On Mon, 9 Mar 2015 16:38:37 -0700 (PDT), Phil Allison
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a Philips DVDR** with a terrible clock. A digital video disk
recorder with a hard drive. It has 3 setting, auto, manual, and off.
Auto is supposed to sync to some signal on educational tv stations, or
maybe I mean public tv stations.
But what could be the difference between manual and off???? Do you or
anyone else here know?
**Something like DVDR6567R, or close to that.
No matter what the setting, the clock is often wrong, and I have to set
the timer to start a minute in advance and end a minute late. This
usually works, but of course doesn' if I want to record a program that
starts right after another on a different channel ends.
My friend bought a very similar machine, now sold under the name
Magnavox, and it too has a clock that works like mine, badly.
<pallison49@gmail.com> wrote:
Pat wrote:
I am not talking about "atomic clocks". I am talking about regular
old clocks like people sit on their nightstands. Most of them sync to
the power line frequency. By most, I mean over 90%. Many have
battery backup and keep lousy time when running on battery.
I think it's unlikely that the cable box is interfering.
If the clock synchronizes with WWVL, the location may interfere
with acquiring that signal.
** Even that is very unlikely, given the OP's story, as the transmission is modulated with a code that regularly tells the clock what time it is.
Which is not consistent with a steady loss or gain.
I have a Philips DVDR** with a terrible clock. A digital video disk
recorder with a hard drive. It has 3 setting, auto, manual, and off.
Auto is supposed to sync to some signal on educational tv stations, or
maybe I mean public tv stations.
But what could be the difference between manual and off???? Do you or
anyone else here know?
**Something like DVDR6567R, or close to that.
No matter what the setting, the clock is often wrong, and I have to set
the timer to start a minute in advance and end a minute late. This
usually works, but of course doesn' if I want to record a program that
starts right after another on a different channel ends.
My friend bought a very similar machine, now sold under the name
Magnavox, and it too has a clock that works like mine, badly.
... Phil