Phil Allison
Winfield Hill is Riding a Donkey wrote:
** Wins asks, having snipped his reading error out of sight.
** So does the Mackie - 16 of 'em.
Good low noise pres too and 48V phantom.
Guitar amps use 1/4 inch jacks, same as for LINE inputs on desks.
** Using tubes and input matching transformers ?
Or some of 'dem new fangled Silicon BJTs ?
..... Phil
Phil Allison wrote...
** Win brushes aside another of his idiot mistakes.
Everyone is supposed to know a "Mackie 16 ch desk"
doesn't have any low-level mic inputs?
** Wins asks, having snipped his reading error out of sight.
Back in my
broadcast days, all mixers had dynamic mic inputs.
** So does the Mackie - 16 of 'em.
Good low noise pres too and 48V phantom.
Guitar amps use 1/4 inch jacks, same as for LINE inputs on desks.
At age 17, I spent a summer designing and building
a mixer for our local FM station, which they used
for five years until they could purchase a new one,
having blown their budget on a new GATES transmitter
and antenna. My mixer had many dynamic mic inputs.
** Using tubes and input matching transformers ?
Or some of 'dem new fangled Silicon BJTs ?
..... Phil