Ben Jones
"Jason Zheng" <jxzheng@gmail.com> wrote in message
maintenance) is like saying "don't install lead shielding in nuclear
processing facilities, because it's a health hazard". The alternative is
much, much worse.
When I design a moderately complicated circuit, I much prefer to start by
documenting the design. This often throws up problems that I wouldn't have
seen coming if I'd just sat down and started coding - particularly in
interfacing and flow control. I'll only start coding a module when I have a
good idea not only what it's supposed to do, but how it's going to work,
often (but by no means always) down to the clock cycle.
I've found this tends to lead to a more stable architecture that doesn't
have to change radically over its lifetime (so the
documentation-effort-mountain never materializes). Still, I'd agree that
it's definitely possible to overdo it.
To me, this argument (writing docs/comments early on causes extraI am, however, against doing documentation too early in development. As
requirements often changes, you will find yourself with lots of
additional work to do just to keep the documentation up-to-date. Do a
minimal amount of documentation at the early stages of the development,
then when the product matures, spend more time documenting the internals.
maintenance) is like saying "don't install lead shielding in nuclear
processing facilities, because it's a health hazard". The alternative is
much, much worse.
When I design a moderately complicated circuit, I much prefer to start by
documenting the design. This often throws up problems that I wouldn't have
seen coming if I'd just sat down and started coding - particularly in
interfacing and flow control. I'll only start coding a module when I have a
good idea not only what it's supposed to do, but how it's going to work,
often (but by no means always) down to the clock cycle.
I've found this tends to lead to a more stable architecture that doesn't
have to change radically over its lifetime (so the
documentation-effort-mountain never materializes). Still, I'd agree that
it's definitely possible to overdo it.