John Larkin
I want to make a class-D audio amp, 150 watts or so, using a TI
TPA3255 maybe. It's good for 600 watts mono!
I'll use it full-bridge to drive a step-up transformer, probably a
custom toroid. But toroids are especially unhappy with any DC drive,
and the class D part will surely have some DC offset. The TI spec is
60 mV max output offset, which could be a problem into a good
transformer. Speakers don't mind a little DC, but transformers do. DC
can cause stairstepped increase in circulating current, the Devil's
Staircase, until they saturate.
So I'm thinking I'll add a series blocking cap so I can ignore any DC
problems. It will have to be big, 10s of millifarads at least. Biggest
thing on the board. Maybe use a low voltage electrolytic with
antiparallel power diodes, or a shorted bridge, to protect it from
accidental forward or backwards over-voltage.
Lytics will be big, and supercaps don't seem to like ripple current. I
Any other ideas about driving a transformer from an audio amp?
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing precision measurement
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
TPA3255 maybe. It's good for 600 watts mono!
I'll use it full-bridge to drive a step-up transformer, probably a
custom toroid. But toroids are especially unhappy with any DC drive,
and the class D part will surely have some DC offset. The TI spec is
60 mV max output offset, which could be a problem into a good
transformer. Speakers don't mind a little DC, but transformers do. DC
can cause stairstepped increase in circulating current, the Devil's
Staircase, until they saturate.
So I'm thinking I'll add a series blocking cap so I can ignore any DC
problems. It will have to be big, 10s of millifarads at least. Biggest
thing on the board. Maybe use a low voltage electrolytic with
antiparallel power diodes, or a shorted bridge, to protect it from
accidental forward or backwards over-voltage.
Lytics will be big, and supercaps don't seem to like ripple current. I
Any other ideas about driving a transformer from an audio amp?
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing precision measurement
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com