Mike Tomlinson
In article <hj4ftt$hgv$1@news.eternal-september.org>, Usenet
<usenet@abel.co.uk> writes
machine mid-cycle to chuck something else in.
The machine filling, pausing, filling suggests it doesn't know where the
water level is.
(='.'=) Bunny says Windows 7 is Vi$ta reloaded.
(")_(") http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/windows_7.png
<usenet@abel.co.uk> writes
Oh yus. Especially if you're in the habit (as I am) of opening theNot quite sure which 6 you mean, from this unix-like reply! Surely
not the double switch labelled 06 over on the far left.
machine mid-cycle to chuck something else in.
The machine filling, pausing, filling suggests it doesn't know where the
water level is.
(='.'=) Bunny says Windows 7 is Vi$ta reloaded.
(")_(") http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/windows_7.png