Martin Lewicki
I'm basically knowledgeable in electronics eg E=IR, right-hand rule (or
is that left-hand) etc...
A Tv antenna dipole receives electromagnetic radio waves from the
transmitter. As the E and B components interact with the metal a small
oscillating current/voltage is set up in the dipoles in tune with the
arrival of each EM wave front. Correct?
What is the level of current/voltage induced in the dipoles? I expect it
would be very tiny - milli, micro, picco. What might be the actual
figure? I understand that distance from transmitter will affect strength.
is that left-hand) etc...
A Tv antenna dipole receives electromagnetic radio waves from the
transmitter. As the E and B components interact with the metal a small
oscillating current/voltage is set up in the dipoles in tune with the
arrival of each EM wave front. Correct?
What is the level of current/voltage induced in the dipoles? I expect it
would be very tiny - milli, micro, picco. What might be the actual
figure? I understand that distance from transmitter will affect strength.