Design around _this_!

Ken Smith <> wrote:
What moron made X10 a one way system
with no feedback
The one who wanted $20 receiver modules rather than $40? (I know, I know,
today it wouldn't matter, but X-10's been around forever!)

didn't spec a frequency lock to a rational multiple
of the mains frequency?
The same guy who decided that (almost all) AM radios should use an IF of
455kHz before recognizing that's within the band of aliasing? (Arguably a
much bigger faux pas...)
"Joel Kolstad" <JKolstad71HatesSpam@Yahoo.Com> wrote in message

I'm a little disappointed
that hams aren't into spread spectrum modulation more than they are given
that I'm convinced it's the future of data transmission (current packet
standards are pretty obsolete, IMO)...
Not in Europe, especially not in Slovenia.

Check this packet radio network:

And all the info about it you could possibly want:

Much of this was designed by this rather famous guy, known internationally:

As you can see we're all poor, underfed and clearly unhealthy peasants
(right Fred, John Dyson, Jim? ).

Joel Kolstad wrote:
Considered least valuable _by who_? From an economic perspective, yes, I
imagine you're correct. On the other hand, to someone whose life was saved
by a passing amateur radio operator after, e.g., an automobile collision,
there's clearly recognizable value. (And while I'd grant you that cell
phones, On*Star, etc. provide viable alternatives to the emergency services
hams provide, I'd also venture that the later is _far_ under-recognized by
most politicians, bean counters, etc.

Yeah, cells are ubicqui ... ubick ... well, everyone's got at least one
of the little buggers. But let's hope we don't shoot ourselves in the
foot by making ham radio impossible; remember the mess on 9/11 in NYC
when the cell tower fell?? Countless thousands of frustrated
pedestrians clutching useless cell phones. The choke point is cell
towers. Closest thing to a choke point that radio has is the power grid
(OK, in the case of 2-meters, maybe repeaters too).

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