Design is too large for the device! xc3s400




I am currently working with the 1727 bit wide shift register....For my
design requirements, I had to change it to a 3454 bit wide shift
register( 2*1727)...

When I did this and implemented the design, I have an error in the
Mapping that:
The design is too large for the device and package (I am using xc3s400
and tq144- spartan3)

So instead I am working on two shift registers, each 1727 bit wide....

and giving the output of one shift reg as input to the other...

This would still use the same number of resources I am getting the
same Mapping error....I tried contacting Xilinx support.....waiting for
some help..

Is there another method to work around minimize the design...

Or I was wondering if I should change the fpga I am using...that would
mean a whole lot of other changes on the board....

But yes that would be last resort type of thing....

Any suggestions or ideas

Is the shift register the only thing in the design?
Nopes I have my design doing a whole lot of things...but its only when
I changed the length of the shift register that I came across the
Mapping error.

Are you using a reset for those shift elements?
I am not using any reset...It takes in a clock...and shifts a bit for
every rising edge of the clock...

Is it serial-in, serial-out?
Yes its serial_in and serial_out

Are there frequency constraints?

Is the shift register fixed in length or variable?
Its a variable shift register....the length is determined by an input
variable called "right".

The code is as follows:
entity shifting_two is
Port ( shiftin : in std_logic;
clock_in : in std_logic;
right : in integer;
shiftout : out std_logic);
end shifting_two;

architecture Behavioral of shifting_two is

signal shift_register : std_logic_vector ( 3454 downto 0 ):= (others =>


if rising_edge(clock_in) then
shift_register <= shift_register( 3453 downto 0 ) & shiftin;
shiftout <= shift_register(right-1);
end if;
end process;

end Behavioral;

How can I use a BlockRam...?

My Design Summary as showin in the Map report is as follows:

Design Information
Command Line : C:/Xilinx/bin/nt/map.exe -intstyle ise -p
xc3s400-tq144-4 -cm
area -pr b -k 4 -c 100 -tx off -o top_1190_mem_map.ncd top_1190_mem.ngd
Target Device : x3s400
Target Package : tq144
Target Speed : -4
Mapper Version : spartan3 -- $Revision: $
Mapped Date : Wed Jul 20 11:37:18 2005

Design Summary
Number of errors: 1
Number of warnings: 38
Logic Utilization:
Number of Slice Flip Flops: 5,126 out of 7,168 71%
Number of 4 input LUTs: 4,150 out of 7,168 57%
Logic Distribution:
Number of occupied Slices: 4,175 out of
3,584 116%
Number of Slices containing only related logic: 3,305 out of
4,175 79%
Number of Slices containing unrelated logic: 870 out of
4,175 20%
*See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated
Total Number 4 input LUTs: 4,274 out of 7,168 59%
Number used as logic: 4,150
Number used as a route-thru: 124
Number of bonded IOBs: 73 out of 97 75%
IOB Flip Flops: 31
Number of Block RAMs: 10 out of 16 62%
Number of GCLKs: 8 out of 8 100%
Number of DCMs: 2 out of 4 50%

Number of RPM macros: 1
Total equivalent gate count for design: 738,951
Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs: 3,504
Peak Memory Usage: 120 MB


Methi, when you say "wide", I believe you mean "long" or "deep".
With SRL16s you can cut the size by a factor 16, but you do not have
parallel access to all the bits in your shift register.
Even more compact is a BlockRAM, where you can pack >16000 bits into
one BlockRAM.
So it all depends on how you use your shift register, and how you have
o control it...
Peter Alfke
Thankyou Peter

Its a 3454 bit shift register.....By saying "wide" ,I am talking about
the depth...

What I am trying to do is...depending on the value of the variable
"right"...for eg: if right=2300, then the output would be the 2200th
bit of the shift register.

This would be mean that I need access to all the bits in the shift

With SRL16s you can cut the size by a factor 16, but you do not have
parallel access to all the bits in your shift register.
Does this mean that I would get access only to the MSB and not the
individual bits like how it does in my code at present?

Even more compact is a BlockRAM, where you can pack >16000 bits into
one BlockRAM.
How do I use this work as shift register...

You can use a circular buffer implemented by BRAM.

What are you doing with this shift register afterwards?


I am just using the output of my shift register...which is the MSB
(this keeps changing depending on the value of the variable
"right") input to another component....its a pulse...
I've come across this core in Xilinx which is a RAM-based shift
register....It takes in clock:rising edge clock signal, serial input,
address input(for variable length) and gives out a serial out...

Would using this core instead of the code I have save any resources...

Am wondering if anybody has worked with this before..

Otherwise the options I have so far is to go for:

1) BlockRAM

2) Cicular buffer with RAM



Hi Ray,

Are you talking about a BRAM core available in Xilinx?

