Terry Pinnell
"petrus bitbyter" <p.kralt@reducespamforchello.nl> wrote:
instead of 0.5R while I was about it.) But I now see that might have
been hasty!
Let's see what else the earlier recommnders have to say on this. If I
can get a cleanish output the way it is at present (0.2R in Q5E and
Q6E), I'll be happy.
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Thanks both. I duly shifted it yesterday (making them 0.2R resistorsTerry,
IMHO R11 is at the rihgt place, but the emiiter of Q4 has to be connected to
the collector of Q6. Found this and some other tips in an (old? 1973?) book,
on the subject. This type of amplifiers were never known for their
stability. I posted a schematic on alt.binaries.schematics.electronic that
contains eight clues to stabilise an amplifier like this. I consider the
author a specialist as I did a lot of amplifier (re)building using this book
and never failed.
petrus bitbyter
instead of 0.5R while I was about it.) But I now see that might have
been hasty!
Let's see what else the earlier recommnders have to say on this. If I
can get a cleanish output the way it is at present (0.2R in Q5E and
Q6E), I'll be happy.
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK