John Muchow
With a DAQ module like the NI USB-6008
(http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/14604) or DATAQ DI-158
(http://www.dataq.com/products/startkit/di158.htm) how does the gain
setting affect the resolution of the measurement?
For example, asusme a DAQ has a 10-bit input channel, +/-10V "full
scale range", and gains of 1,2,4,8, If I set the gain to 1, I should
then have 1024 steps from -10 to +10 volts, or a resolution of
0.01953V (20V / 1024 steps).
Does that mean if I set the gain to 4, I'll have a full-scale range of
+/-2.5V and a resolution of .00244V (5V / 1024 steps)?
Or do I always have that same (approx) .020V resolution? I'm pretty
sure that's not the case, but I wanted to make sure.
John Muchow
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(http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/14604) or DATAQ DI-158
(http://www.dataq.com/products/startkit/di158.htm) how does the gain
setting affect the resolution of the measurement?
For example, asusme a DAQ has a 10-bit input channel, +/-10V "full
scale range", and gains of 1,2,4,8, If I set the gain to 1, I should
then have 1024 steps from -10 to +10 volts, or a resolution of
0.01953V (20V / 1024 steps).
Does that mean if I set the gain to 4, I'll have a full-scale range of
+/-2.5V and a resolution of .00244V (5V / 1024 steps)?
Or do I always have that same (approx) .020V resolution? I'm pretty
sure that's not the case, but I wanted to make sure.
John Muchow
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