Ive only come across the RAM based shift reg which goes upto 1024 bits
(xilinx 6.3i)

Or Should I be working on a BRAM code in vhdl...


Take a BlockRAM, with both ports configured as 16K x 1.
Make one port Write and the other one Read. Clock both ports with your
data clock.
Drive the Write address with a counter that you increment with the data
Drive the Read address from a subtractor circuit that subtracts the
length N of your shift register from the Write address.
Now you have a programmable-length shift register from the D input of
the write port to the Q output of the Read port.
And you get up to 16K bit length in a single BRAM plus four CLBs (14
bit counter plus 14-bit subtractor).
Peter Alfke
Mike Treseler wrote:
methi wrote:

I am just using the output of my shift register...which is the MSB
(this keeps changing depending on the value of the variable
"right") input to another component....its a pulse...

If you are delaying a single pulse/edge for 3454 ticks,
there are easier ways to do it than with a shift register.
Exactly. He should use a counter that's initialized to required delay
and enabled when he sees his input pulse. It counts down, and when it
hits zero, an output pulse is generated and the counter is preset back
to his initial value.

There's nothing like getting set on one solution and stubbornly
pursuing it to the point where you're blind to other, simpler,

I am trying to delay a pulse by N ticks where N takes a maximum value
of 3454...N is a variable here....
Ray, pretty clever.
But more difficult to understand, or to modify.
And what do I do with the unused port?

But nevertheless, hats off to a smart solution...
Peter Alfke wrote:

Ray, pretty clever.
But more difficult to understand, or to modify.
And what do I do with the unused port?

But nevertheless, hats off to a smart solution...

Why is it difficult to understand or modify?

It is just a counter that gets loaded with (delay-2) and then counts
down until it becomes -1, and then reloaded. The load value can be
changed at any time, and takes effect the next time the counter reaches
the terminal count of -1 (this downcounter has the advantage of not
requiring any decoding, and of having an easily adjusted modulus). The
counter output becomes the address to the memory. I think it is pretty
straightforward to comprehend, do you find it otherwise? The only
difference is just being a little clever in the counting and taking
advantage of the read before write capability of the memory.
As far as modifying it, I'm not sure I see the difficulty there
either: The modulus is easy to change, and in particular can be easily
changed dynamically. You can easily change the width of the counter for
different aspect ratios on the memory, say for instance if you wanted to
delay a 9 bit signal by a delay not to exceed 2048 clocks. Beyond that,
I'm not sure what modifications you'd want to make, or for that matter
what modifications that wouldn't be as difficult in the two port scheme
you offered.
As far as the unused port goes, you can leave it unused if you want, or
if the depth of the shift register is less than half the memory depth,
you can set the high order address bit to 0 on the shift register side
and to '1' on the spare port and then you can use the spare port side as
a 9K bit memory for anything your heart desires. Unfortunately, the
tools can't figure that out for you so you have to instantiate and
initialize (and initialize if needed) the memory. You can also use the
second side if you need a wide shift register delay, like you might use
for a digital filter.

--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1759
methi wrote:
I am trying to delay a pulse by N ticks where N takes a maximum value
of 3454...N is a variable here....
How wide is the pulse? Answer in clock ticks, please. I think we're
assuming that the pulse exactly one clock tick wide.

Ray, I agree 100% with you. Sorry for the flip remark.
It's easy to change the count modulus. And the read-before-write
feature in all the newer Xilinx BlockRAMs is a real bonus.
I owe you one...
Peter Alfke

The pulse is 40 ns wide....

Thank you everybody....

methi wrote:

The pulse is 40 ns wide....
I asked, "how wide is the pulse. In number of clock ticks."

How many clock cycles is 40 ns? The actual number in units of time is

Methi, you have received many suggestions from this group. Perhaps it
is time to tell us which ones you have tried or are going to try. It
seems to me that the original title of this thread has become
meaningless. You can fit your design many times over into the quoted
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications
Peter Alfke wrote:
Methi, you have received many suggestions from this group. Perhaps it
is time to tell us which ones you have tried or are going to try. It
seems to me that the original title of this thread has become
meaningless. You can fit your design many times over into the quoted
Peter Alfke, Xilinx Applications

Thankyou everybody...for all the suggestions

I have received lots of help

I am first tryint the BlockRAM

And am also goin to try the simple counter...

Thankyou once again

Ray Andraka wrote:

(snip regarding BRAMs and shift registers)

Peter, with SPartan3, he can do it with one port of the BRAM if he uses
a modulo-N count instead of a straight 14 bit binary count. I showed
this in the code I posted earlier. The modulo N count is easy if you do
it as a loadable down-count that reloads itself when it goes negative.
So you read the previous data while writing the new data into
the same address.

-- glen

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