Jonathan Bromley
Not a specific question, not a request for help, just an
invitation to share ideas about something that I've always
found tricky - and I suspect I'm not alone.
Using HDLs you can elegantly describe quite complicated logic in
a clocked process - we've had several discussions about that
here, and we know there are many popular styles.
Mostly, though, we need to describe things that are pipelined.
Sometimes that pipelining is from choice, sometimes it's
forced upon us by the behaviour of things outside our
control (such as pipelined synchronous RAMs in an FPGA).
As soon as you have a pipelined design, it's rather easy to
describe the behaviour of each pipeline stage as an HDL
clocked process (or, indeed, as part of a process that
describes multiple stages) but as soon as that happens
you tend to lose sight of the overall algorithm that's
being implemented. Sometimes the design nicely
suits a description in which each pipeline stage stands
alone, but if there is any feedback from later pipeline
stages to earlier ones then it's usually much harder
to see what's going on.
So, here's my question: When writing pipelined designs,
what do all you experts out there do to make the overall
data and control flow as clear and obvious as possible?
Thanks in advance
invitation to share ideas about something that I've always
found tricky - and I suspect I'm not alone.
Using HDLs you can elegantly describe quite complicated logic in
a clocked process - we've had several discussions about that
here, and we know there are many popular styles.
Mostly, though, we need to describe things that are pipelined.
Sometimes that pipelining is from choice, sometimes it's
forced upon us by the behaviour of things outside our
control (such as pipelined synchronous RAMs in an FPGA).
As soon as you have a pipelined design, it's rather easy to
describe the behaviour of each pipeline stage as an HDL
clocked process (or, indeed, as part of a process that
describes multiple stages) but as soon as that happens
you tend to lose sight of the overall algorithm that's
being implemented. Sometimes the design nicely
suits a description in which each pipeline stage stands
alone, but if there is any feedback from later pipeline
stages to earlier ones then it's usually much harder
to see what's going on.
So, here's my question: When writing pipelined designs,
what do all you experts out there do to make the overall
data and control flow as clear and obvious as possible?
Thanks in advance