"Rich The Philosophizer" <rtp@example.net> wrote in message
Something you should do instead of posting your pseudo mystic babble here.
We don't put electronics posts into religious newsgroups,
So don't put religious posts into electronics newsgroups.
If I start hearing voices in my head, I'll see a doctor/psychiatrist.On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 02:56:01 +0000, Kryten wrote:
If God existed and wanted to tell people something, surely he could do a
direct broadcast into our heads and not need those nutters as some kind
magic meat sock puppets...
He is, and has been since before you were even conceived.
When do you plan to start listening?
Something you should do instead of posting your pseudo mystic babble here.
We don't put electronics posts into religious newsgroups,
So don't put religious posts into electronics newsgroups.