ian field
"Phil Allison" <phil_a@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
Shouldn't you be on a street corner shouting at the traffic?!
"David Eather is an autistic PIG "
I you had read Eric Vastmasd's post with an open mind you would have seen
it was not an insult to you but a jab at PN.
** My god - that is just totally insane.
Also, you response to EV's post is raciest,
** Really ??
Cos of the one word " wog " ??
More insanity.
which if it was done in a forum taken seriously in Australia, might be
not just actionable but also illegal.
** Got news for you - you stupid, autistic fuckhead
Calling some fuckwit troll who has just posted gratuitous personal abuse
public forum a " WOG " is neither racist nor the slightest bit illegal.
Half witted, pig ignorant " net cops" like YOU can go drop fucking dead.
Go back to your STUPID code scribbling -
you vile, autistic PILE OF SHIT !!
..... Phil
Shouldn't you be on a street corner shouting at the traffic?!