Dead pixels on CRT

On Nov 5, 7:18 pm, Bob Larter <> wrote:
Sylvia Else wrote:
Bob Larter wrote:
Sylvia Else wrote:

How does a CRT end up with a vertical line of dead pixels?

Good question. I've only ever seen a fault like that on an LCD panel.

The stuck shadow wire concept seems reasonably plausible, though I'd
expect it to produce a line of bright pixels next to the dark ones -
electrons from more than one cathode reaching the phosphor.

End users aren't usually very good at describing symptoms accurately.
It's entirely possible that the fault is actually as you've suggested.
I'd try degaussing the middle of the line, in the hopes of shaking the
wire loose.

  . | ,. w ,   "Some people are alive only because
   \|/  \|/     it is illegal to kill them."    Perna condita delenda est
Get a rubber mallet and hit it in the face - pretty hard. If the
aperture grill lines are twisted, that will set them straight. I've
done this after a nasty trip with an external degaussing coil.

It's entirely possible that the fault is actually as you've suggested.
I'd try degaussing the middle of the line, in the hopes of shaking
the wire loose.

Get a rubber mallet and hit it in the face - pretty hard. If the
aperture grill lines are twisted, that will set them straight. I've
done this after a nasty trip with an external degaussing coil.
Simply lifting the set and dropping it gently (???) might fix the problem.
This happend to my Sony WEGA in March when it was moved from the LR to the
BR. The splotch disappeared, and has not come back.

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