In VHDL an operator can be overloaded. But can a new operator be
created? There is more than once I would like to use the very concise
notation available in Verilog such as the select operator. Is there a
way to create the selection operator in VHDL? Looking at the
structure, I guess it just doesn't fit the mold for VHDL with three
I know I can create a function for this such as select(sel,a,b), but I
like the form of the notation sel ? a : b, very clear and concise. I
guess I could always switch to Verilog... :^)
created? There is more than once I would like to use the very concise
notation available in Verilog such as the select operator. Is there a
way to create the selection operator in VHDL? Looking at the
structure, I guess it just doesn't fit the mold for VHDL with three
I know I can create a function for this such as select(sel,a,b), but I
like the form of the notation sel ? a : b, very clear and concise. I
guess I could always switch to Verilog... :^)