coutdown 555 timer values?

I was wondering if you could help me out identifying some of the
components in the circuit John was so kind to create for the project.

In paticular

U3 H3191
U4 HC238
U5 HC4538

Also, can't find the LED in the circuit you mentioned in your text?

U5A is a retriggerable one-shot used as a missing pulse detector and
is set, using R10, to have a period slightly longer than the longest
anticipated repetition rate of closure and release of S2, a magnetic
reed switch actuated by pedaling the bike. U1 and U2 are 7555 timers
(CMOS 555's) and are connected like a ring counter, with U1 having a
pulse width of 30 seconds, adjustable with R4, and U2 having a period
of up to about 50ms, adjustable with R6. U3 is a binary down-counter
and is used to generate mutually exclusive sequential outputs from U4,
a 3-to-8 line demultiplexer which is used to drive Q3 through Q8,
which are the playback switches for the eight voice recorders in the
system. U4-14, which goes high momentarily after 180 seconds of
continuous pedaling, also triggers U5B, a one-shot used to actuate K1,
the relay which is needed to turn on the "bells and whistles" after a
succesful three minute ride, for as long as the display needs to stay
active, that time being determined by R11 and C7.

In use, the rider mounts the bicycle and starts pedaling. Once the
LED comes on and stays illuminated continuously, s/he presses the
START switch, which will trigger U1 and load binary 1000 (decimal 8)
into U3. Then, after 30 seconds of successful pedaling have elapsed,
U1 will time out and its low-going edge will trigger U2. The
high-going leading edge of the output from U2 will clock U3 and make
it count down to decimal 7, which will, after the delay introduced by
R18 and C8, make U4-9 go true and turn on Q3, starting the first 20
second voice recorder.

The delay is necessary because it takes time for U3 to count, and if
the same signal which caused it to count is applied upstream, before
the count is done, the ballgame will be over.

So, what'll happen is that as long as the pedal speed is fast enough,
every thirty seconds after the START switch is pressed the counter
will select a new voice recorder and a short pulse will be sent to
trigger it and it'll do what it's supposed to do.

To finish up, when U4-15 goes high, it'll turn on Q1, which will reset
U1 and U2 and stop them dead in their tracks until S1 is pressed while
the LED is ON, starting a new cycle.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

Thanks, Lawrence
On 28 Jul 2005 07:10:50 -0700, "Tristar500"
<> wrote:

I was wondering if you could help me out identifying some of the
components in the circuit John was so kind to create for the project.

In paticular

U3 H3191
74HC191, 4 bit binary up/down counter.
Digi-Key P/N: 296-8260-5-ND

U4 HC238
74HC238, 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer.
Digi-Key P/N: 497-1799-5-ND

U5 HC4538
74HC4538, dual retriggerable monostable multivibrator.
Digi-Key P/N: 296-12811-5-ND

U1, U2, 7555 CMOS timer.
ICM7555CN, Digi-Key P/N: 568-1191-5-ND

HLMP-4700, high efficiency red LED
Digi-Key P/N: HLMP4700-ND

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer

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