Phil Allison
"Bruce Varley"
** No business name is of ANY value until customers KNOW it !!!
Well known names have enormous value in the world of marketing goods and
services - the owners of such names are usually very keen to protect them
from all trespassers !!
If you can somehow latch onto an already well known name, you get a huge
free advantage over others - especially when Google searches on the name
are used to find your web pages.
..... Phil
"David L. Jones"
Phil Allison wrote:
** Who feels there are same spooky parallels with this Chinese site ??
It's obviously all just part of some big affiliate thing, there are
probably dozens or hundreds of websites with the same content and stuff
for sale. That's why the altronics.net.au stuff is shipped direct from
the main provider in China. All one needs to do is set up an affiliate
website and watch the bucks roll in, they don't have to lift a finger.
But that won't happen because odds are the real Altronics will get them
shut down before they even get it operational.
Why would you do such an apparently dumb thing? Are original names with
customer pulling power that hard to come up with?
** No business name is of ANY value until customers KNOW it !!!
Well known names have enormous value in the world of marketing goods and
services - the owners of such names are usually very keen to protect them
from all trespassers !!
If you can somehow latch onto an already well known name, you get a huge
free advantage over others - especially when Google searches on the name
are used to find your web pages.
..... Phil