's still the matter of specifying THD under various operating
** Wot a ridiculous beat up.
They chose to specify it with only one channel operating at rated load,
when a more revealing spec would reflect what would happen with both
channels operating, full bore, into their rated loads, or bridged.
** Complete bollocks.
IMO, that's cheating since those modes of operation are available but
not accounted for, especially since their THD will certainly be worse
than that specified for the single channel case.
** Utter drivel.
Proves you know SFA about audio amplifiers.
As usual, all you want to do is fight, instead of engaging in reasoned
discourse, so I'll disengage.
** As usual, all YOU post are ignorant and unsupported ASSERTIONS
- aka Utter Drivel !!
There being NO CASE WHATEVER to answer
- no answer is needed.
Fuck off.
....... Phil